Moonshine still: device, types, characteristics, drawings

The moonshine still (its device will be described in the article) is represented by a wide range of models. First of all, it should be noted well-known brands that have an attractive design and are made of high quality materials. In addition, such units are equipped with electric heating, and their cost is quite high. The basis of such devices are stainless steel or copper. When connecting parts resort to argon welding.

Moonshine stills device

Varieties of moonshines

Moonshine still, the device of which depends on the features of a particular model, can have many designs. Recently, their number has replenished with miniature distilleries. The main distinguishing feature of such devices is the uniformity of use. It is enough to connect the unit to power supply and water and fill it with a brag. Temperature control and other parameters are not needed. The device turns off automatically when the alcohol is ready.

Portuguese alambiki are very popular. They are made of copper. The distillation cube has a round shape. The adapter looks like a swan’s neck. This configuration provides a clear condensate outlet. Due to this, the level of alcohol concentration increases significantly. Alambiki are used in the production of vintage wines.

Moonshine still device and characteristics

Universal designs that are assembled in 19 minutes are widespread. Such a device serves for distillation and distillation.

What is a moonshine maker?

Moonshine still, device and characteristics which may have dissimilar indicators, depending on the model and brand of the manufacturer, in any case includes the basic components:

  • A container for mash or a cube for haulage should be made of durable metal. Often, models of the unit for moonshining contain a heater, which eliminates the heating of the device. Most often, stainless steel is used as the material for making the cube.
  • Thermometer. It is needed to monitor the boiling process. Otherwise, the quality of the liquor will be low.
  • Coil or connecting element. It is he who passes alcohol vapors that fall into the sucker.
  • Sukhoparnik acts as a vapor purifier from fusel oils and other harmful compounds. This device is also called a reflux condenser. He catches heavy fumes. Often this component is used as a saturation of moonshine with aroma. For this purpose, a lemon peel is put in a steamer.
  • Refrigerator. There the steam condenses into a solution of alcohol.
    The device of a moonshine still with a steam generator drawings

What is the principle of moonshine

The device operates according to different schemes, depending on which model is meant. For example, take the classic design with a coil.

In this configuration, the alcohol containing mash is brought to a boil in a sealed container to which the coil is connected. In home-made devices, cans, a tank, a flask from 25 to 38 liters act as containers. A pan is often used. When boiling, the vapors from the mash are discharged into the coil, where the liquid cools due to the constant circulation of cold water in the outer part of the coil. Condensate flows into the prepared container in the form of moonshine.

At the beginning of boiling, low-boiling components evaporate from the mash, and the content of heavy-boiling components increases. Alcohol is not fully extracted from the mash, which affects the quality of moonshine.

To avoid this negative factor, a dry steam tank or a reflux condenser is included in the design of a moonshine still. The device of a moonshine still with a steamer, the drawings of which are presented in the article, involves the elimination of heavy boiling components through condensation.

The dephlegmator is located between the cube and the coil. It is represented by a capacity of 3 liters. It is the process of condensation of heavy boiling components.

The device of the steamer in the moonshine

Moonshine without a coil

Basically, all types of moonshine stills and their device assume the presence of a coil. But there are schemes where you can do without this component. The priority of this design is ease of manufacture, but not use. Such moonshines are home-made and do not always give a high quality product.

Their basis is a large-capacity pan - 50 liters or more. Mash is poured into it. A container for collecting moonshine is lowered into the mash. It floats on the surface of the liquid, sometimes rises above the surface of the mash on a special stand.

Scheme of moonshine with a steam tank

Sukhoparnik is not a mandatory component of the device. The reflux condenser acts as a purification of the future alcoholic drink from fusel oils, thereby improving its quality. The device of a moonshine still with a steam generator, the drawings of which are presented above, is based on the fact that the boiling point of harmful components is higher than that of ethyl alcohol. In the reflux condenser, harmful oils condense and cease to evaporate, since heat energy is expended on the evaporation of light components.

DIY moonshine

Pros of a sukhoparnik

Sukhoparnik cleans moonshine much more efficiently than chemicals (manganese, soda, activated carbon). Installing a steamer is easy. It can be connected with any distillation cube. It acts as a secondary distillation.

What do you need to make a homemade steamer?

You will need:

  • a glass jar of 2 or 3 liters with a tight metal lid;
  • two threaded connections on the outside;
  • two nuts;
  • pencil;
  • adhesive with a high level of thermal stability;
  • awl.

Manufacturing instruction

The device of the steamer in the moonshine still involves the following actions:

  • The diameter of the holes in the areas of the future connection should be outlined. The fittings are applied to the lid of the can and circled in pencil.
  • With the help of an awl, holes are made along the intended lines until the metal of the lid is rubbed through.
  • Fittings are installed that are fastened with nuts. For high-quality sealing, the holes on both sides are treated with glue.
  • The sukhoparnik is hermetically connected to the device and the refrigerator.
    Germany moonshine still device and characteristics

In order for the mash to not get into the moonshine, it is advised to place an introduction tube 20 mm below the outlet. This extra precaution will be very useful for beginners in home brewing. To increase the efficiency of the functioning of the reflux condenser, it should be insulated. For example, something is made of felt like a glass for a can, or they resort to using other insulation material.

In factory-made models, the moonshine unit with a steamer is made of stainless steel. The device of a moonshine with their own hands for a similar design is quite problematic.

If you do not want to waste time making this part, you can purchase a ready-made moonshine. In today's market there is a wide selection of units of different volumes and technical parameters.

Moonshine still "Germany"

High German quality at a very affordable price is what characterizes this device. Compared to other units, it is characterized by a high level of productivity and a range of innovative solutions in the field of design. The Germany moonshine still, the device and characteristics of which allow producing high-quality alcoholic beverages at the lowest possible cost of products, has been widely recognized in the domestic market. For example, from 2-3 kg of granulated sugar the unit produces 3 liters of pure drink.

Japan moonshine still device and characteristics

Unit design

The device is distinguished by high quality welding and the absence of seams.

The Germany moonshine still, the device and characteristics of which show that it is thought out to the smallest detail, has the following indicators:

  • wide connection tubes eliminate the risk of clogging;
  • a bimetallic thermometer determines the boiling time of moonshine and the end of distillation;
  • a wide neck allows thorough washing of the unit from the inside;
  • steel with a thickness of 2 mm eliminates the burning of the drink.

The device is made of high quality stainless steel. It is made to standard EN 1.4301, adopted in Europe. This means that the drink will be clean.

All compounds contain food-grade silicone gaskets, thanks to which the distiller is absolutely tight during moonshining. You will not feel the unpleasant smell of alcohol at home.

The arcuate tube allows the reflux to flow back into the cube. Thus, the alcohol concentration at the outlet will be higher than that of units with an outlet tube in the form of an angle.

Cleaning tap

The unit "Germany" is equipped with a crane for draining the stillage. The thick, which remains after the distillation of the wort, spills out. The crane provides easy pouring of bards. Unscrewing the top cover of the device is not required. This allows you to not interrupt the process of home brewing. This design feature favorably distinguishes the unit in a number of other devices on the market.

Wide neck

An ergonomic cone-shaped tank and a wide enough neck make the process of pouring the mash, as well as washing after distillation simple and convenient. The removable silicone gasket, which is located on the neck, gives high tightness to the device. At the same time, odors are eliminated.

Convenience of a steamer

The optimized design of the reflux condenser, the presence of a removable lid for the preparation of exotic drinks, and a specially designed faucet for draining fusel oils make it possible to make a drink that is absolutely safe for health.

Device Options

Unit "Germany" consists of:

  • twelve liter tank;
  • a steam tank;
  • a refrigerator;
  • a thermometer;
  • food hoses.

In addition to it, the buyer receives a recipe book.

Moonshine still "Japan"

The unit "Japan" ("Varisam") is a miracle of technology made in Taiwan.

In the domestic market, this model appeared in 2015. Its cost is quite high.

The Japan moonshine still, the device and the characteristics of which indicate that it sufficiently pays for the money spent on it, differs from the point of view of moonshiners by its unusual nature, both in design and configuration.

Device Options

The volume of the distillation cube apparatus is 28 liters. This is a standard indicator. No other configuration options are available. The unit is placed in a small box, unpacking which, you will see many different parts. The device falls into your hands completely disassembled. Collect it is not difficult. The attached instructions will help.

The package, in addition to distillation hoses, taps and a recipe book, also includes a water seal. It serves to transform the device of the device for tincture of mash. There is also a set of measuring dishes, which will please fans of accuracy when cooking moonshine.

Design features of the device

The Japan moonshine still is made of high-quality food steel . Its seams are perfect. Such devices are not produced in our country.

The device has an unusual steamer and a refrigerator. The peculiarity of the reflux condenser is that, according to engineers, it separates all malicious components and does not allow them to get into the finished product. Due to this component, ethyl, methyl and water lend themselves to easy purification. Ceramic fillers, wood chips and aromatic additives are used as a filter.

Innovative solutions were also used to create a refrigerator - the main component of a moonshine unit. It has a dual configuration. Combined cooling consists of two heat exchangers - a coil and a shell tube. Indeed, an ideal solution that increases the distillation capacity to 3 liters per hour.

To summarize

The units "Germany" and "Japan" deserve the highest praise. Moonshines, the device, design and performance level of which are very good, are designed for use by both experienced movers and beginners.


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