Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation: decree, what privileges gives, conditions for receiving

The certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation is a State award, a form of encouragement for services to ensure state security and the defense of the Fatherland, the protection of health and life, the strengthening of the rule of law, the protection of freedoms and rights of citizens, in the economy, state building, culture, science, art, education, upbringing, charitable activities, sports and other merits. What privileges and privileges are given to its owner?


The procedure for receiving such encouragement is regulated by two main legislative acts - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2008 N 487 "On the Certificate of Appreciation and Appreciation of the President" (as amended and amended) and the Regulation on the Certificate of Appreciation and Declaration of Appreciation of the President.

Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation is a state award

Who is awarded? Terms of receipt

Honorary diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation are awarded to citizens who hold public office of the country and government offices of its subjects, government officials, prominent figures in the fields of culture, science, art, education and sports, education, authoritative representatives of business circles and the public, as well as citizens who contributed a significant contribution to the implementation of public policy projects of the country, which are, as a rule, widely popular.

Gratitude is declared to Russian citizens with merit, which are prescribed in clause 1 of the above Regulation on letters of honor of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as to collectives of organizations, enterprises and institutions, regardless of ownership. In addition, stateless persons and foreign citizens can be awarded with it, they can also be declared gratitude from the head of state.

Initiation of motions

Applications for the delivery of the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation and declaration of gratitude may be initiated by local government structures of municipalities, as well as organizations, enterprises and institutions, regardless of ownership. These applications are forwarded to the relevant officials, who are the heads of the highest executive structures of power of the subjects of the country or the heads of executive bodies of the federal level.

Certificate of Honor of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

The procedure for filing an application for the award of employees of state bodies of the federal scale or their apparatus, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military personnel, employees of the State Fire Fighting Service, liquidation of consequences of natural disasters and emergency situations, bodies controlling the circulation of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs, customs authorities, prosecutors, judges , The Investigative Committee, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, as well as the procedure for declaring these persons gratitude to the President elyaetsya decisions of certain federal government agencies or their vehicles.

Representatives of the awarding of an honorary diploma of the President of the Russian Federation and the announcement of gratitude are introduced by the heads of state federal bodies, officials (heads of the highest executive structures of state power) of the country's subjects and heads of representative (legislative) governing bodies of the subjects.

The plenipotentiary representative of the head of state in the federal district submits to him submissions on the award of diplomas to senior officials, bodies that are within the federal district, agrees on the submissions sent to the President on the awarding of this letter and on the announcement of presidential thanks.

For stateless persons

Presentations for the rewarding of stateless persons or foreign citizens permanently residing in the country, as well as for the encouragement in the form of a declaration of gratitude to them, are made on accepted grounds. Presentations for the rewarding of stateless persons and foreign citizens residing outside the territory of Russia, as well as for encouraging the head of state to express gratitude to them, are made by employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Such submissions should indicate information on the merits of these people referred to in paragraph 1 of the above Regulation, and information on the scientific, industrial or other achievements of such groups should be indicated in submissions of gratitude to the collectives of organizations, enterprises or institutions. What is the legal status of the Certificate of Honor of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation?

Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation

What is attached?

In this case, the following are attached to the presentation of awards:

  • extract from the decision (order, resolution, order) of the state federal body or its apparatus or authority of the subject of Russia;
  • a characteristic indicating the scientific, production and other achievements of the team or a specific person, as well as other necessary background information;
  • personal sheet for accounting personnel department.

On the award of an honorary diploma of the President of the Russian Federation and his announcement, an order is issued by the head of state.

Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation

How is the rewarding?

The diploma is awarded by the president of the country in a festive atmosphere or in accordance with his order by the head of the presidential administration, as well as his plenipotentiary representative of the president in a particular federal district. In addition, on behalf of the head of the presidential administration, another official may be awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation.

Award sheet

Award sheet - this document, which draws up the personnel department of the organization for each person submitted for the award of this promotion from the state. The document is printed on paper in A3 format with the original seal and signature. Corrections in the design of such a document are not allowed. Deletion and alteration of interlinear characters is also excluded. The rules for processing the award sheet for the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation include the following content points:

  1. Name of the subject of the country.
  2. The name of the state award (Certificate of Merit) is indicated in full, without abbreviations, the degree (if any) is also indicated.
award certificate of honor of the president of the russian federation

Graph filling

The specifics of filling in the column of the award sheet (all positions are written with a small letter, with the exception of the proper names):

  1. F. I. O. are indicated on the basis of the data of the passport in full, in the nominative case, replacement with initials or reduction is not allowed.
  2. The place of work and position shall be indicated in full, without abbreviations on the basis of an entry in the work book indicating the organizational form and name of the organization (taking into account the registration of a legal entity with the USRLE). The name of the position must necessarily correspond to the last entry in the work book.
  3. Gender is indicated without quotation marks, in full words.
  4. Date of birth is indicated digitally without spelling the word "year."
  5. Place of birth is indicated in full, indicating the name of the republic, region, territory, settlement, district based on passport information, without reduction
  6. If the person presented for the award has two or more entities, it is necessary to indicate them in chronological order.
  7. The academic rank, academic degree, as well as the title of state scientific academies are indicated with a comma. If such information is not available, a mark is put - it does not, without quotes.
  8. Information about what state awards a person has already been awarded, and dates of awarding. Only the awards of the RSFSR, the USSR and the Russian Federation and the year of awarding the figures should be indicated.
  9. Information on the availability of departmental, regional awards and the date of awards - according to the seniority of the department in whose structure the represented person works, the date of awarding.
  10. The home address is entered according to the passport, in the nominative case, separated by commas, without abbreviations.
  11. The total length of service in a particular industry, position is indicated by the number of full years, without months. Work experience in a specific position is indicated only for employees in managerial positions.
  12. Description and indication of the concrete merits of a citizen. It must meet the criteria of statutes of orders, provisions on honorary titles, medals and disclose the degree of their significance for the state over the past five years.
Awarding the honorary diploma of the President of the Russian Federation

Chest sign

Badges are awarded to all citizens who have been awarded the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation. This sign is made of silver, with gilding, has a diameter of 20 mm and is a golden round laurel wreath. On the front side, the wreath is covered with ruby ​​enamel, in the middle there is an overlay image in the form of a national coat of arms. On the back there is a number and a special device for attaching a sign to clothes.

What benefits does the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation give?

The list of benefits to which an awarded citizen is entitled includes various privileges of a federal and regional scale. It:

  • free medical care, inpatient care and emergency care;
  • the provision of annual basic leave at any time of the year without taking into account the vacation schedule;
  • repair and manufacture of dentures by specialists of municipal and state dental clinics subject to payment of materials;
  • 50% discount on all utilities;
  • free use of public transport in suburban, city and local with the exception of commercial taxis;
  • advanced training and retraining at the expense of the employer;
  • additional allowance monthly;
  • exemption from transport and land tax;
  • property tax exemption;
  • receiving some tax deductions for the purchase of a land plot or housing.
Certificate of Honor of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

The above is not the entire list of benefits to a citizen who received an honorary diploma from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The full range of benefits may vary depending on regional legislation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21739/

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