Welding pencil: overview, characteristics and application features

Over time, any material loses its properties and is destroyed. In this case, problems can arise at the most unexpected moment, when there is no suitable equipment for repair at hand. In this case, a welding pencil is useful. It will help to make temporary repairs even in extreme conditions.

general description

welding pencil

The product is a rod of cylindrical shape, the diameter of which is 4-16 mm, and the length is 7-20 cm. A pre-compacted esothermic mixture is placed in the combustible shell, which includes solders and fluxes. They stand out after the welding pencil is heated to a certain temperature.

Thanks to this product, you have the opportunity to form a welding seam in any conditions. With this tool you can carry out not only soldering of materials, but also cutting. Welding pencils are produced by different companies, and they can have different properties.

Product Advantages

It has the following advantages:

  • The ability to carry out work in the absence of any energy supply. You can take it with you on a long journey, various trips where there are no outlets or other sources of energy.
  • The implementation of repairs in the home, field and even extreme conditions.
  • Quick recovery of damaged products.
  • Resistance to temperature up to 180 degrees.
  • High-quality sealing compounds.
  • Versatility and small size, which allows you to carry the product in a regular bag.
  • Ignition from ordinary matches.
  • Reasonable cost.

Where is the product used?

welding pencil extreme

Welding pencil can be used to connect vertical, inclined and horizontal seams. It can be used to:

  1. Repair and installation work in extreme conditions.
  2. Rapid repair of breakdowns in cars, water and rail.
  3. Welding wires made of copper.
  4. Repair of heating systems and pipelines.
  5. Sealing cracks and chips of bronze, cast iron.
  6. Corrections of deficiencies in agricultural machinery.
  7. Metal cutting in difficult conditions.

A welding pencil is used, the price of which is 60-150 rubles. and more, for processing such materials: steel, iron, aluminum, copper, as well as thick plastic, ceramics and slate.


nano solder welding pencil

The product has the following parameters:

  • Rod Burning Time (Average): 20 seconds.
  • The maximum combustion temperature of the product: 2200-2800 degrees.
  • Allocated alloys: iron, copper, chromium, manganese, nickel, silicon.
  • Seam length: 8-15 cm. This parameter depends on the type and thickness of the material that needs to be welded.

Manufacturers at a Glance

welding pencil Price

There are different types of pencils for welding. Each of the product brands has its own characteristics:

  1. Oksal. Products of this manufacturer are distinguished by their high efficiency in the absence of any energy sources. Enough to have a box of matches or a lighter. Work to restore the integrity of materials can be carried out in a wide temperature range (-85 - +85 degrees).
  2. Nanopike. The welding pencil of this manufacturer has a low cost (150 rubles). It can be used to repair plastic products, enameled dishes, slate, as well as other roofing materials. Pencil and wood products, galvanized metal solder well. One element can be used up to 30 times, since it is spent very economically.
  3. Welding pencil "Extreme." This product is also used for processing metals and enameled surfaces. The cost of such a product is about 60 rubles / pc. It provides 60-70% of the strength of arc welding.

As you can see, the product has a fairly high efficiency, however, for a thorough connection of materials it should not be used.

Features of the connection of some types of seams

welding pencil reviews

Welding pencil (St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow - this is far from all the cities in which you can purchase it) must be used correctly. Different types of seams are processed differently:

  • Horizontal most often overlap. In this case, the materials must be laid on a metal lining, asbestos or brick. Any flammable objects in this case are not used, for example: wood, plastic.
  • Vertical joints are processed using a special shelf, which is fixed slightly below the soldering point. This prevents molten metal from spreading. The shelf is fixed with a clamp.
  • To cut metals, it is necessary to melt them much more slowly than usual. In this case, you do not need laying under the materials at all.

How to use the product

welding pencil spb

Before starting the manipulation, you must carefully prepare your workplace. For example, those surfaces that will be machinable should first be cleaned of rust, dirt, oxidation, paint residues, grease stains. The materials to be welded must be joined together very tightly. For this purpose, a clamp is used.

Further, the use of the product is made in the following sequence:

  1. Set the pencil on fire. The field where the maximum temperature is reached, fluxes and solders begin to stand out from it, which should be applied to the damaged area.
  2. The presented product ceases to burn long before this occurs with the working surface. That is, it continues to burn for some time. Naturally, safety rules should be followed at this time: do not touch the hot surface with your hands.
  3. Next, try not to do anything for 20 seconds, then solder the molten mass with a pencil into the prepared surface.

Please note that any work with a pencil requires careful observance of safety rules. Before working, try on special clothing, safety glasses, and gloves. Never take the product with your bare hands. In addition, it is necessary to hold a lighted pencil with pliers or other tools at some distance from yourself. This will prevent you from getting burns.

Product Reviews

Naturally, before you buy the specified product, I want to know the opinion of other users about it. If you want to use a welding pencil, reviews will help you determine the manufacturer, consider the properties of the product.

However, the opinions of other users regarding this issue are contradictory: both negative and positive. For example, it is noted that the product emits a fairly strong fire, and also after its use a very unpleasant odor remains. However, the pencil is for welding and should not smell like toilet water. Many find the product useful enough to fit in a repair backpack. The excellent cutting properties of this product are noted.

However, almost all users note that using it everywhere and is always not worth it. It is best used for partial or temporary repairs. Further, the damaged area must be repaired thoroughly. It is best to use a pencil in really extreme situations, when there is simply no other way to achieve the desired result. That's all the features of the product. Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21740/

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