How to transplant an orchid at home: features and recommendations

Fans of indoor plants very carefully and carefully look after their "pets": they control humidity, fertilize the soil, remove excess leaves and stems. Another important procedure that affects the quality and life expectancy of an indoor flower is a transplant. This is a very sensitive issue, especially if it concerns exotic or demanding care plants. One of these flowers is an orchid. Even experienced indoor plant breeders can not always tell how to transplant an orchid so that it does not disappear and bloom on time.

Brief description of indoor orchids

The evolutionary history of the flower is quite long, since it has more than 80 million years. Currently, more than 25 thousand plant species are distinguished. Many of them were bred by the selection method. Initially, the flower lived exclusively in the tropics, but now it can be met on the windowsill of almost any home.

variety of color schemes

Orchid has distinctive features that are unique to her. It is these data that characterize the plant in wildlife. To know how to transplant an orchid correctly, you need to know the main characteristics of an indoor plant:

  1. The roots of the flower are thick, round or flattened. Such their structure helped in the wild when collecting moisture and strengthening the flower on almost any surface in nature.
  2. A flower loves moisture, since a thick stem and dense leaves require a large amount of fluid to support life and photosynthesis.
  3. The stems of the plant are quite high, so auxiliary support is often required. In the box of each leaf is the future bud. A plant can produce up to a hundred flowers during flowering. The diameter depends on the type of orchid.

Is there a need for an orchid transplant in general?

Indoor gardeners know that an orchid is a very capricious flower that requires constant care and attention. In this case, excessive custody can also harm the flower. A particular threat lies in the improper stopping of leaves, dried flowers and transplanting. Therefore, many novice gardeners are interested in, is it possible to transplant an orchid in general?

bulging root system

Timely transplantation is one of the main points of proper plant care. The procedure is necessary for the following reasons:

  • The root system of the orchid over time occupies the entire space in the flower pot, which leads to coarsening of the soil.
  • Often, the roots simply push the soil out of the pot, which leads to a lack of food.
  • Over time, water during irrigation begins to be delayed by the root system, which leads to their decay.
  • If the capacity is large and the root system does not stick out, then a transplant will still be needed. A flower absorbs all nutrients from the soil within 2-3 years - it all depends on the base.

Between transplants, it is necessary to feed the soil. The transplant itself should not be done more often than after 2 years, since this procedure is fraught with stress for the plant.

The best time for a transplant

Experienced flower beds have noticed that after transplanting orchids for a while can stop developing, grow poorly, and not bloom for a long time. This is due to the stress that the flower carries during the process of changing the food environment.

Sometimes growth and development are affected by the wrong timing of capacity changes or premature transplantation. Therefore, it is worth considering several factors regarding the choice of the most optimal periods for the flower.

It is also necessary to remember when you can transplant an orchid, and when not:

  • The procedure is carried out no more than 1 time in 2 years.
  • Plan a transplant in the spring when the phase of orchid growth is highest.
  • During the period of active flowering, do not disturb the flower.
  • Even if the soil looks bad, and the time for transplanting has not yet come, the flower looks healthy and strong, you do not need to disturb it.

If you consider all the factors, then the moment for the implementation of the plan is easy to choose on your own and without harm to the plant.

What you need to know for a quality transplant

There are many factors that influence the quality and outcome of an orchid transplant. Inexperienced housewives and beginners usually have a lot of questions.

For beginner flower growers, the most popular question is about capacity: are orchids transplanted into ceramic or darkened flower pots? Experienced gardeners know that it is advisable to choose transparent containers. In such pots, you can easily make drainage holes in the required quantity. And most importantly, it is easy to monitor the condition and development of the root system of the plant, which is very important in the process of care.

in what capacity should the orchid grow

Properly selected soil is also an important point. The type of culture medium determines the timing of transplantation and the quality of life of the orchid. Wood substrate provides the longest possible period of conservation of the nutrient medium - 3 years. It is worth taking care of the means for disinfecting and cutting the roots.

To carry out high-quality processing of the root system, special skills are needed. It is worth, for example, to take small florist courses or attend an experienced gardener during the procedure.

Preparation before performing the transplant procedure

Before transplanting the orchid into another pot, you need to make the right preparation: pick up a new container, arrange the tools, choose the primer and disinfectants.

To prepare for the transplant, you should:

  • Buy a plastic transparent pot so that you can monitor the development of the root system.
  • The soil should have an acidity of 5.5-6.5 pH, it is worth choosing a wood base.
  • For disinfection, it is worth choosing activated carbon, cinnamon powder, antifungal and antiparasitic agents.
  • Filtered water and spray.

To protect the hands and the transplant itself, auxiliary tools and materials will be required.

Step-by-step instructions for plant transplantation

When it is possible to transplant an orchid, it is very simple to determine, but after this moment another problem arises, how to transplant. Orchid transplantation is not performed according to the standard scenario. One mistake - and the plant will die. If each of the steps is performed qualitatively, then there will be no threat regarding the growth of the flower.

plant transplantation principle

How to transplant an orchid at home, step-by-step instructions for a novice florist are given below. She will help to do this without risk to the plant.

  1. Remove the flower from the old container so as not to damage the root system. The old pot can be slightly mashed to separate the roots from the walls.
  2. Remove old soil from the roots by rinsing the soil under running water.
  3. Cut rotten and dry shoots of roots, check for pests. Disinfect cuts with activated charcoal or cinnamon.
  4. Place in a special antibacterial solution for 15-20 minutes. Warm purified water is also suitable.
  5. Cut the lower flaccid leaves and bulbs with sharp scissors and treat the slices with the same tool as the roots.
  6. Dry the roots for 8 hours after processing. Put the plant on a paper towel or napkin.
  7. Prepare a transparent container: disinfect the walls and bottom, lay out a thin layer of drainage.
  8. Set the plant in the middle of a new pot and gradually fill the soil. It is not necessary to ram the substrate.
  9. Spray the top of the plant with warm water, which is well cleaned.

The transplant process is fully completed. In the future, it is important to properly care for the plant.

How to transplant an orchid through a baby

In the place where the flower should appear, sometimes a baby appears, that is, a process. The process develops its own root system and stem. The time comes when there is a need for transplantation of the process.

revealing baby orchids

And how to transplant baby orchids. Everything is extremely clear and relatively simple:

  1. Separate the baby from the parent plant when the roots of the appendix reach 4 centimeters. The slice must be done in centimeter from parent to root.
  2. Put the baby in a solution with growth hormone. The stay in a special liquid is at least 20 minutes.
  3. Transplant the baby into a plastic pot with holes and gently spray with clean water.
  4. Place the seedling in a plastic bag for a week. Open the bag periodically to ventilate the plant.

Planting by using the root

One of the most optimal plant breeding methods is root separation. This method is relevant when the root system of the orchid is too voluminous and requires a decrease in size.

root system preparation

You can transplant the orchid root according to the following scheme:

  1. Remove the plant from the pot.
  2. Rinse the roots under water.
  3. Examine for parasites and damaged parts.
  4. Divide into two equal halves using sharp scissors or a knife.
  5. Treat slices with an antiseptic. Place in growth solution.
  6. Put in a pot and cover with a substrate.

Breeding a flower in several ways

Knowing how to transplant an orchid into a pot, you can reproduce a tropical plant. Florists distinguish four main ways:

  • The method of separation of the stems.
  • Transplanting baby.
  • Division of the root system.
  • Side shoot escapement.
orchid breeding principle

Each of the options presented requires transplantation and treatment of the roots of the plant.

Features of orchid care after transplantation

It is not enough to know how to transplant an orchid, it is important to properly care for the plant during the recovery period:

  • Set transplanted flower to shadow.
  • The room should not be too hot: the optimum temperature is 22 degrees.
  • Watering is done 1 time in 5 days using a spray gun.
  • Once every 7 days, spray the upper part of the plant with warm water and wipe with a cloth.
  • Fertilize the soil one month after transplanting.

At first, you should adhere to a strict care schedule.

Resuscitation methods in case of unsuccessful transplantation

Even if you follow all the conditions for how to transplant an orchid without threatening the plant, unforeseen circumstances can happen. The indoor flower may begin to fade, the roots chase, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. This does not mean that the plant will completely disappear. It is worth taking emergency measures to save what remains of the orchid. Usually the whole problem is hidden in the root system.

Stages of resuscitated orchids:

  1. Check the root system for rotting. The roots should be firm to the touch. It is worth identifying whole processes of rhizome. Particular attention should be paid to the bright processes. Color determines age.
  2. Using a sharp pruner or pruning shears, trim rotten roots to a healthy, dense tissue. Dry root sections are also removed.

If during the cleaning process there are still many healthy processes, the plant is transplanted into new soil and well looked after. When the entire root system is practically absent, then it is necessary to continue the work of rescue.

  1. Dry the flower on a paper towel for an hour. Do not leave the plant in the sun or outdoors.
  2. Stage of disinfection. Powdered by activated carbon, lubricate the places of cuts of root processes. Instead of activated carbon, you can take cinnamon powder.
  3. Place the roots in a fungicide solution for a quarter of an hour. This procedure will help get rid of spores of harmful fungi and bacteria.
  4. After the flower is planted in a new substrate.

Quite large plants can have so-called kids. Therefore, the question arises, how to transplant an orchid baby with rotten roots. The principle is no different from resuscitation of an adult plant. After the "salvation" of the orchid for a long time will require special care.


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