Assistance to young families in acquiring housing: a program from the state

Many people are interested in the question of what kind of help a young family can be provided by the state. The President announces the answer annually when communicating with citizens of the Russian Federation in a straight line.

help for young families

To date, there are a number of government programs that assist young families in acquiring their own housing — these are Maternity Capital and Affordable Housing for Young Families.

How to get your own home?

During the crisis in Russia, the issue of acquiring housing is an acute issue. Prices on the real estate market can not afford the majority. And therefore, young families are forced to live with their parents or wander in rented apartments.

help to a young family from the state

A state program called “Affordable Housing for a Young Family” provides an opportunity to acquire your own apartment or house. Under this program, assistance to a young family is provided at the expense of the federal budget. In 2016, 30% of the cost of housing is paid by the state, and 70% is personal investment.

To take advantage of this offer, you need to contact the local administration in order to familiarize yourself with the criteria of the proposed program. Indeed, not every family has a chance.

Program criteria

Who can count on social support? State assistance to young families in acquiring housing is provided only if they meet the following criteria:

  • Spouses must be under 35 years old. If the family is incomplete, then the age of one of the parents must also comply with this requirement.
  • Newlyweds must receive advance status as needing better housing conditions.
  • A family must have at least one child. This factor may not be the main one, but its presence allows us to expect an increase in the amount of support from the state.
  • The financial situation of the newlyweds should allow payment of the remaining amount of the acquisition (payment immediately upon purchase or monthly repayment of a mortgage loan). This paragraph provides for documentary evidence of it.
  • The program is designed only for citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • The absence of each spouse's own housing.

help program for a young family

Inconsistency with at least one criterion precludes state assistance to a young family.

Opportunities for Young Families - Affordable Housing

Under this project, assistance to young families is carried out in the following areas.

  • The acquisition of your own home.
  • Improving housing conditions. A subsidy is issued for major repairs.
  • The possibility of building your own living quarters.
  • The “Helping a Young Family” program provides for the repayment of a mortgage loan, the conclusion of the contract of which must be dated no later than January 2011.
  • It makes it possible to pay a down payment on a mortgage.

assistance to a young family in acquiring housing

These areas of the program may be amended annually. To clarify them, you must contact the local authorities.

Documents for participation in the target project

Of course, this is a very important program in social terms. Helping a young family involves providing a young couple with the following documents.

  • Availability of a certificate of non-compliance with housing conditions for living and raising children.
  • Certificate of income of each of the parents, in the case of an incomplete family - one.
  • Information on the size of the dwelling, for each family member should be no more than 15 square meters. If, according to this criterion, the excess of the established norm is at least 1 centimeter, the application is not subject to consideration.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Photocopy of marriage certificate. With an incomplete family, accordingly, the implementation of this paragraph is not required.
  • Photocopies of passports of both parents (all pages).
  • Photocopies of birth certificates of children.
  • In addition, it is necessary to provide certificates of the financial and housing situation of the family, as well as a loan, the registration of which was earlier than January 2011, in cases where the family took a mortgage before the start of the state program.

help to a young family

In addition, this list can be supplemented by the necessary presence of other documents established specifically in the region where the family lives.

2016 adjustments

In 2016, the following adjustments were made to this target project that assists a young family in acquiring housing.

  • An increase in living space per person. So, in 2011 it was 10 square meters, and now 15.
  • An increase in the percentage of state funding with priority for couples with children (the percentage of assistance may be 40% for a family of 4 people).

The process of applying for a housing subsidy. Where to begin?

You can count on helping a young family in acquiring housing only by legitimizing their relationship, since one of the main points of the program is the availability of a marriage certificate.

state assistance to young families in acquiring housing
Next, the young couple should visit the local administration in order to find out the rules for participation in the target state project and get a list for the provision of the necessary documents. The next step should be to collect documentation and apply for participation.

It is necessary to wait for the consideration of documents and, in the case of a positive answer, stand in line for state assistance. Having received a subsidy, you can deal with the purchase of housing and paperwork for him.

These simple actions provide an opportunity to receive state assistance to young families and solve their housing problem.

Disadvantages of the program “Affordable Housing for a Young Family”

It seems to many people who count on the help of a young family in purchasing housing from the state that, having submitted an application, they should immediately receive money. This is far from the case. The following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The application review process takes a fairly large amount of time.
  • The number of families applying is constantly growing, and accordingly, from the time of application to the receipt of the subsidy, it may take about 2 years.
  • Subsidies can only be obtained by officially employed citizens.
  • Assistance to a young family from the state varies within the amount of 2,200,000 rubles.
  • Citizens who registered later than 2011 do not have the right to purchase secondary market housing.
  • When applying for a mortgage purchase of real estate, it is necessary to repay it monthly, the young family must in this case correctly calculate their financial capabilities.
  • Residential premises are acquired in the region where the application was submitted.
  • When applying for participation, age must be considered. If at the time of receiving the subsidy one of the spouses is 35 years old, then automatically the refusal follows.

Other ways to purchase your own home

Of course, participation in the program “Affordable Housing for Young Families” is a good thing. But what to do to people who did not get into the target project for one reason or another? What assistance can be provided to young families? In this case, you can consider other options. For example, if one of the spouses is a young specialist, he should be provided with living space. In addition, it is possible to use “maternity capital” for the purchase of housing with three children in the family. The state also makes it possible to obtain land for construction.

what help to a young family
If the spouse is a serviceman, then you can become on the preferential line of obtaining a state apartment.

The list of necessary documentation may vary depending on the method of purchasing a home. The opportunity to use state support is provided once in a lifetime, regardless of the name of the target projects.

You need to remember that there are no hopeless situations, you just need to look for solutions. And the state can always come to the rescue.


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