M500-cement: types and scope

Cement is a loose mixture that consists of clinker. Often also gypsum or its derivatives and various special additives are added. When combined with water, it turns into a mushy mass, which subsequently hardens in air and turns into a durable, very hard stone.

Portland cement (M500-cement) is a hydraulic astringent in which aluminate and calcium silicate predominate (up to 70-80%). It is widely used in almost all countries and occupies one of the leading places in the market of building materials in the CIS and Ukraine. Use it in the construction of capital buildings, in production, etc.

cement in bags m500

Cement M500: scope

This brand of cement is used for the following works:

  • The construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures.
  • In road construction.
  • In airfield construction.
  • For the production of floors, hydraulic structures located in fresh water.
  • For concrete work with quick stripping.
  • Making the foundation, floor slabs and beams in housing.
  • Production of mortars for building plastering.

cement m500 50 kg


Cement M500 is very popular and in demand. It has the following qualities:

  • Great durability. M500-cement is the most durable cement mixture used in industrial construction. As a rule, it is used in the production of reinforced concrete pipes, road pavement, supports for high-voltage lines, the manufacture of paving slabs , etc.
  • Frost resistance. Due to this property, it is resistant to alternating freezing and subsequent thawing. However, pure cement does not have such properties, they are given to it by special modifying additives. If the design requires increased frost resistance, it is hydrophobic M500 cement that is chosen.
  • Corrosion Resistance It is not exposed to the negative effects of the external environment. The pozzolanic brand is highly resistant to corrosion. It is used for the construction of underwater and underground structures.
  • Water resistance.

cement m500

Types of cement M500

Portland cement is of the following types:

  • quick hardening;
  • hydrophobic;
  • road;
  • plasticized;
  • with moderate exothermy;
  • sulfate resistant;
  • with surfactant organic additives;
  • white and color.

Cement marking M500

Cement has differences in brand and in the number of additives. The abbreviation "PC" or "M" is a brand. The number 500 is the level of its strength. This means that in the finished form the material is able to withstand the weight of 500 kg per 1 cm 2 and at the same time not collapse. Individual parameters next to the brand (indicated by the letter "D") show the level of mineral additives in percent. For example, "D20" means that the composition of cement has 20% active additives. Additives in cement are used to improve technological characteristics (increase corrosion resistance, ductility, strength characteristics).

There are also several of its varieties with specific properties. They are marked with a specific abbreviation:

  • “B” is quick hardening.
  • "N" - normalized cement (based on clinker).
  • "SS" is sulfate resistant.

m500 cement

Different grades of cement, scope and purpose

Cement M500 D0 is used in industrial construction in the manufacture of critical reinforced concrete and concrete structures, which are subject to increased requirements (for example, durability, water resistance, frost resistance).

Cement M500 D20 is used in industrial, agricultural and residential construction for the production of reinforced concrete, foundations, beams, floor slabs, for the manufacture of building concrete mortar, masonry, plastering and other repair and construction works. This type of cement is waterproof, frost-resistant, has a reduced resistance to corrosion in comparison with conventional cement.

Cement M500 D20-PL is composed of mineral additives. It is plasticized.

As for the packaging, there is cement in bags (M500) of three-layer paper or plastic packaging (big bags). Plastic protects against moisture, is quite resistant to various damage. You can buy cement in bulk.

The weight of the package in which the M500 cement is sold is 50 kg. This is perhaps the most popular packaging option.

So, this building material has excellent quality and reasonable cost.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21758/

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