Details on what it means to “creep”

Many words come back to the modern language that were used before, and now are considered hopelessly outdated. If you want to know what “creep” means, then you should turn to old dictionaries. For example, to that compiled by Dahl. It is the most comprehensive and detailed.

Word interpretation

what does it mean
Before you figure out what “creeping” means, you need to clarify which part of the speech this word refers to. All dictionaries give us an unequivocal answer about this: lzya - an adverb. If we recall the school course of the Russian language, it means that the word cannot be changed. All the books that we have reviewed give an exact definition of what “creeping” means:
• can;
• not prohibited;
• allowed;
• allowed.

Interestingly, in the meaning of this word one can find completely unexpected interpretations, such as "easy" and "convenient."

How this word was formed

We all know the negative adverb "not," which is often used as a prohibition. "Lze" is the opposite in meaning.

Once you know what the word “lzya” means, it will not be difficult to give the meaning to the dialect opposite to it. At the same time, over time, everyone forgot about the positive word “creep”. Even in the description of spelling, the particles “not” with adverbs “negative” cannot be attributed to words that are not used without this prefix.

Who is using this deprecated expression now

what does the word leza mean
First of all, the obsolete "creep" can be heard from children. They can easily explain to you what it means to “creep”, without using dictionaries. For young people, everything is logical: if there is a “not” particle, then the word forbids, and to form the opposite, it is enough for him to remove this negative prefix.

Gradually, the word returns to the Russian language, and this is facilitated by people who communicate in social networks and games. It is used only in dialogs, that is, in speech, close to ordinary conversational. In written speech, this positive adverb is not yet used, and its use by many experts in the language is considered a mistake.


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