TBD - what does this reduction mean?

A gamer is a concept that for some time bore an almost insulting meaning. In fact, this is the name of the person who loves computer games. But more recently, this word was given a pronounced negative connotation, because games in the eyes of many were evil, which takes a person’s life, makes him aggressive, causes problems with his studies and in his personal life. It took quite a lot of time for people to understand that computer games are just another entertainment that allows a person to relax and have fun. Of course, understanding did not come to everyone, but most people are quite normal about computer games and do not see anything bad in them. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that gamers still have a language in which they can communicate with each other, but other people can hardly understand it. Using a separate example, we can analyze a similar situation, it is necessary to analyze the concept of TBD - what does it mean and why is it applied?

Incomprehensible abbreviations

tbd what does it mean

Before you take on the term TBD (what does it mean? How is it used? In what situations? For what?), You should take a broader look at the situation. The fact is that abbreviations are a completely normal part of the life of any gamer. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that in computer games in multiplayer mode there is rarely enough time to completely write the phrase that you would like. This is how abbreviations of the GL type (good luck - good luck!) Or GG (good game - a good game) are born. However, there are those abbreviations that are used just for convenience - these are the abbreviations TBD. What does this reduction mean and what is it used for? This is what will be discussed further.

Abbreviation TBD

tbd dota 2

So, it's time to examine in more detail the specific abbreviation that is often used in the field of computer games - TBD. What does this reduction mean? In fact, everything is pretty simple here. As in the case with the previous examples, this abbreviation does not hide any mysterious meanings and is decrypted very simply - To Be Determined, that is, "It will be determined." Very often, such a reduction can be found in the announcements of computer games in the column "Release Date". When the developer of a game has already announced that it is preparing to be released, but still can’t give an exact date, this reduction is used. Naturally, it can be applied in other cases, but this option is the most common. It is also worth noting that this abbreviation may have other meanings, for example, To Be Done - must be done, or To Be Discussed - to be discussed. However, in this case, these are, rather, options for business correspondence, in which abbreviations also occur periodically, which are unlikely to be understandable to the average person. Now you understand what TBD stands for. Dota 2 is a game in which it is also used. However, she had already come out, so what else could be defined here?

For example, "DotA"

What is tbd in DotA

In fact, there are a wide variety of options that now use the abbreviation TBD. Dota 2 is a game in which it has already managed to take root very much and is used everywhere. In particular, the abbreviation can be found in topics that discuss upcoming competitions and battles. TBD reduction is substituted where the adversary is not yet known. Therefore, in “DotA” sometimes funny funny things happen with the participation of newcomers who cannot understand what kind of gamer with the nickname TBD is and why nothing is known about him. Well, now you know what TBD is in DotA - this can be useful, because this game is now incredibly popular, and you should own information that can help you in its development.

TBD in other games

As you already understood, this reduction can take various forms, but most often it is used to indicate an unknown release date. Please note that this abbreviation can be used in the case of an already released game. The fact is that now in many cases the game is only a base, the basis for further additions. Add-ons, modifications, DLTs and other content are constantly being released after the release of the main game. Therefore, you can see TBD in relation to games that have already been released, if they have any additions preparing for release, but it is not yet known exactly when it will be released.

Special cases

skyrim tbd

However, do not forget that the world of games is very diverse. Therefore, this reduction may in some special cases mean something else altogether. For example, in the popular role-playing game Skyrim TBD has nothing to do with the release date of the game or add-on. This reduces the game race, whose full name sounds like Touched by Dibella. However, Dibella is not a deity that people worship, it is a game editor that allows you to change the proportions of the body, change the length and size of body parts, and so on. In general, the TBDs in Skyrim are characters that have been edited in Dibella.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21778/

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