Russian Consulate in Guangzhou: address and functions

The Russian Embassy in the PRC is a permanent diplomatic mission that deals with political issues, negotiating and upholding the interests of the Russian Federation in China. However, representation in such a large country is not enough. Therefore, in 2007, the Russian Consulate was opened in Guangzhou. Also, the Russian Consulate General is working in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenyang.

consulate of russia in guangzhou

Consulate of Russia in Guangzhou

To more clearly represent the purpose of this organization, it is worth giving a definition to this concept. In modern international practice, a consulate is understood to mean an external relations body of any country established on the territory of a partner state to perform certain functions. In the capital, as a rule, there is no separate consulate, and its functions are performed by the consular department at the embassy.

Unlike the ambassador, the consul is engaged not so much in political issues as in daily affairs in interacting with local authorities and providing services to citizens of his state who permanently reside in the territory accountable to him. Thus, the Russian Consul General in Guangzhou is responsible for cooperation with local businesses, educational and cultural institutions.

Russian consul

What does the consulate do?

The issues that Russian diplomats in Guangzhou deal with include exchanging and issuing passports, registering people permanently residing in China, and other issues of civil status acts. In addition, the Consulate General of Russia in Guangzhou is engaged in legalization of documents, translations.

One of the important functions of any consular post is the issuance of certificates. The Russian organization provides extracts on criminal records, legal capacity and kinship. At the moment, such certificates are provided when paying the consular fee of 64 yuan (320 rubles) in cash at the cash desk of the institution. In addition, you need to have your internal and foreign passports, as well as additional documents, which may include various certificates.

Visa Issues

Not only Russians, but also Chinese citizens are interested in the services of the Russian consulate in Guangzhou. After all, it is this institution that issues visas. It is worth saying that the consulate was created in 2007 to ensure an ever-expanding bilateral Russian-Chinese cooperation, including economic. However, by 2016 it became clear that a special center would be required to issue visas. It began to function in December of that year.

Russian visas are divided into several categories depending on the purpose of the trip. There are tourist, commercial, educational, working, private and even transit visas. At the same time, a tourist is not issued for more than 90 days of stay every six months.

Despite the fact that the center is operating normally, single travelers can contact the consulate directly at the address: Guangzhou City, Pearl County, Xincheng Ave. Linjiang Dadao, Building 3 (Fazhan Zhongxin Business Center).

Russian and Chinese flags

Bilateral cooperation

In addition to the daily consular service, Russian diplomats are promoting Russian culture in the PRC. Regular competitions, exhibitions, seminars and conferences are organized. Much attention is paid to the academic and scientific exchange between humanitarian and technical educational institutions of the two countries.


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