Planting tulips in autumn in Siberia? This is not difficult!

Tulips are one of the most beautiful and exquisite flowers that are grown in our country. The only problem is their relative thermophilicity, which may cause certain difficulties with their cultivation in the northern regions.

planting tulips in autumn in siberia
In addition, the planting of tulips in the fall in Siberia can even confuse even relatively experienced gardeners, what can we say about newcomers. We set ourselves the task of telling you about this process as simply and easily as possible.

By the way, why do you need to plant them in the fall? Isn't it more logical to do it in the spring? It is all about the flowering and unusual physiology of these plants. Firstly, those tulips that were planted in the spring begin to bloom much later.

In addition, planting tulips in autumn in Siberia is good because the bulbs wake up during the snow melt, as the signal for the beginning of flowering and germination is deep cooling.

Getting ready for landing

It is very important to carefully select only the strongest and most healthy bulbs before planting. If diseased specimens are found among the seed material, then you will not only not get normal flowers, but you may even lose them. In addition, tulip bulbs need to be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and antifungal drugs.

planting tulips in Siberia

Let's get started!

So, tulip planting begins in the fall in Siberia. Before that, pre-select the most lighted place on the site. It should be sheltered from the wind, but the barrier cannot be continuous, since stagnation of air leads to fungal diseases.

Note that the layer of fertile soil must have a minimum thickness of 35 cm, since flowers are extremely sensitive to this parameter. Of course, before planting the bulbs, you need to dig it up properly, adding humus, mineral fertilizers and wood ash to the soil.

Planting tulips in autumn in Siberia itself involves the preparation of planting holes with a depth of at least 15 cm, because otherwise they will simply freeze out in the harsh winters of this region. It is also not worth deeply digging: the bulb may not have enough growth energy to overcome an excessively thick layer of the earth.

Between adjacent holes, leave at least 10 cm of free space. If the bulbs are small, then this distance can be shortened. Keep in mind that planting tulips in autumn in Siberia will give excellent results if you plant large seeds in the center, "duplicating" it on the sides with small bulbs. In this case, large plants will not block the light of their small relatives, and such a composition will look much more harmonious.

planting tulips for the winter
From the same point of view, it is much more logical to break down the planted tulips into varieties, since in the future it will be much easier to care for them. Thus, planting tulips in Siberia involves not only the exact following of agricultural technology, but also reasonable planning and layout of the site.

Do not forget that mice love to travel under the snow. Do not hesitate: they will like tulip bulbs, so it does not hurt to put poisoned baits near the holes. It is better to do this after the first snow, simply shoving them under it, since otherwise poisoning of pets is possible.

So you found out how tulips are planted for the winter!


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