Mountain Pyrenees dog: description, character, photos and reviews. Big Pyrenean Mountain Dog

The Pyrenees mountain dog at first sight impresses with its beauty and grace. These snow-white fluffy animals are becoming more popular every year. Why, who doesnโ€™t want to have such a smart and beautiful creature at home? Big Pyrenean Mountain Dog can become a true friend of a person for many years, give him and his family many hours of joy and fun.

mountain pyrenean dog

Breed history

In the Pyrenees, many centuries ago, people found a symbiosis with beautiful white dogs that helped them graze herds on mountain slopes. These snow-white guards coped with their duties perfectly. They vigilantly watched the herd, not admitting predators to it, their impressive size made it possible to frighten even large animals such as wolves and bears. The paws of these furry beauties allowed them to perfectly climb the mountain slopes, and a loud voice attracted the attention of the owner in case of danger.

But not only the shepherds drew attention to this interesting breed. Mountain Pyrenees Dog aroused interest in his person and in royal circles. The Pyrenean Shepherd dogs were used to guard the palaces; they became the favorites of kings such as Louis XIV and Charles VI. Noble families, as is usually the case, adopted the tastes of their rulers, also letting these good and smart dogs into their lives. However, slowly in the CIS countries the Pyrenean mountain dog is gaining popularity, the reviews of the owners do not leave indifferent the inveterate "dog lovers".

big pyrenean mountain dog

To date, the breed of Pyrenees mountain dogs is not very numerous. It gained the greatest popularity in America, Europe and Japan, remaining a curiosity in the rest of the world.

Appearance of the Pyrenees Mountain Dog

Mountain Pyrenees Dog gives the impression of a majestic, noble animal. It is very large in size, has an elongated torso and a strong physique, clearly hinting that this is not a soft toy, but a strong animal, accustomed to hard work. The head of the Pyrenees dog is small, relative to the size of its huge body, which gives it a smart, friendly look. The look of this breed is permeated with wisdom and calm, which is true.

The hair of a Pyrenean dog is snowy white, sometimes with a grayish or cream tint. A long fluffy tail completes the picture. Usually he hangs down relaxed, if the dog is happy or interested in something, then the tail rises up to his back, forming a semicircle.

Character Features

Big Pyrenean Mountain Dog has an independent and proud character. She is smart and kind, but very independent and independent. In order to successfully train this wonderful animal, you first need to earn credibility in his eyes. Then the ardent mind of the Pyrenees mountain dog will show itself in all its glory - the teams will be remembered with amazing speed.

Pyrenees Mountain Dog Kennel

For a good moral and physical well-being, a mountain Pyrenean dog requires space. Keeping such an animal in the apartment is very cruel, in a cramped space the Pyrenean dog quickly becomes discouraged, becomes irritable and unfriendly. Another thing is nature. On a country walk, a fluffy pet literally blooms before our eyes, the dog will rush through the meadows like a meteor, play and show its good mood in every way. Therefore, it is worth getting this breed at home, if you live in your own house, then your four-legged companion will always be in good health and in good mood.

If training and socialization are correct, then you will get a faithful and devoted friend. The Pyrenees mountain dog is very restrained, good-natured and understands a person perfectly. She is also fearless and incorruptible, which makes her a great watchman.

Pyrenees mountain dog puppies

Relations with people and animals

The Pyrenean mountain dog is well accustomed to the family, becoming its integral part. She gets along well with children, becoming for them an unchanging partner in games and walks. This breed is remarkable for its amazing courage and devotion - it will protect its owner and his family to the last, no danger can make this noble animal retreat.

As far as a mountain dog is faithful to its owner, it is just as distrustful of strangers. Even if a stranger has long been familiar with the Pyrenean dog, she will still be wary of him. The same applies to other dogs. The snow-white darling is faithful only to its owner and his family, it does not make sense for a stranger to try to earn her trust, the dog will not touch a familiar person, but will never trust him. If the animal behaves maliciously and aggressively, then these are clear signs of improper upbringing and poor training.

Oddly enough, a mountain Pyrenean dog easily finds a common language with representatives of the cat family. If you already have a cat, then she can easily make friends with a Pyrenean dog, do not be afraid of fights and disagreements between them. Moreover, their friendship can become so strong that your cat and dog will constantly be together, play and communicate, and even eating together will not be a problem for them.

breed pyrenean mountain dog

Diseases of the Mountain Pyrenees Dog

Basically, large Pyrenean dogs are susceptible to the same diseases as other large breeds, but, unlike many, they are less prone to hereditary diseases, as their breeding is strictly controlled. Therefore, getting a dog of this breed, you can not worry about the fact that she will be constantly sick and require constant care of themselves. If you need a strong and healthy breed, a Pyrenean mountain dog perfect.


The thick and long coat of a large Pyrenean dog can scare even an experienced dog breeder. It seems that it requires particularly careful care, but this is absolutely not so. These are very neat and clean animals, they take care of their cleanliness and require minimal care. However, their thick fur coat may become tangled and lump, so once a week you need to comb their beautiful snow-white coat. When the dog sheds, it is best to comb out the extra hairs at least once a day.

An essential part of caring for a Pyrenean mountain dog is constant walking. This breed constantly needs physical activity, its body is well suited for hard work, it canโ€™t just lie at home, it will adversely affect the animalโ€™s health, and its morale worsens from a passive lifestyle. Getting a Pyrenean dog, you need to understand that it requires constant walks, if you do not have enough time for them, then it is better to get a dog of a different breed. This fluffy beast should be bathed every 2-3 months.

pyrenean mountain dog reviews

How to get a Pyrenean mountain dog

If you liked the Pyrenees mountain dog, puppies will cost you a considerable amount. This is not surprising, given the rarity of the breed and strict rules for its breeding. Now the opportunities for acquiring an animal of this breed are increasing, due to the popularity that the Pyrenian mountain dog has acquired in the world. The kennel is a great place to buy a puppy. Most large nurseries carefully monitor the pedigree and purity of the breed of their woolen pets. But in them there can be a whole queue for getting puppies, and even to anyone the dog such a kennel can not sell.

pyrenean mountain dog owner reviews

Parting words

If you are determined to buy a puppy of a Pyrenian mountain dog, you should remember that you are not buying a thing, but a friend who requires a lot of attention, care and respect. The time spent will not be wasted, it will be paid off by the love and positiveness that the Pyrenean mountain dog will bring to you. Reviews of happy owners of animals of this breed are the best example of this. Love your pets!


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