From philosophical teachings to practical implementation: ethics is ...

The first teachings on ethics are more than one thousand years old, for the ancient Greeks began to seriously engage in them. Representatives of the sophist movement in philosophy as early as the 5th century BC put forward the basic ethical postulates, establishing that their laws are fundamentally different from natural ones. A huge contribution to the development of ethical philosophy was made by Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.

ethics is

On the History of Ethics as a Science

According to the generally accepted interpretation, from a philosophical point of view, ethics is the same as morality . This is a set of moral and ethical standards that determine the behavior of people in a particular social group, class, state, socio-historical system, society as a whole. Their origins rest in deep antiquity, the tribal system, when in order to survive, people had to stick together, coexist side by side, fight enemies, defend themselves, build housing, and get food.

ethical rules
Therefore, initially, ethics is “common housing”, “rules for living together”, if translated literally. Such rules were needed to regulate relations within the clan, tribe - so its representatives rallied and solved the necessary tasks together. Hence, collectivism, overcoming aggressiveness and egoism were considered as the main parameters and criteria of ethical standards. Subsequently, with the ascent of human society to higher stages of development, this doctrine was enriched by such categories and concepts as conscience, friendship, the meaning of life and existence, etc. Modern philosophical teachings claim that ethics is one of the dialectical methods of cognition of reality, a reflection of numerous complex relationships and relations between "intelligent people", nature, civilization. As in the days of antiquity, its fundamental question is what is good and evil, and how do they relate to the life and goals of a particular person living in a certain state with certain laws. In this light, morality and ethics intertwine. This unity makes it possible to identify the nature of moral values, to explain how they appeared and developed, and to predict what forms they can take in the future.

pedagogical ethics
Ethics and Pedagogy

One of the sections of professional ethics is pedagogical ethics. It arose as one of the directions in general fundamental science in connection with the consideration of pedagogy itself as a type of concrete activity. The teacher not only shares knowledge from a particular scientific field. He is both an educator. Each lesson of it is also the teaching of moral truths, an explanation of different life and everyday situations, this is also one's own example of behavior, and the ability to establish relationships with students, resolve various kinds of conflicts. The basic rules of ethics are related to pedagogical tact. It is defined as a feeling of a harmonious balance between the actions and behavior of the teacher in relation to students, parents, and colleagues. One of the most striking manifestations of pedagogical tact is the internal culture of the teacher, which is also called moral culture.

Thus, ethics is an essential component of our social and spiritual life.


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