Facade plastering: materials, technology. Exterior facade plaster

Plaster today is considered one of the most popular materials for decorating a building from the outside. It protects the facade from excessive heat loss. With the correct repair work, it is subsequently possible to significantly save energy costs for heating a house.

Plastering the facade also improves the appearance of the building. The surface of the walls after proper processing is not subject to negative environmental influences, does not collapse for a long time. How to apply the plaster, you should know every builder or repairman.


The cost of plastering the facade today is quite high, if you turn to the help of professional builders. The average price of such work today is about 350-400 rubles / m². Therefore, many decide to perform all the actions on their own.

Facade plastering

Using the presented type of finish, you can get high quality end result. First of all, it should be noted aesthetic appearance. A lot of textures, shades allows you to create a fashionable, stylish design of the exterior of the house.

Facade stucco for outdoor work, the price of which is acceptable today for almost every property owner, is easy to use. Depending on the type, manufacturer of dry mixes, you can purchase a dry mix (25 kg) from 350 to 500 rubles.

The products presented on sale today protect the walls from moisture penetration, are resistant to low temperatures, and prevent corrosion.

Types of plaster

Today, many varieties of mixtures are used for plastering facades. These are textured solutions that differ in a number of characteristics. The most popular manufacturers of dry mixes for such finishes are the companies KNAUF, Tserezit. Facade plastering may include various fillers.

Front plaster for external works price

To specify the necessary texture for the finish, the composition of the solution includes components of different grain sizes. It can be marble chips, quartz sand, colored granules, glass dust, wood fibers, etc.

Dyes are added to color the mixture. In this case, you can achieve almost any color. Toning is performed in a trade organization using special equipment. This allows you to set the base exactly the same shade if necessary, if you have to buy a dry mix. The heterogeneous structure of the solution allows you to hide the unevenness of the base.

Finishing Methods

It is possible to apply a coating on the facade of the house mechanically or manually. In the first option, you will have to purchase special equipment. Companies such as KNAUF, Tserezit, whose facade plasters are very popular today, are developing a special line of products that can be applied mechanically to the base. This approach is preferable for professionals who perform significant amounts of finishing work.

Ceresit front plaster

For masters who wish to apply the solution to the facade of their home, it is better to do the action manually. So it will be possible to save on the purchase of special equipment. In this case, you will need to purchase only ordinary tools. To create a certain type of texture, you also need to buy curly spatulas.

In the process of applying the solution in any way, the manufacturer's recommendations should be strictly observed. Only in this case will it be possible to create a durable, beautiful protective layer.

Technology of work

Finishing work is carried out according to a certain technology. By correctly performing each stage, you can achieve a good result without even having experience in carrying out such actions.

Facade plaster for outdoor work, the price of which will be affordable for almost every owner of a house or a cottage, is designed to finish the base of various materials. It can be a brick, foam concrete, or other types of building materials. The most optimal and inexpensive way to finish is the use of beacons.

Facade plastering technology

The work is carried out in several stages. First you need to prepare the base, then beacons are installed. Only then can you start plastering the facade. This method is suitable for manual application of the solution. It is important to adhere to the proportions when mixing the dry mixture, as well as the manufacturer's recommendations regarding its drying time.

Foundation preparation

Plastering brick facades or made of any other materials must begin with the preparation of the foundation. If you skip this stage or perform it insufficiently, the result will be insufficiently qualitative.

First you need to remove the old finish. They beat it with a small hammer or wooden block. Where the sound is deaf, a chisel and a hammer knock out the old finish. In some cases, you will need to use a hammer drill. Also remove dirt, oil stains and dust.

It is advisable to reduce as much as possible the number of bumps, bumps on the base of the walls. If this is not done, you will have to apply the plaster in a thick layer. Material consumption will increase significantly. Therefore, it is better to properly prepare the wall surfaces than to spend the family budget on the purchase of additional dry mix.

Foundation preparation recommendations

The brick base requires, in some cases, jointing. This procedure allows you to increase the adhesion of the solution to the base. The plaster will hold tight, and the life of the coating will increase. Some builders in the construction of brick walls of houses leave the facade with empty seams. This allows you to prepare the base for finishing faster.

Stucco facade

For foam blocks, the layout is not done. This also applies to walls made of reinforced concrete slabs of “rough” masonry, in which the surface is smooth. On such varieties of materials, a grid is immediately printed for plastering the facades. It is first necessary to apply a deep penetration primer. It will enhance the adhesion of the solution to the base.

When choosing a primer, preferred manufacturers should be preferred. It is also necessary to adhere to the correct concentration of the solution. In this case, the film will be durable.


The technology of plastering facades involves the use of beacons. These are metal guides. They are installed on the base to indicate the level of application of the plaster. The rules, leveling the layer, glide with the nose on the tops of the lighthouses.

It is believed that the use of such a finishing method allows even an amateur to make a perfectly smooth surface. However, the master must familiarize himself with the technology of installing beacons on a plane.

It is necessary to determine the verticality of the wall with a plumb line. Deviations from the level must be determined before installing the guides. If the top of the walls is tilted inward, this indicator must be taken into account. Beacons are customized to a specific size. The excess height of the guides must be cut off.

Beacon Installation

Finishing the facade with stucco is done after installing the beacons. From a corner at a distance of 20 cm, a point solution is applied. Their diameter should be about 5-15 cm. The height depends on the intended coating layer. If the rule is 2 m long, beacons can be installed at a distance of 1.7 m from each other. If the wall is too big, you need to divide the guides.

Each beacon is installed in the solution and it is recessed a little there. A rule with a level is applied on top of each element. If necessary, the position of the beacon is adjusted to achieve the perfect vertical position of the finish. To avoid deviations, errors, it is recommended that in the process of aligning the beacons, stretch “laces” between the two extreme elements. After the solution has dried, the voids formed under the lighthouse are filled with putty.

First coat

Plastering the outer wall occurs in 3 stages. Plastering the facade in a mechanized way allows you to perform all the actions faster. However, in this case, be sure to work in a respirator and goggles. Otherwise, the solution may get into the respiratory tract or eyes.

The dry mixture must be diluted to the consistency of liquid sour cream. At the same time, the manufacturer's recommendations must be taken into account. Ready plaster mixes are also on sale . Some professional builders recommend adding PVA glue to the solution. It will give extra strength. Putty will lie well on the wall.

Plastering brick facades

The bucket applies the solution to the wall. The mixture must be poured onto the base without pouring it. Roughnesses on the top layer are welcome. After surface treatment, the solution should dry.

Main layer

At the next stage, the main plastering of the facade is carried out. To do this, prepare a solution. It should be consistency like thick sour cream. It is thrown to the surface between two lighthouses. It should be noted that the thickness of all layers of plaster should not exceed 5 cm.

The narrow side is to press the rule against the lighthouses. The tool is moved from side to side. The edges of the rule should not fly off the tops of the guides. The movement is upward. Surplus is cut off. This results in a perfect smooth surface.

If during the alignment process it turned out that the solution is not enough, it should be added. In the resulting hole, the mixture is thrown. Then again, the rule is carried out on the surface.


Plastering the facade involves the completion of the stage. It is necessary to grout the surface. This procedure is performed after the cement finish layer dries. For this, special graters are used. They can be made of foam or wood.

The cost of plastering the facade

If putty is used, the basis of which does not include cement, the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. They are necessarily indicated on the packaging.

Carrying out the grout allows you to smooth out small irregularities, close up the sinks after applying the rule. Grouting is done in a spiral. Circular movements begin with wide movements, gradually moving the tool toward the center. A tubercle in the center is pulled from a large circle. With the reverse action, it is completely leveled.

Having considered how the plastering of the facade occurs , everyone can perform the procedure well. In this case, the surface will be perfectly flat. Following the recommendations of professional repairmen and builders is a guarantee of a good result of the final work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21809/

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