How birds fly: nestling flight training

Ever wondered how birds learn to fly? This is a truly magnificent and at the same time amusing sight, when the baby who is not yet fully matured first "gets up" on the wing. However, not all birds have their first flight at the proper level, and most often each chick feels the pain of falls and the bitterness of failure, so the example of a mother is very important for him. It is she who shows him for the first time how birds fly, accustoming her chick almost from birth to a great height. After all, absolutely all birds build their nests high on a tree, and this is not only for the protection of offspring, peace and quiet. Most are located at great heights and so that the chick from his very birth gets used to unusual sensations tens of meters above the ground. After all, if it does not exist, the bird is doomed to death, because it does not at all develop a natural instinct.

how birds fly

Many of us have seen birds fly. Their flight is something bewitching, not allowing you to take your eyes off. Moreover, each bird has its own unique style, when it spreads its wings and soars high into the sky. And so that this flight comes out as pleasant and comfortable as possible, birds sometimes learn for weeks, or even months.

Since in the wild birds train to fly on their own, let's talk about their training in captivity. Imagine for a moment that you have a chick growing up, which you need to teach everything: flight, getting food, hiding from enemies. And to show him how birds fly, only you can, more precisely, push him to this crucial step.

photo of flying birds

First of all, it is necessary to carefully calculate the age of the chick, when he is already psychologically ready for flight. Most often, this becomes visible, since the feathered one is already trying to stand on the wing. Even if he has not yet seen how birds fly, his instincts themselves will tell you how to act and what to do.

The first flight should occur only in a safe environment. It is preferable to choose a fenced area with several trees. The latter will help the bird to feel more comfortable. In this case, do not try to conduct any training, as they say, "from under the stick." This still will not lead to anything good, because your bird will not be able to learn to fly without wanting it.

how birds learn to fly

When a suitable territory is found, you need to take care of some low barriers on which you will put your baby. The first steps in mastering the height must be done only (!) From a small height. Let it be a coffee table or chair - for starters, and that's enough.

As soon as the chick has learned to fly from a "low altitude", you can gradually increase the distance. The best way is to throw it into the air. At first, it may frighten him, but in the future he will become comfortable and will fly away further from you.

So, gradually you will see progress in the process, and ultimately you will become a bird flight β€œteacher”. Everyone can see the photos of flying birds, but not everyone can teach the feathered most important thing in his life!


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