Red Book of the Tver region: structure and status of species

There are many plants and animals in the Tver region, which are rapidly declining in numbers. This ultimately leads to the disappearance of some representatives of flora and fauna. To prevent the extinction of species, the Red Book of the Tver Region was released. It is a list of rare plants and animals.

Red Book Edition

In the Tver region there are such representatives of flora and fauna that are threatened with extinction. In 1992, the Tver Regional Council of People’s Deputies decided to introduce the Red Book. It was not published immediately. Specialists needed time to compile a list of endangered plants and animals.

Published the first edition of the Red Book of the Tver region in 2002. Compilers made reliable information about plants and animals that are endangered or rare. In total, the list consists of 269 species of plants and 201 species of animals. It is also worth noting that the Red Book of the Tver region contains photos of some representatives of flora and fauna.

Red Book Structure

This document has two parts. The first of them is devoted to plants and is divided into three sections:

  • higher plants (includes five divisions - angiosperms, horsetail, plaiform, fern-like, bryophytes);
  • lichens;
  • mushrooms.

red book of the tver region

The second part of the Red Book of the Tver region is devoted to objects of the animal world. You can see the following sections:

  • mammals;
  • birds;
  • reptiles and amphibians;
  • cyclostomes and fish;
  • invertebrates.

On the pages of the Red Book, each species is described in detail. First of all, the status is indicated, which depends on the rarity of a particular plant or animal and its prevalence. The Red Book of the Tver Region also contains information on the number, trends of its change, and measures taken to protect it.

Probably disappeared

For some species in the Red Book, the status has the number "0". This designation is decrypted as likely to have disappeared. This means that specific plants and vertebrates have not been found in the Tver region for at least 50 years, and invertebrates - 100 years. Scientists cannot prove their complete disappearance. Perhaps somewhere in the Tver region these species have survived.

One of the apparently extinct plants is dyeing sickle. This is a perennial grass, the height of which sometimes reaches 150 cm. Dyeing serpukha used to be found in the Zubtsovsky and Rzhevsky districts of the Tver region, however, due to cattle grazing and development of natural deposits, it has not been possible to detect it recently.

Tver region red book animals


This status in the Red Book is indicated by the number "1". It is assigned to those species in which the number of individuals has decreased to a critical value. Such animals and plants of the Tver region, listed in the Red Book, with the influence of negative factors can disappear altogether.

There are many plants under threat of extinction. One of them is the leaf-toothed anthrodilla (mushroom). On the territory of the Tver region there are single specimens in the Central Forest Reserve. Among the representatives of the animal world, which are under the threat of extinction, one can distinguish an ordinary copperfish - a non-toxic snake. There are suggestions that it lives in the western, southwestern and southern regions of the Tver region.

With steadily declining numbers

To indicate this status in the Red Book of the Tver region, the number "2" is used. Plants and animals fall into this category, the number of which decreases very rapidly. Due to the impact of negative factors of some species, the Tver region may lose. The Red Book, animals and plants from which have this status, contains important information on conservation measures.

In the Tver region, the number is significantly reduced in such a species as a leafless chin. This is a perennial herbaceous plant, the height of which ranges from 5 to 20 cm. The flowers at the pericardium are yellow. You can see purple or pink spots on them. Leafless fennel was found in the Tver region in the form of single specimens in the Maksatikhinsky district, near the village of Alferikh. The rapid decline in the number of species associated with human conduct of economic activity, logging.

animals of the red book of the tver region description


This status is indicated by the number "3". Plants and animals of the Red Book of the Tver region, the description of which contains this category, are small in numbers. Species with this status may have a large number, but live only in a certain place in the Tver region. Some animals and plants are represented by single specimens, but at the same time they are spread over significant territories.

A rare species in the Tver region is hoopoe - a small bird of bright color with a crest and a long narrow beak. It occurs in the Kalinin and Rameshkovsky districts. Also, hoopoe was occasionally seen in Firovsky, Rzhevsky, Andreapolsky districts. The accidental ruin of nests is one of those factors due to which the bird is rarely found in the Tver region.

red book of the Tver region of the plant

Undefined by status

This category in the Red Book is assigned the number "4". Uncertain status includes those animals and plants about which there is not enough information. Also included in this category are representatives of flora and fauna that do not fully correspond to other categories.

Chastukha Wallenberg - a view that contains the Red Book of the Tver region. It grows under water, on sandy or silty bottoms. In the Tver region, the plant was found in the Ostashkovsky district. The extinction of the species is associated with water pollution and turbidity.

The species of an indeterminate status includes ordinary catfish - a large, fresh-water, scaleless fish. Its habitat in the Tver region are reservoirs and lakes of the Zapadnodvinsky, Volzhsky basins. The Red Data Book of the Tver Region does not contain information on the abundance of this species. The only thing known is that fishermen very rarely come across catfish.

red book of the tver region photo

French wasp is another species with an undefined status. This insect is mainly distributed in central and southern Europe. In the Tver region, wasp was found in the western regions. The numbers are pretty low. Negative factors affecting the decrease in the species were not found.

Recovering and Restoring

Several species with a status of "5" contains the Red Book of the Tver region. Plants and animals included in this category are being restored in their numbers due to natural causes or due to protection measures taken. As an example, the Great Gray Owl can be cited . This bird, belonging to the family of owls, is a rare species that is found mainly in the western regions of the Tver region. The number of individuals decreased due to deforestation, direct destruction and disturbance during the nesting period. Currently, the number is gradually increasing.

plants of the Tver region are listed in the Red Book

You can also note the rodatra rod-shaped. This species of water bugs was found in the southern part of the Kalinin district. The decrease in the number of insects is associated with water pollution. To prevent the death of the rod-shaped ranatra, measures were taken to prevent pollution of water bodies. Now the number of species is gradually increasing.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Red Book of the Tver region was published quite a long time ago. The second edition was to be released no later than 10 years after the first. However, this did not happen.


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