Megalodon vs Mosasaur: who will win the battle?

The topic of our article could only cause a grin in a serious researcher, scientist. But human curiosity sometimes leads to the most unexpected questions, among which there are often attempts to find out which creature would theoretically win the battle.

In our article, we will try to figure out who is stronger - megalodon or mosasaur.

Who is who?

First, let's look at what these monsters are.

The Mozasaurus is an extinct reptile, a large predator that often hunted in the water. The family includes several genera and species that lived on Earth 70-66 million years ago.

mosasaurus in water

Megalodon is an extinct fish, a relative of some modern species of sharks, which significantly exceeded their size. Megalodons lived 28-2.5 million years ago.

As you can see, there has never been an opportunity to establish empirically how the battle of the Mosasaur against the megalodon ends. These creatures did not meet, did not share territory and game, did not hunt each other. They existed at different times. And therefore, we can only make assumptions based on facts known to science.

Height and weight

First you need to understand who is bigger - megalodon or mosasaur. Analyzing the fossils, scientists came to the conclusion that the reptile could reach 35 meters in length, while the length of the fish was hardly more than 18 meters. So, the dinosaur has a clear advantage.


If we theoretically assume that the mosasaur had the opportunity to fight the megalodon, behavioral features will be of considerable importance. Of course, scientists do not have the opportunity to observe these giants in their natural environment, but some conclusions about their aggressiveness can be made.

On the fossil bones of the Mosasaurs there are many marks from the teeth of other Mosasaurs, with some marks indicating mortal wounds. It turns out that these creatures attacked each other. Damage enables specialists to conclude that the behavior of these animals can be compared with the habits of crocodiles, who also arrange deadly battles.

In the case of megalodon, there is nothing like this. And modern sharks rarely attack each other. Sharks are not usually considered each other as food. And they do not like unnecessary troubles, they prefer to attack the wounded and sick, they do not disdain carrion.

megalodon in water

Most likely, megalodon against the Mosasaur would not speak. He would rather just run away.


Physiology and anatomy are the following important aspects that will help us in our search for truth.

Modern experts argue that the animal, which receives oxygen from the air, has an advantage over the proportional gill-breathing. With such dimensions that megalodon possessed, its metabolism could not be fast. So, the reaction rate and agility of the Mosasaur was clearly higher.

The fact that the epic battle of the Mosasaur against the megalodon could only occur in water does not give advantages to the fish. Modern diving predators, breathing in the lungs, can do without air for a very long time. It is logical to assume that for a mosasaur diving for 30-40 minutes could not be critical (it is quite possible that he held his breath for a longer time).

But the main argument in favor of the reptile is the structure of the skeleton. It was bony at the Mosasaur, and cartilaginous at the Megalodon, and therefore more fragile.

Descendants of ancient predators

Modern monitor lizards, who are related to an extinct reptile, are characterized by rather aggressive behavior. The legendary giants of Komodo Island even attack game far exceeding their size (for example, buffalo). Sharks prey only on those smaller than them. A modern killer whale is likely to defeat a commensurate shark.

Sharks do not tend to fight those who are larger and heavier. This is not a guarantee that megalodon behaved the same, but there is still such a possibility.

Draw conclusions

megalodone vs mosasaurus

So, will megalodon stand against the mosasaur? Science cannot give a definite answer, but the likelihood that the reptile, and not the fish, will win the battle is quite high.


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