Mortal Kombat, Scorpio. Character Biography

In one of the most famous and successful fighting games in history, there are a large number of characters that you can choose from. However, this is not only figures with different tricks - they have their own stories, biographies, relationships with other characters, and so on. Moreover, in each of the games that came out, the stories of all the characters changed slightly. Therefore, studying the biography of each hero is no less exciting than playing for him in the Death Tournament. In this article you will learn about who Scorpio is - after all, this character is known to almost everyone, as he is one of the most striking in the series, but few people know about his story. It’s worth saying right away that in Mortal Kombat, Scorpio is a dead ninja who has been revived - in almost all games this background is preserved, but slightly modified.

Mortal Kombat 1

In the original Mortal Kombat game, Scorpio was one of the most successful ninja in the world, but was killed by his sworn enemy Sub-Zero. Naturally, this did not stop there - he was resurrected and endowed with special abilities so that he could take revenge - because he still had a wife and children. Scorpio takes part in the Mortal Kombat and wins the tournament, becoming the new champion and killing Sub-Zero. Revenge happened, but at the same time the hero still did not achieve his goal - he remained only half human and was never able to reunite with his family. In Mortal Kombat, the Scorpio appears before the player as an ordinary ninja, however during the battles you will be able to understand how it differs from a person - firstly, he can release the famous metal snake from his hand, and secondly, he can take off the mask under which there is a fire-breathing skull.

Mortal Kombat 2

mortal kombat scorpion

In the second part of Mortal Kombat, Scorpio is again a revenge ghost. In the first game, he pursues only one goal - to kill Sub-Zero, which he seems to be able to do. However, at the same time in the second tournament he again sees Sab-Ziro, however, strangely enough, he saves the life of the defeated enemy during the fight. Accordingly, Scorpio understands that this is not the enemy that took his life from him, so he decides not to kill him. After winning the Tournament and overthrowing Shao Kahn, Scorpio decides to find a new destination - he becomes the bodyguard of the younger brother of his archenemy in order to prepare for the next Tournament. As you can see, Mortal Kombat is a game that cannot be called boring or non-original, as in each episode it offers you an original and impressive story


Mortal Kombat 3

mortal kombat game

The third part of Mortal Kombat is a game that continues the story of the second episode. The fact is that before the start of the next tournament, Shao Kang tried to release souls from Hell to capture Earth, but this attempt was unsuccessful. However, as a result of this action, Scorpio appeared on the outside, which initially does not belong to either side. But over time, it becomes clear that the Emperor plans his mission for the hero - he must travel and kill selected Earth warriors in order to weaken it. Scorpio takes on the task, but as a result finds out that one of his goals is the Sub-Zero, whom he vowed to defend. Accordingly, the hero turns against the Emperor and kills him, saving the Earth, but in the end he is again imprisoned in Hell. In the Mortal Kombat PC version, this character is one of the most popular, but many do not even realize what is behind the merciless ghost ninja.

"Mortal Kombat"

mortal kombat pc

This episode of Mortal Kombat, the PC version and console options, is a new story that is not related to the previous ones. Here everything returns to the moment when Scorpio only died and was resurrected. In the person of Scorpio, the main villain Kuan Chi sees a useful ally, and offers to return him to a normal life if he serves him. Naturally, Scorpio agrees, but at the same time dreams not so much about returning to normal life, but about revenge on Sab-Ziro. Yes, in the end he achieves this, but it turns out that Scorpio was killed not by Sub-Ziro, but by Kuan Chi, who is not going to fulfill his part of the agreement. He begins to send Scorpio back to Hell, but he heroically captures the villain with him to the Underworld. As you can see, the stories are simply incredible and very well written, and various types of strokes and techniques are not the only thing that Scorpio may be interested in Mortal Kombat. The combo hits of this character, of course, are impressive, but besides them there is still a fascinating biography that you should not forget about.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

mortal kombat 9 scorpion

This time, the next episode of the game is a continuation of the previous one, but not as happy as we would like. As you recall, in the last part of the game Scorpio took with him to Ad Quan Chi and now began to hunt for him where he is much stronger. However, he did not succeed - Kuan Chi even managed to open a portal to the Outworld, but Scorpio followed him and continued the hunt. As a result, he reached the Shang Tsung Palace , where a trap was waiting for him - two monsters, Moloch and Darmin, whom Kuang Chi specially subordinated to protect him from the ghost ninja. Unfortunately, Scorpio could not cope with them, but they could not eat it, as they would with any mortal. Therefore, they went to the portal to Paradise Shan Tsung, from where he took new souls, and threw Scorpio to where his ghostly body was destroyed.

Mortal Kombat: Deception

mortal kombat komplete edition scorpion

Many gamers were surprised to learn that in this episode of the game the story of Scorpio continued - after all, everyone thought that he died in the portal to Paradise. But the hero was able to move to the Void without dying. It was here that he first saw the Elder Gods, and also watched how Raiden died, how the Dragon King came to unite the two kingdoms - the earthly and the outer. The gods had other plans for this, so they made Scorpio their weapons and sent him to Earth to stop the Dragon King. After a long hunt, he still managed to get to the King and destroy him thanks to the forces that he received from the Gods.

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

mortal kombat x scorpion

This episode tells how Scorpio tried to reunite with his clan, which was completely killed. As in previous versions, Kuan Chi resurrected him. As a result, Scorpio achieved his goal - his entire clan, including his wife and children, was resurrected and were ready to follow him to the end. But a terrible thing happened - suddenly Kuan Chi himself appeared in the ranks of the clan and abducted the son of Scorpio. Naturally, he went in search of his sworn enemy, in which now his entire clan will help him.

Mortal Kombat: Complete Edition

The latest game in the series, which is currently on sale, tells the old story in a new way. If in previous games gamers did not know the true name of Scorpio, then here it is mentioned - in his life he was called Hanzo Hasashi. In Mortal Kombat 9, Scorpio again gets a new life thanks to the efforts of Kuan Chi, whom he begins to serve. But at the same time, he, of course, pursues his own goals. The fact is that he dreams of revenge - to kill Sub-Ziro, who is guilty of the death of both himself and his clan. It is to this goal that he goes throughout the gameplay.

mortal kombat scorpion combo

As a result, his goal was achieved - Sub-Zero is dead, but at the same time something still remains incomplete. Scorpio is drawn to the ruins where his clan's village used to be. It was there that the spirits of the members of his clan come to him, which reveal the truth to him. Sub-Ziro was only a tool in the hands of Kuan Chi, like Scorpio himself all this time. The ghost ninja goes to Hell and with the help of the spirits of his relatives kills Kuan Chi, thereby finally fulfilling the long-awaited revenge. In Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition, Scorpio finally manages to completely deal with his worst enemy. But what next? Is it all over? In fact, there will still be a continuation - the next Mortal Kombat X game should be released quite soon . The scorpion is shown there even in the first trailer - of course, he is fighting Sub-Ziro. As you can already hear, in the next part of the series, many characters from Earth will be represented by the aged, and their children will be introduced into the game, so it is expected that the story this time will change a little.


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