What is the sea in Bulgaria?

Sea holidays on the coast of this country is a worthy alternative to a vacation in Crimea or Turkey. All the same, the Bulgarians are a people friendly to us, and the climate in their country is more familiar to the Russian people. The factor of understanding by the local population of the Russian language cannot be discarded. So what is the sea in Bulgaria? The country is located on the Black Sea coast, which has a length of 378 kilometers and is divided into two parts, Southern and Northern, Balkan mountains.

what sea in bulgaria
The Republic of Bulgaria is located in Southeastern Europe, in the north-eastern part of the Balkans. Romania is located in the north of the country, Turkey and Greece in the south, and Macedonia and Serbia in the west. In the east of the country is the Black Sea, beyond which are Russia and Ukraine.

If you plan to relax in these wonderful places or, moreover, buy a house in Bulgaria on the sea, remember that on the south coast the season lasts longer, real estate is cheaper. There is everything for relaxation: resorts with noisy restaurants, discos and entertainment for young people, as well as quiet small villages where there are few foreigners in the high season.

house in Bulgaria on the sea
In the northeast, the situation is different. The infrastructure here is more developed, resorts are more fashionable, real estate, and life itself is more expensive. If you answer the question about what sea in Bulgaria is in this region, then it is cooler than in the south, and is designed for more experienced holiday-makers. There are elevations, even mountains, from the second and third lines from the sea from the apartments offer magnificent views of the surrounding countryside. But to get to your home, you have to go up. In the south, the path from the beach home will be gentle.

Why lately more and more domestic tourists buy permits to Bulgaria? The answer is obvious: the country's resorts are convenient for any tourist. There are Soviet-style multi-story hotels, and the most modern hotels that meet all world requirements, and comfortable apartments, and private villas. Many monuments of local and Ottoman, Roman and Thracian culture. The capital Sofia is a symbol of a strong connection between the present and the past, it is more than 7000 years old, it contains more than 250 historical and architectural monuments.

trips to Bulgaria
Considering the question "what kind of sea is in Bulgaria", one can also evaluate it from the side of salinity: it is two times less salty than, for example, the Mediterranean. Thanks to this, the water does not gnaw, and given the fact that almost everywhere on the coast it does not immediately start from the depth, and the sunset is smooth, it becomes clear why young families with children and elderly people come here to rest.

The main resort cities are Varna, Albena, Balchik, Elenite and Golden Sands. Here is the largest and most famous resort complex called "Sunny Beach". It combines about a hundred hotels on 16 kilometers of superb beaches surrounded by greenery, gardens and tennis courts. There is also the oldest of the country's resorts - St. Konstantin and Elena, located in a magnificent green park with many mineral springs.

So we figured out which sea in Bulgaria. It remained in conclusion only to note that almost all the beaches on its coast are sandy, and only very rarely can rocky bays be found. But there are enough lovers of such places, so they are also not empty. Sun beds and umbrellas everywhere you can buy, rent, bring with you. Most beaches provide vacationers with free accommodation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2184/

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