Exotic Guzmania Flower

The guzmania flower has more than 120 different species; it belongs to the bromeliad family. In the natural environment, these flowers grow on other plants. They have very weak and undeveloped roots, which are used only for attachment to the plant. The guzmania flower receives all the nutrients through the funnel, which is formed by a leaf rosette. This must be taken into account if you decide to grow this plant at home.

The most common is the guzmania reed flower. This is a low, but very beautiful plant. It is necessary to water it in the funnel that the leaves form. The guzmania flower is practically odorless, but it looks very beautiful, as it has an unusual shape. Some lovers point out that only bracts are beautiful in this plant, and the flowers are less good, but this is a matter of taste and we will not argue.

Guzmania - care, reproduction

As already mentioned, guzmania has an underdeveloped root system, and with abundant watering of the soil, its decay can occur. It is better to carry out watering in a leaf outlet, for this they use water, which has settled and has room temperature. After such irrigation, part of the water will pour out onto the soil and this will be quite enough. If the weather is very hot and arid, then it is worthwhile to carry out additional watering of the plant. In the funnel it is necessary that there is always water, drying out of the funnel is permissible only in winter and then not for a long period.

Guzmania loves heat, and therefore the temperature should not be below + 16-18 Β° C. The plant does not tolerate drafts, it loves strong lighting in winter, and in summer it must be shaded.

When using soil for growing guzmania, it is best to buy ready-made substrates for bromeliads. If you can’t buy the finished soil, you can do it yourself. To do this, mix 2 parts of sphagnum moss, 2 parts of chopped pine bark, 1 part of sand and leafy soil.

Guzmania feels best in low and wide pots, since the plant has a fairly short period of life, it makes no sense to transplant it.

Experienced gardeners recommend periodic spraying of the flower. To do this, you must use either well-settled water or rainwater. In winter, you should not place the plant near heating appliances, as it will quickly dry out.

This type of plant in nature receives a small amount of nutrients. Therefore, at home cultivation, it is better to slightly feed guzmania than to give it an abundance of nutrients. Feeding is carried out while the plant is growing intensively. To do this, use a weak solution of nutrients, which can either be sprayed with a flower or poured into a leaf outlet. It is enough 2-3 top dressings per season, so that the plant feels good and in order not to create an excess of nutrients.

If you take good care of guzmania, in the second year it will begin to bloom. The flowering period lasts about 2 months. After flowering, the main plant stops its development and begins to form numerous offspring.

An alternative to guzmania can be the cymbidium flower, which belongs to the species of orchids. For the full development of this plant, it is necessary to maintain moist air. It requires a large amount of fertilizer. Before flowering begins, for the appearance of flowers, it is necessary that at night there is a decrease in temperature.

Cymbidium is affected by a spider mite and scale insects, this occurs if the air is too dry. When growing plants in the open air, viral diseases are possible, but when growing indoors they are practically not found.

The most common species are remarkable cymbidium, Devon cymbidium, ivory cymbidium. In its pure form, Cymbidium is practically not grown, hybrids are mainly distributed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21844/

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