Peasant poetry. Analysis of Surikov’s poem "Winter"

Peasant poetry. So it is customary to call one of the directions of Russian literature. The current, telling about the difficult life of the peasants, the beauty and modesty of Russian nature, received its greatest prosperity in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries of the last century. Bright representatives of peasant poetry are such poets as Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, Spiridon Dmitrievich Drozhzhin, Ivan Zakharovich Surikov and many other remarkable authors.

The creative heritage of Ivan Zakharovich Surikov

The poetry of Ivan Surikov, according to critics, is original. It has its own characteristics, thanks to which the author’s creations remain in the reader’s memory for a long time, and sometimes for life. The amazing simplicity of the syllable, the melody and the extraordinary brightness of the images are able to captivate anyone who even once read the poetry of this poet. The proof of such a statement may be the analysis of Surikov’s poem "Winter" and many of his other creations.

Surikova winter poem analysis
Despite the fact that the list of works belonging to the poet’s pen and included in the circle of interests of modern readers is not so long, many people know the name of this wonderful master of the word.

The works of Ivan Zakharovich are included in the literary reading program of primary and secondary schools. Surikov’s poem “Winter”, as well as “Childhood”, “At night”, “In the steppe”, “Morning in the village”, “Autumn” and many others are easily memorized. The work "Rowan" ("What are you standing, swinging ...") is shifted to music, and many, by the way, consider this song folk. It still sounds performed by professional singers, actors and just lovers of singing. A similar fact indicates the unconditional recognition of the poet's talent.

Landscape lyrics

In the list of works belonging to the poet's pen, an important place is occupied by those that belong to the category of landscape lyrics. For example, Surikov’s poem “Winter” is also such.

analysis of verse winter surikova
Until the end of his days, Ivan Zakharovich did not cease to admire the beauty and perfection of the world. In the most ordinary and familiar to the eye natural phenomena, he knew how to see magic. However, in his poems he was able to tell about it simply and naturally, which speaks of the great talent of the writer, as well as of boundless love for his native Russian nature, the people of Russia.

Description of the snowfall. Ivan Surikov, "Winter"

The verse belongs to the category of landscape lyrics. The first two stanzas describe falling snow, which gently covers the ground. A white blanket makes the world not only unusually smart - it is able to protect all living things from the coming severe frosts. This is the philosophical meaning of the poem. From the words of the lyrical work, it breathes calm, pacification. At the same time, the reader is looking forward to the onset of the holiday, which will surely come in nature with the advent of winter.

Reading a description of the snowfall, a person involuntarily begins to feel himself in the atmosphere that is conveyed in verse. This is another feature of the works of Ivan Zakharovich Surikov.

Winter meeting

When analyzing Surikov’s poem "Winter", you need to pay attention to how the poet describes the arrival of the harsh time of the year. He does it masterfully - succinctly, but very brightly.

poem surikova winter
The field, forest and all surrounding nature adapt to short winter days, long evenings, dark nights, and the onset of cold weather. And again, the poet points out that all changes in the life of the environment must be perceived with calmness, rejoicing even the most insignificant phenomena that occur in this world.

Peasant life

Analysis of Surikov’s poem “Winter” cannot be carried out completely without paying attention to the description of the life of the peasants. By the way the poet does this, it becomes clear that he is very familiar and close to the life of the common people. From the biography of the poet it is known that he comes from peasants.

Before the onset of winter, it is very important for rural residents to provide themselves with warm, reliable housing, and to make food supplies. A sufficient amount of feed prepared for livestock also gives hope for a comfortable existence of a peasant family in the midst of severe cold weather.

This is a period of relative peace in the life of peasants. This is evidenced by the analysis of the verse "Winter". Surikov shows that workers have time for poor households. Men are preparing for the upcoming sowing season; women are engaged in needlework. Children wholeheartedly indulge in winter fun.
An analysis of Surikov’s poem "Winter" suggests that the villagers, like the poet himself, are not without romance. They do not pass by the beauty that can be observed in nature with the advent of winter.

ivan suriks winter verse
Real connoisseurs of Surikov’s work and those who get to know his works for the first time are happy to immerse themselves in the world described by the author. Poetry of the poet I want to reread again and again, each time opening in the lines of something new for myself.


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