Alexander Kosarev: biography and creativity

Kosarev Alexander Grigoryevich - Russian writer, author of adventure novels and short stories. Favorite topic - treasure hunt. In this article, we will present a biography of the author and talk about the most famous works.


Alexander Kosarev was born in 1948, on April 16, in the city of Moscow. After leaving school, he joined the computer center. Then the army was called up. He served in the main intelligence unit of the USSR in Kamchatka. His time of service coincided with the outbreak of war in Vietnam, and Kosarev went to the war zone as part of a small group of Soviet soldiers.

Alexander Kosarev

When military service was over, Alexander G. entered the Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute. Mendeleev, after which the writer went to work at the research institute. The collapse of the USSR greatly changed the life of Kosarev. He had to leave science and change several jobs, including being a shuttle and a security guard.


Alexander Kosarev during his work and service visited many places in Russia, in Turkey, China, Greece, Libya. The impressions and information accumulated during these trips he used to create adventure action novels. It is noteworthy that the writer personally participated in many of the events described. The favorite theme of the writer is the treasures that disappeared during the Patriotic War of 1812.

Kosarev is one of the correspondents of the magazine "Miracles and Adventures", in which he publishes his original versions explaining the mysterious cultural, natural and historical events. Now let's talk about the most famous works of the author.

Cardboard Stars

Kosarev Alexander Grigorievich

This novel stands out among all the works of the writer. The fact is that Alexander Kosarev took as the basis of this book the events from his adventure-rich life. In particular - the time of service in the special forces of the GRU of the USSR, as well as the Vietnam War, in which Kosarev took part. The novel gives the reader the opportunity to see historical events through the eyes of a direct participant. Many of the published facts and facts in this book are unique and cannot be found on the pages of history books.

The novel entered the series "Military Adventures" publishing house "Veche".

"Mysteries of ancient treasures"

Alexander Kosarev acts in this book as a professional treasure hunter. It contains various stories about extreme situations in which people who made history find themselves. And only the discovery of material evidence of these incidents can refute or confirm what was considered a historical fact or a dubious legend. The book tells about such famous and mysterious Russian treasures and secrets associated with them, such as the cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, “Batyevo Silver”, echelons of Kolchak, the secrets of Lawrence Beria and others.

The work will appeal to fans not only of adventure, but also of history.

"Messenger of death"

messenger of death

The novel was published in 2005 by Veche Publishing House in the Military Adventures series.

In the center of the book is a story that began in the distant time in Tibet and medieval China and unexpectedly continued during the Second World War, and reached its logical end only in our days.

The protagonist of the novel, the Russian treasure hunter, finds ancient letters and mysterious objects of unknown origin, for which fighters of the Hitlerite team from the famous “Anenerbe”, which was considered destroyed, begin to hunt. Paranormal phenomena and mysticism begin to intertwine with terrible secrets from the history of the largest world states.

The book is amazing in that it combines a detective story, documentary narrative and adventure novel.


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