LPG heating: reviews. Gas holder for a private house

Quite often, property owners for various purposes are faced with the fact that it is not possible to connect to central heating. If you have already gone through all the options, it is worth paying special attention to liquefied gas. After calculating the consumption of this fuel for heating the house and weighing whether this method of heating the house is rational, you can make a choice.

What is liquefied gas

Liquefied gas is natural gas that has changed its state of aggregation and turned into a liquid, decreasing in volume. The transition requires high pressure, normal temperature. As a result, more fuel is placed in the gas storage tanks. The cylinders are filled with a mixture of butane and propane, which is under high pressure, remaining in a liquid state. This simplifies transportation and makes fuel safe.

Types of fuel for refueling cylinders

To date, there are three known options for fuel, which refuel the cylinders. It:

  • summer version of a technical mixture of butane and propane;
  • technical butane;
  • winter version of a mixture of propane and butane.

In order not to encounter the problem of the impossibility of heating due to high frosts, it is necessary to insulate the boxes where the cylinders are located. You can optionally equip the space with a heater.

How to store cylinders

At low temperatures, the gas does not freeze, but turns into a liquid, and in this state it does not enter the heating system. This condition causes the mixture to boil when the temperature drops to -10 ยฐ C. The pressure drops. In order not to encounter this, in addition to heating and warming when the cylinders are located outdoors, it is necessary to provide for blowing them out of the boiler room through the air ducts.

Security Reviews

gas tank for a private house Price

Liquefied gas is heavier than air. If it leaks from the cylinder, it is collected above the floor surface, and you can feel it indoors if you reach a critical point, which is accompanied by the risk of an explosion. For this reason, it is better to install gas on the street, located in a metal compartment. The cylinder should be oriented vertically.

If you decide to use heating with liquefied gas, then consumers are advised to equip the device to accommodate ventilation holes. It is strictly forbidden to place cylinders under the house in the basement, this also applies to pits in the yard. Buyers warn when using liquefied gas from some possible scenarios. For example, it is strictly forbidden to heat the cylinder with heating elements or electrical appliances if it is frozen. In order to prevent ultraviolet radiation, a building with installation should be located on the outside of the house, it is better if it is the north side.

Additional consumer opinions on heating safety

Refueling is less than 80%, the rest is given for expansion. LPG heating, consumers stress, can be dangerous. In this regard, the cylinders should be checked periodically for fuel leaks. Gas pipelines should be made of powerful and reliable materials.

Key Benefit Reviews

heating a private house with liquefied gas

In suburban homes, the presence of gas cylinders does not surprise anyone. People continue to use such fuel in the kitchen if there is no gas to the house. But recently, one can hear that homes are heated by liquefied petroleum gas. The acquisition and installation of equipment and heating systems of this kind have become available to the general public.

If people are unable to use centralized gas for heating, they install appropriate equipment to provide heating with liquefied gas. Consumers emphasize that this use of fuel has certain advantages. Firstly, you will have the opportunity to make the heating autonomous by refusing to use its centralized supply. Secondly, gas can be used year-round. Thirdly, as consumers emphasize, the system will have high reliability and quality.

Additional advantages

The mini-gas tank for heating with liquefied gas can be located underground. It will be invisible to the eye, it is small in size. You may also like the convenience of delivering raw materials, and the construction of the pipeline is not required. As homeowners emphasize, liquefied gas is more heat-intensive than natural gas. Raw materials are environmentally friendly. If we compare with other heating options, the cost of gas is low, and it does not depend on fluctuations in natural gas prices.

Negative reviews

how much is liquefied gas for heating

Heating with liquefied bottled gas, according to consumers, has its drawbacks. If the home is located far from the city, then the cost of raw materials increases due to shipping costs. When it is cold outside, the use of liquefied gas may be associated with a risk of freezing of the gearbox.

Buyers also do not like the fact that the delivery of a new supply of fuel can be difficult due to weather conditions when roads are noticeable. Before you start designing heating a private house with liquefied gas, you should also pay attention to the fact that the installation of such a system is allowed only by qualified specialists. You can make only the simplest nodes yourself.

Reviews of heating features

liquefied gas boiler for heating

Perhaps the most important inconvenience is that the owner will have to control the gas level, replenishing it in time. For some, it is considered an advantage when you can enjoy the benefits of complete autonomy and independence from the central gas supply. For other consumers, this is a drawback. However, with responsible control of the level of fuel reserves, there will be no interruptions and problems with heating.

If you want to equip heating with liquefied gas, you must remember that a 50-liter cylinder is filled with fuel and can be used for small cottages, cottages and houses. Every few days you will have to change the empty cylinder to a new one, which may be inconvenient, so experts advise connecting several cylinders by looping them. Consumers emphasize that when installing a heating system with liquefied gas, the formation of a battery of three cylinders is allowed. If you want to combine more of them, you should prepare a project and related documents.

liquefied gas heating consumption reviews

Cylinders can not be installed inside the house, they can be placed on the outside, where they will be in a metal cabinet. In frosty weather, condensation may occur or the gearbox will freeze. This makes gas supply difficult. To avoid such inconvenience, consumers are advised to install an electric heater in the cabinet. Such a system can be convenient if the area of โ€‹โ€‹the house is not very large and there is confidence that there will be no problems with the delivery of raw materials. When this moment is in doubt, it is better to purchase a gas holder.

It is a hopper for refueling liquefied gas and its storage. Such a reservoir is filled 1 or 2 times in three years. The tank may have a different volume. You can choose it according to your needs. This parameter varies from 3 to 10 cubic meters. You can place a gas tank at a distance of 10 m from the home. If you plan to equip the heating of a private house with liquefied gas from a gas tank, you will need to provide a convenient access road to it.

The cost of gas tanks and fuel consumption

mini-gas tank for heating on liquefied gas

The cost of equipment is affected by the size of the tank. The larger the gas holder, the more expensive it will be. This does not mean that small gas holders are economically more profitable. A small tank will have to be refilled more often. This suggests that the owner will have to pay for the delivery of fuel more times.

If you still think whether it is worth resorting to this type of home heating, you should read the reviews. The cost of heating with liquefied gas can also affect your choice. It is possible to calculate the volume of the tank, taking into account the fact that one square meter of space will require approximately 25 liters of gas per year, which depends on the heat loss of the house and the number of people. It is important to remember that the tank is filled at 80-85% - you should leave room for gas expansion and evaporation.

More often, owners acquire gas tanks, the volume of which varies from 4800 to 6400 liters. This is enough for the needs of a medium-sized house. The manufacturer price and quality affect the price of tanks. Czech companies produce gas tanks, the cost of which is 160,000 rubles. You can buy a gas holder of an Italian company for 170,000 rubles. The most popular Russian tanks are from the Medved company. Their cost is the lowest and amounts to 125,000 rubles.

The price of a gas holder for a private house will be equal to 350,000 rubles if you purchase a product of Polish production, which belongs to the premium class. It is important to remember that installation of equipment also costs money. Usually these works cost 50,000 rubles. The final price will depend on the length of the gas pipeline, the size of the tank, the availability of additional gas pipeline lines and other conditions. The price of a gas tank for a private house is not all that should be considered. It is important to invest in earthworks as well. They will cost you about 15,000 rubles.

Fuel cost

LPG heating

Before arranging the described type of heating, you must calculate the cost of gas. The price of a liter of fuel is constantly changing, today it is about 15 rubles. The average gas consumption from the tank for heating is 25 liters per year per square meter. If you are interested in the question of how much liquefied gas costs for heating, then you should consider that for a small house per 100 square meters, approximately 2,400 liters a year will be necessary, which is 36,000 rubles.

Recommendations for choosing a boiler

When choosing boiler equipment that will run on liquefied gas, power should be considered. Having looked at the device passport, you will see this value indicated in kilowatts. Quite often, manufacturers also mention a heated area, which is 9 times larger.

If we take as an example a boiler for heating with liquefied gas AOGV-11.3, whose power is 11.3 kW, then it is designed for a building of 100 square meters. However, this is not entirely correct. Equipment will flood such an area, but if it is severely frozen for several weeks, it will be cold in the house.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21853/

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