Königstein Fortress: history and modernity

Germany is rich in various cultural monuments, which any tourist must visit. But special attention deserves the Saxon Switzerland National Park. After all, this is where the world-famous bridge, and a huge military fortress, and one of the largest "dining" mountains are located. Beautiful views of Saxon Switzerland, Bastei and the Königstein fortress, proudly rising above the river surrounded by a picturesque landscape, will surely not leave anyone indifferent!


The Königstein fortress (Germany) is located in the Saxon Switzerland region, not far from Dresden. Its name in translation means "royal stone." The massive fortress is located directly on the rocks, or rather on a huge rocky plateau, which rises 240 m above the Elbe. Near the Koenigstein is the city of the same name and several small villages. It is interesting that the fortress is so large that 13 football fields could well be located on its square.

Koenigstein Fortress

The historical significance of the fortress

For the first time, the Königstein fortress was mentioned in a letter from Wenceslas I in 1233. Then it was considered the property of the Czech Kingdom and was just an ordinary castle. However, in 1241 the citadel began to expand actively. The reason for the expansion of the structure was a very convenient location near the Elbe River, which was just the main trading artery. In 1459, after the final determination of the Czech-Saxon border, the Königstein fortress was transferred to the Meissen county.

In the sixteenth century, the Duke George Bearded attempted to make a celestial monastery from the fortress. But in 1524 the monastery ceased to exist due to the fact that Saxony became Protestant.

It was in this castle that the famous alchemist Bettger was kept. His main task was to find a formula for obtaining gold, but instead of gold, the alchemist received the famous Meissen porcelain. Thanks to this porcelain, Saxony began to enrich itself. He was even called "white gold."

Other great figures were not indifferent to the Konigstein fortress. The fortress was visited personally by Napoleon Bonaparte and the Russian Emperor Peter I.

The Königstein fortress was used both as a refuge for monarchs and as a prison. After the Dresden uprising, revolutionaries were kept in the castle. During the First and Second World Wars, Königstein became a prison for Russian officers and generals. In addition, after the outbreak of World War II, the castle hid paintings by famous artists exported from the gallery in Dresden.

königstein fortress and saxon switzerland

Fortress now

Since 1955, the citadel has become a museum. Especially for visitors, observation platforms were installed, a walking trail was equipped. An elevator appeared in 2005, and there are also several taverns and a church directly inside the fortress, where anyone can get married. For travelers, guest rooms are provided that can be rented for several nights.

königstein fortress, switzerland

Fortress inside

The only entrance to the territory is a whole ramified system of bridges, portals and tunnels. To get directly to the citadel, you must pass seven gates or go upstairs by elevator.

The castle had everything that was needed for life. For the soldiers barracks, various military fortifications, powder and weapons depots were provided. For entertainment, a special officer casino was even built. In general, everything was arranged in Koenigstein so that soldiers could transport their families to the citadel. That is why it looks more like a small but impregnable town than a castle. When there was peacetime, soldiers could, without leaving the territory of the fortress, work in their civilian profession. In the fortress there were doctors, teachers, cooks and even ordinary peasants who were actively engaged in agriculture. Thus, people provided not only for themselves, but also for their families.

For the royal family, of course, the royal palace was built, as well as a special pavilion of Friedrichsburg, in which it was possible to receive high-ranking guests. There used to be ceremonial dinners and feasts, but now weddings are being held in the pavilion. The fortress had its own military hospital, a small garrison church, food warehouses, wine cellars and a treasury. Thus, in the event of a blockade, the fortress could well hold out on its own resources for several years.

In total, the citadel has about 50 buildings. The fortress wall deserves special attention. Some of its sections are built right between the rocks and have special arched fortifications. The wall is equipped with special observation towers. They are quite strict, but among them there is one quite beautiful, but bearing a rather eerie name, “Tower of Hunger”. One of the legends of the citadel is connected with this tower.

Saxon Switzerland, Bastei and Koenigstein Fortress

Magic well

Of course, such a fortified structure should also have its own autonomous source of water. A special attraction is the well, which is considered one of the deepest active wells in Europe. Its depth is about 152 meters. The well was even dedicated to a separate Well House museum, where you can see various historical models. At present, special pumps constantly fill the well with water, but before this pair of draft horses was specially allocated for this task. There is a legend that the water in this well has magical properties.

fortress königstein bastei

Behind the castle walls

The fortress is located in the famous Saxon Switzerland national park. The park is known for its sandstone mountains and outlandish, even enchanting landscapes. It is in this park that there is one of the most visited places by tourists - Bastei. A strike is called a formation of sand cliffs on the right bank of the Elbe. Previously, its rocks were a defensive element of the fortress. There is a special platform on which you can climb and fully enjoy the beautiful views. Nearby there is a miracle created by human hands. This is a unique Bastei bridge. Initially, the bridge was built only of wood, but later it began to be strengthened with sandstone. The length of the bridge is about 76 meters, and its arcs overlap a gorge, the depth of which is about 40 meters.

Already in the 19th century, hotels and taverns began to be built near the bridge. This place has become popular thanks to famous artists and writers, because it was these rocks that inspired them to create creations. Near Bastai, right among the rocks, is the "artists' trail." Everyone can walk along the trail in search of their muse.

From the walls of the castle you can admire Mount Lilienstein. It is considered one of the largest "dining" mountains of the national park. The mountain is highly visited by tourists due to its excellent views. From it you can clearly see the Königstein fortress, Bastei.

Saxon Switzerland, Bastei and Koenigstein fortress in winter 1

Legends and secrets of the great citadel

A lot of legends go about a fortress with such a long history. They say that underground treasures are hidden under the castle, and also there is a secret bunker. In the vicinity of the castle, according to legend, grass grows from which you can make a drink of love, and ghosts live in the casemates. But one of the most famous legends, of course, is the legend of a bottomless wine barrel. In fact, we are talking about the largest wine barrel in the world, containing about 250 thousand liters of wine. She can be seen in one of the cellars of the castle. From this barrel they treated Peter I with wine, who had arrived on a visit to the citadel.

Winter fairy tale

Saxon Switzerland, Bastei and the Königstein fortress are transformed in the winter and attract travelers even more, especially in fine weather. The trails are most safely equipped for tourists, since already since 1800 huge rocks covered with white caps began to attract not only tourists, but also artists, and the sandy mountains of the reserve and Bastai still attract the attention of rock climbing enthusiasts. In total there are more than twelve thousand routes for climbers. However, climbers will have to acquire special equipment that will not damage the sandstone.

königstein fortress germany

Königstein Fortress and Saxon Switzerland are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and mysterious places in Germany. Amazing views will not leave indifferent not only tourists, but also artists. Fans of active sports will be able to explore the mysterious canyons of Elba, rafting down the river. It is also possible to arrange a bike ride on specially equipped bicycle paths. This place can be called a real paradise for the traveler!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21863/

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