How to make a do-it-yourself phone case: original ideas

It is difficult to imagine, but some 10-15 years ago, a mobile phone in the hands evoked the enthusiastic looks of others, because it was a real curiosity. Today, this useful device will not surprise anyone. However, you can show your individuality by picking him a stylish "dress". How to make a do-it-yourself phone case? Let's consider this question in more detail.

And the old jeans came in handy

how to make a do-it-yourself phone case

Surely somewhere in your closet you’ll see a well-worn denim pants. Do not rush to throw them away, because this is an excellent material for original crafts. For example, we suggest you make a denim cover for a cell phone with your own hands. First, measure the device. All body parameters are taken into account: length, width, height. From jeans we cut out two rectangles of suitable sizes (do not forget about the centimeter on each side at the seams). It is advisable to borrow the details of the future cover at the bottom of the leg or at the waist to provide the product with one finished seam. If the jeans have small pockets or funny rivets, then use them in your creation. Next, two rectangles are sewn together on the back, forming a pouch.

How to make a do-it- yourself phone case from felt?

do-it-yourself cell phone case

Felt is a very popular material recently. It’s convenient to work with him, and he looks very nice. We offer you a case design that resembles an old phone. First you need to create patterns of felt on the same principle as we did from denim. You can cut the back of the case a little longer to use it later on to cover your phone. And again, we sew the halves on three sides and turn the product out. You can also perform a manual seam around the edge. Next, we begin to decorate our little case. From felt of two contrasting colors, we cut out circles that are different in diameter. Sew first a large circle, and on top - a small one. A large button will create the illusion of a disk, and small buttons will create numbers on the phone. The back surface must be tucked forward and fixed on the buttons.

How to make a do-it- yourself phone case from fabric?

DIY mobile phone case

We offer you a very simple version of clothing for the phone. Prepare a dense fabric of your favorite color. If there is a drawing on it, then this will make your creation even more interesting. We cut two rectangles to fit the phone and sew them on only one long side. Next, we tuck the top of our future cover, forming a thin tube and also sew. After that, we connect the remaining two sides with a seam. A lace is threaded into the cavity at the top to secure the phone. Next, you can decorate the cover as you wish. For example, paint it with acrylics, attach beads or embroider a picture.

Precious phone

If you do not know how to make a phone case with your own hands, then we recommend that you use a ready-made base. The stores sell rubberized cases for devices that can easily decorate on their own.

DIY mobile case
We suggest you create a real masterpiece by encrusting your phone with pearls, diamonds and gold. Of course, it is better to use an imitation of real jewelry. In needlework stores you can easily find beads, rhinestones, gilded flowers and other beautiful things. You can attach them to the body with resistant glue.

DIY knitted mobile phone case

DIY phone case

We offer real craftswomen to knit warm clothes for their device. You can use circular knitting, as, for example, when creating socks. For beginner needlewomen, we recommend making two simple rectangles, and then stitching them together. You can use both knitting needles and a hook as tools. A case looks like a sweater in the form of a sweater with a high neck or a small bag with a cute flower.


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