Solid fuel boilers for long burning: reviews and practice of use

Due to the incredible increase in gas and electricity tariffs in recent years, the use of alternative methods of heating homes has become increasingly popular among our fellow citizens. In particular, one of them is solid fuel boilers for long burning. Reviews of them claim that the use of this kind of technology can reduce heating costs by several times.

solid fuel boilers long burning reviews
This is especially important in regions where often there is no main gas at all, and electric heating is impossible, at least because of the sad state of the power grids.

But is there still a reason why a person is gradually returning to traditional solid fuels? Indeed, many residents of our country still use stove heating, but they are not too happy about this circumstance! Well, we will try to reveal in more detail the advantages that modern solid fuel boilers of long burning have. Reviews say that the first of these positive qualities is independence from constantly rising gas prices.

In addition, the products should not cause you to associate with old stoves, as such boilers are made using the latest technology. In particular, the term “long burning” indicates that the fuel in them burns using the so-called “upper decay”, when the wood burns out gradually, releasing a maximum of energy.

solid fuel boilers heating long burning
Of course, in this case you will spend much less money on heating. That is why solid fuel boilers of long burning, reviews of which are so good, have become extremely common in Europe.

By installing such equipment, you can forget about the need to put firewood in the fire, constantly monitor the position of the air damper, risking carbon monoxide poisoning in case of an error. Given the level of automation of modern boilers, with a sufficient amount of fuel, they can function for weeks, properly heating the room and practically requiring no supervision.

By the way, for this reason, solid fuel boilers for long-burning heating are loved to be installed in their suburban homes by townspeople who find it difficult to handle a traditional stove.

Full non-volatility

double-circuit solid fuel boilers for long burning
Almost all normal equipment of this type is completely independent of external energy sources. Simply put, only firewood is needed, while access to the power supply network is not useful. However, when installing a circulation pump, electricity is needed in any case.

If you want to save money, then do not rely on high-quality and uniform heating of the housing, and the fuel in this case will go unmatched anymore. An exception can be recognized only in the case when solid fuel boilers of long burning, reviews of which confirm this, are installed in small houses.

If you live in an area with regular power outages, it is advisable to provide powerful batteries or uninterruptible power supplies. This is especially necessary when you use double-circuit solid fuel boilers for long burning.


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