Analysis of the fairy tale Saltykov-Shchedrin "Kissel"

Fairy tales are beautiful. An amazing, magical world always comes to life in them. The most daring and incredible fantasies become reality there. In childhood, we read a variety of tales: about distant lands, princesses, animals, villains, who will certainly be defeated. But each of them has a deep meaning. It is he who helps children learn about concepts such as truth and falsehood, good and evil, friendship.

Special attention should be paid to Russian fairy tales. They are often of particular interest to the characters and their actions, rather than beautiful landscapes. Among these works can be safely attributed the tale of Saltykov-Shchedrin “Kissel”.

Didacticity of Russian fairy tales

Reading fairy tales must be approached no less responsibly than any other way of developing a child. She should not just lull or entertain the baby. Bunnies, cats, princesses and heroes - all of them should help to know the world, understand what is good and what is bad.

Starting from simple stories that are understandable to the smallest, one should proceed to such works where the meaning does not lie on the surface itself, but guesses over the behavior of the characters and the development of the plot. Such is the fairy tale “Kissel” by Saltykov-Shchedrin.

It addresses issues whose scale becomes more noticeable as the reader grows older. So, the child will notice here the wasteful behavior of the gentlemen, obedient servants and a pig, who does not mind eating a tasty treat. But adults will notice a satirical parable, where the author chuckles at passive peasants who do not want to change their lives for the better, and the greedy class. They are the very “pigs” that devour everything.

The plot of the work

In Saltykov-Shchedrin's Kisel, he develops sequentially, bringing the reader closer to an important conclusion. The Lord tasted the jelly cooked by the peasant. He liked everyone. It was both sweet and soft. Then the gentlemen demanded that he be on the table every day, because they liked to pamper themselves with such a delicious treat.

The image of gentlemen

Soon the owners treated the passers-by with kissel, even those with pleasure ate it. Kissel himself was only glad that he was so necessary that everyone praised him.

But the gentlemen got tired of the treat. Eating it became less, and soon they began to try other desserts altogether. Kissel was decided to give the pig, who ate it with great pleasure.

The gentlemen decided to have fun, travel, and upon returning again to eat a forgotten treat. Only when they returned, that is, there was nothing, and all the money was spent.

Key Issues Analysis

Let's start with the first problem we noticed in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin “Kissel” - passive peasants. It is they who form the very jelly. They don’t care who eats it, that they calmly give it to other hands. He is soft, inert and happy with what someone needs. Is that so? They are only saturated with it, they take everything that is needed, and after that they leave to the mercy of fate and “pigs”.

The image of a pig in a fairy tale

The second problem, worthy of the analysis of “Kissel” by Saltykov-Shchedrin, is gentlemen, burners of life. They take everything from a tasty treat, they are saturated with it, completely not thinking about its rational use. So the authorities controlled the people and the economy, pleasing themselves, not caring either for people or for the future. When the boring people are tired of them, they are ready to go have fun, with full confidence that the unconscious mass of people will not go anywhere.

But to the great surprise and chagrin of the gentlemen, the pig who did not disdain and was content with such generosity ate everything, leaving the power to starve and misery.


fairy tale analysis

The work “Kissel” by Saltykov-Shchedrin is undoubtedly worthy of study. It is relevant for both children and adults, as it touches on important, relevant topics. The mastery of the author, skillfully selected images and a simple, but at the same time colorful language, make the fairy tale one of the most interesting in its genre.


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