Rose Tattoo: What Does It Mean?

Tattooing is a great opportunity to distinguish yourself from other people. And although today you will not especially surprise anyone with various patterns and images on the body, self-expression has not yet been canceled. High-quality art tattoo will always be noticeable. It reflects the inner world of the owner of this picture, is able to even slightly open hidden preferences and desires. Tattoo rose is considered one of the most popular. This image can often be seen not only on girls, but also on guys. Why do many people prefer just such a tattoo and what is its meaning?

Rose tattoo

Just note that the symbolism of prisoners will not be considered. Artistic tattooing has nothing to do with prison culture. Therefore, do not refuse such a graceful and beautiful tattoo only because of the biased attitude of others. The same opinion will be expressed to you by a professional master.

What does rose tattoo mean? In fact, there are a lot of options. This flower often adorns tombstones and monuments, symbolizing eternal memory, imperishability and unfading life. A broken rose means sadness, longing, loss and loss.

what does rose tattoo mean

In Egypt, this magnificent plant has always been considered a symbol of the feminine, motherhood. The Italians associated the rose with the onset of warm sunny spring and prosperity. But in China, the rose has become a symbol of contentment and excesses. The Japanese interpretation is somewhat different. In this case, a rose tattoo means tenderness, pride and power. In the west, this flower is equated with a lotus. In Russia, a rose is considered a paradise plant. And pronounced sharp spikes symbolize the victim and torment.

You can easily find a wide variety of tattoo designs. Roses on them, as a rule, sometimes have rather unusual colors. And it also carries a special meaning. A yellow rose means fun and joy. Red is passion, desire, sensuality. Maroon - harmony. Gold is inner perfection. White - innocence, integrity, purity of thoughts, desires and actions. In combination with a red rose, the tattoo acquires the meaning of the unity of opposites. Orange flower means energy. Pink - recognition, gratitude. A lighter shade of the flower indicates the friendliness of its owner, as well as romance. A rose tattoo, made in blue, characterizes a person as a creative and extraordinary person. Dreamy people prefer blue flowers. But the black rose carries if not ominous, then definitely a negative meaning. Such a tattoo speaks of sadness, longing, a close acquaintance with death, loss and deprivation.

Rose Tattoo Sketches

The image of a rose on a man does not at all indicate his femininity. In ancient Persia, a rose was considered a symbol of the stronger sex. In addition, this flower very often appears in the style of the old school. A rose tattoo in a man is considered a symbol of devotion and honesty, as well as a strong love affection for one partner. But if the flower is depicted with sharp spikes, then most likely the person has already been burned more than once in a relationship.


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