Writer-publicist Alexander Nikonov: biography and creativity

Nikonov Alexander Petrovich - the notorious author of the book and publicist. Without fear, he expresses his opinion and fiercely upholds it in disputes.


nikonov alexander

On August 13, 1964, Alexander Nikonov was born in Moscow. The biography of young Sasha did not differ from that of other children. The boy was brought up in an ordinary family of workers, went to an ordinary Soviet kindergarten, after which he entered the school closest to the house. The diligent studies of Alexander Nikonov did not differ. But he showed great interest in history. His tenacious memory instantly grasped the events of bygone years, and the analytical mind did not want to submit to the Soviet system. In high school, Sasha often asked provocative questions to the teacher of history and social science, dared to argue with the generally accepted opinion, and was not going to submit to the skeletal Soviet system.

Years of youth

In the eighties, Alexander Nikonov studied at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. The mood of approaching freedom is in the air, and young people are looking forward to change. It was during this period that Nikonov understood that the time would soon come when the thoughts that arise in his head would become relevant. In his youth, Alexander often takes part in apartment houses, where advanced youth of the late eighties gather and actively participates in debates on political topics. Then Alexander Nikonov makes his first "pen test."


books by alexander nikonov

First, Nikonov tries himself as a publicist. He places his witty oppositional articles in Moskovsky Komsomolets, Trud, Moskovsky Komsomolskaya Pravda, Stolichnaya Gazeta, and Night Rendezvous. It is also published in Postscript, Twinkle, Capital.

In the nineties, the writer Nikonov matures. In 1994, the first book of Alexander was published . The provocative name plays a role - the publication with a circulation of 20 thousand copies is taken apart like hot cakes. Also in these years come to the life of a publicist and scandals firmly settle there.

Scandal after scandal

“Thanks to” his sharp tongue and categorical statements, Alexander Nikonov often finds himself in the thick of a scandal. In the fall of 1996, a joint activity with Dmitry Bykov brings him his first trial. Alexander spoke in the case of the publication of the informal newspaper "Mother".

monkey upgrade

The rebel Nikonov actively promotes the use of obscene words, not only in everyday life, but also in print. The first edition of the obscene newspaper went on sale April 1, 1995 as an appendix to the publication "Interlocutor." He also calls for radical action by publishing his rubric in the newspaper New Look.

The next big scandal happens after the publication of the book “Upgrade Monkeys”. In one of the chapters of the book, the prosecutor's office saw an explicit call for the legalization of drugs. Therefore, a decision was made to completely remove books from free sale. However, the author did not give up and a year later published a reprint entitled "The Crown of Creation in the Interior of the Universe", where he made the necessary changes to the text and completely deleted the chapter, which did not appeal to representatives of the prosecutor's office.

In the same year, 2009, Nikonov Alexander Petrovich writes an article “Finish, so as not to suffer”. In it, he raises the question of euthanasia for newborns with severe brain pathologies that will not allow the child to develop as an independent and full-fledged personality. Offensive language addressed to such children causes a wide resonance among the Russian public. The press criticized Nikonov. February 2010 is marked by hearings on the issue of scandalous publication in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Union of Russian Journalists. SJR makes a decision on excessive extremism of the article and recognizes Nikonov’s approach to journalism as unprofessional. However, several fellow writers advocate freedom of speech and the author of an article on euthanasia. So, Nikonov received the support and protection of Alexei Venediktov, Yevgeny Dodolev, Viktor Loshak, Pavel Sheremet, who have a reputation for leading publicist public figures.

Nikonov Alexander Petrovich


Despite accusations of unprofessionalism coming from fellow journalists, Alexander Nikonov manages to get approval for his work. In 1999, he became the owner of the state award for his contribution to public culture and received the Pushkin medal. In 2001, he was awarded the Union of Journalists of Russia. In the next year, 2002, Alexander received the proud title of laureate of the Journalists Award organized by Ogonyok magazine. The controversial work "Upgrade Monkey" is awarded the Belyaev Prize. And published in 2009, Anna Karenina, the female, receives the award of the Russian Nonconformism 2010 cultural and educational award from the Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

“Upgrade Monkey”

alexander nikonov biography

"Angrade Monkeys" is a book that includes seven sections and forty-one chapters. In his work, the author raises questions about the existence of God, gives the most popular scientific theories of the formation of the universe, and proves the universality of the evolutionary process. Each page of the text is literally saturated with violent atheism, lack of morality, untested scientific theories. Reading a book, you come to the conclusion that there is no God, and we are just another round of inevitable evolution.

The mastery and erudition of the author can only be envied. The non-fiction work captures literally from the first page. Taking the book in hand, it is better to devote this day exclusively to reading - it is impossible to break away from it. However, do not take everything written by the author at face value. Let this work become a kind of criticism training for the reader.

“The end of feminism. How is a woman different from a man? ”

In 2005, the author’s work “The End of Feminism. How is a woman different from a man. " The very name of the book gives rise to scandal. In the first of four parts of the book, the author raises the problem of low education in the West. He hypothesizes the ongoing spiritual impoverishment of the American nation. In the second part, Nikonov exposes frenzied American feminism. An analogy is drawn between the Bolsheviks and representatives of the women's movement. In the third part, the author thoroughly studies the issue of feminism in America and Russia.

The last part of the book by Alexander Nikonov is the smallest in volume and perhaps the most important in the entire composition. This section provides evidence of the psychophysiological differences between men and women. Alexander cites a lot of facts and references to authoritative sources in support of his words. The book is fascinating, but some theories, despite their scientific validity, cause a desire to argue with them.

“Riding a bomb. The fate of planet Earth and its inhabitants "

The questions of the origin of the Earth and the humanity inhabiting it are what Alexander Nikonov has always been interested in. “Riding a bomb. The fate of the planet Earth and its inhabitants ”is the writer's next attempt to analyze and tell readers about modern theories about the past, present and future of the planet. Alexander, collecting the facts, offers us a prediction about the future fate of the Earth. Interesting stories about scientists from different times and their discoveries that once turned the world upside down make reading even more fun.

Nikonov writer

“Between Scylla and Charybdis”

This is currently the last published book of the writer. Nikonov in this work returns to the ideas already expressed in The Monkey Upgrade. He leads the way out of the crisis in which modern civilization finds itself. Scylla, in his view, is an excessive conservatism of society and obscurantism reigning in it, and Charybdis is brought to the point of absurdity political correctness. These two cornerstones explain the reasons for the stalemate of mankind. How to find a middle ground that can keep us all from falling into the abyss?

Blogging and social activities

To date, the official website of Nikonov is unavailable. Surely, special services had a hand in this. And no wonder. Alexander constantly keeps his finger on the pulse of the social and political life of the Russian Federation and does not miss the opportunity to open his eyes to reality, the people who are zombified by the “box”.

On his blog, Nikonov regularly publishes materials that cause lively debate on the network. The writer is actively discussing the conflict in the Donbass. To date, the most actively discussed topic is the war in Syria. Nikonov in detail, using such visual materials as a map of Asia and Europe, charts, tables, defends his own point of view.

In 2012, the political party “Russia without obscurantism” was created and registered. Since 2013, Alexander Nikonov has been the chairman of the Federal Political Council of the organization.

the end of feminism

The Nikonov phenomenon

Articles and books by Alexander Nikonov are of constant interest to the masses. It is unlikely that this is due to great writing talent. Rather, a careful selection of the most acute and relevant topics, categorical arguments and harsh language, sometimes not without a strong word. Most opposition politicians and people in power can learn the ability to promote it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21882/

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