What is a box, where is it applicable?

The organization of electrical wiring is a troublesome and responsible business. They do not joke with electricity, and such works are trusted by professionals. But when a special cable box appeared, this question was simplified. Now there is no need to use special metal brackets, and the laid wire is not visible.

Box, its device

What is a box? This is a universal wire holder that hides them inside. Visually, it is a straight line with possible branches at 90 degrees. Boxes are made of polymers or metal. The main requirements that apply to these elements:

  • non-exposure to fire;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • ease of installation;
  • cheapness.

Any element of the box, even a channel, or a corner or a branch, is made of two parts: the base and the cover. The base is fixed with screws through special mounting holes to the bearing surface. A wire is laid in it. The cover is fixed from above by means of a special latch, covering the wiring. Channels produce mainly two-meter length and rectangular cross-section of various sizes.

what is a box

Convenience and scope

What is a box at work? It provides:

  • quick and inexpensive installation;
  • safe laying of electricity in places with flammable materials;
  • ease of access to live and signal lines;
  • the ability to install on a finished finish without disturbing the decorative layer;
  • ease of network reorganization.

The need for the use of boxes is often due to the installation of additional equipment in the room or equipping it with the entire building. Such equipment includes fire safety systems, video surveillance and burglar alarms, as well as acoustics.

cable box

Features of plastic channels

What is a polymer box? It is made of fireproof polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The most common ones are gray and white, but there are also colored, painted under the structure of wood. Channels are of the following types:

  • wall for wiring on the walls and ceiling;
  • floor;
  • skirting box. The baseboard has a channel covered by a decorative panel.

Plastic channels are intended for internal use. For the convenience of cable laying, some types of ducts have dividing sections. In each separate section, wires of a certain purpose can be laid. When laying wiring, follow these rules:

  • use a minimum of electrical connections inside the channel;
  • do not allow twisting of wires and laying rings;
  • reserve space for additional communications;
  • do not occupy more than 50% of the cross section so that the cables do not overheat;
  • arrange wiring in places where there is quick access to the channel;
  • additionally fix the tourniquet in plastic, especially on long straight sections, at turning points and branches.

metal box

Metal current-carrying boxes

What is a metal box? This is a type of channel that is used both indoors and outdoors. Elements are resistant to positive and negative temperatures and ultraviolet. They can also serve as a shield for signal wires. The material for the manufacture of the box is steel or aluminum. The design represents the base and cover. Metal box meets fire safety standards. They can easily be grounded, which provides protection against breakdowns.

There are perforated and solid boxes on the market, corner joints and bends go to them. There are also metal wire trays that have the lightest design. Wires in a metal box stack:

  • in one row;
  • in a multilayer way;
  • harnesses;
  • packages.

When organizing wiring in a metal box on the street in winter, it must be remembered that the cables must be warmed up before installation if the temperature is below 15 ΒΊ. When it’s -40 CΒΊ outside, installation work cannot be carried out.

subwoofer box

Speaker Boxes

Boxes of this type have nothing to do with cable routing. Simply put, the subwoofer box is the enclosure where the subwoofer is installed . The size and shape of the box is calculated according to the formula in accordance with the parameters of acoustics. A properly crafted subwoofer can deliver rich deep bass. There are three types of boxes:

  • Sealed construction. Easy to manufacture and reliable housing. The dynamics membrane in it is supported by the volume of internal air. Thanks to this, acoustics are less susceptible to wear.
  • Phase inverter system. The box is equipped with a special ventilation channel, thanks to which stronger bass is obtained at a low speaker power. A precisely made case gives a good clean sound, but with all the positive aspects, such boxes have a larger volume for a specific speaker in comparison with sealed ones.
  • Bandpass. The combination of the two above systems. The design device allows you to get great bass. But acoustic output is inferior to other types of enclosures.

The material for the manufacture of the box is traditionally plywood or chipboard.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21885/

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