DIY flower pots: how to make and beautifully design?

Indoor and garden flowers are the joy and pride of the hostess, therefore pots and flowerpots for indoor plants are always in demand. The store shelves are simply packed to the brim with this product. On sale there are more than a hundred varieties of pottery for indoor and garden plants. Probably, there is no window sill left on which store flower pots would not live. But homemade containers made from improvised materials continue to peacefully coexist with purchased ones to this day.

It so often happens that for various reasons, you suddenly need a pot for a new green pet, but it is not. Or sprouts gave roots, but due to various circumstances it is impossible to pick him "housing". Or do you like everything unusual? Then this article is also suitable for you.

Today we will be considering ideas on how to make flower pots with our own hands.

Pots for babies

For very small plants sown with seeds, prepared for planting in a garden flower bed in the future, you can create mini pots from egg shells. The issue of transplanting into such a container is not considered, since it is enough to sow one seed in each shell (pre-filled with soil). And put the shells in the egg cassette in which they are sold. Over time, the plant will begin to grow and develop, and when it reaches the appropriate size, you can safely plant it in the garden or in another larger flower pot.

shell pots

And we continue to consider the ideas of pots. With your own hands from improvised materials, you can easily make them according to our instructions.

For various succulents

An ordinary ceramic mug with a crushed stone or a chopped handle is a ready-made pot for a succulent plant. As is known to any grower, cacti, Crassulaceae, Gasteria have very small roots. The aboveground part of such green pets is usually heavy, since a large supply of moisture accumulates in the leaves and stems, which is necessary for survival in arid conditions. Therefore, succulent planted in a light pot is able to turn over its "house" over time due to the severity of the leaves. To prevent this, plant such plants only in heavy pots. If you did not have damaged ceramic mugs, but you want to make such flower pots with your own hands, no one will forbid you to use normal, whole and even new ceramic mugs.

ceramic pot

Glass jar florariums

Now again it is becoming fashionable to plant plants in the florarium. This is a glass pot (usually an aquarium or a jar) filled with soil mix, sand and decorative stones.

jar florarium

Glass Pot Preparation Steps

  • Take an ordinary jar, its size depends on the number and size of plants that you want to plant in it.
  • Wash and dry the jar, we put gloss on the walls.
  • Pour into it a mixture of soil (or sand).
  • The soil should occupy no more than a third of the banks. Remember that the earth will settle down, so first sprinkle a little more.
  • Now we put the plant by hand in the jar, deepen it very carefully, then plant the second and third. Usually no more than three are placed in a jar, remember that the plants will grow, so do not "cram" them tightly, give freedom.
  • After planting, carefully pour a jar, spray water from the inside of the wall and let them dry.

How to make flower pots from plastic bottles with your own hands

Very cheap material and always available are plastic bottles of different capacities. For dwarf specimens, 0.5 liter containers are perfect. For larger species, you can use a bottle of 5 liters. Pelargonium, for example, is placed in such pots. These flowers are quite unpretentious and fast in growth.

See photo of flower pots with your own hands from plastic bottles below.

ordinary plastic pots

And now we will take a closer look at how to create such a nice capacity for a plant:

  • We take a bottle of plastic, cut off the height you need, most likely it will be the third part of the entire container.
  • Next is an important step, if you have an old iron, heat it and gently, for a split second, press the plastic container with a cut to the hot sole of the iron. This will help even out the notches left after cutting the bottle.
  • Coat the surface of the resulting pot with acrylic paint. It is advisable to use paint from spray cans. Then your flower pots will be more accurate.
  • We are waiting for the paint to dry.
  • Next, you can draw horizontal bright stripes around the entire pot.

If the ordinary flower pot made of plastic bottles, made with your own hands, did not impress you, try cutting out the ears of animals (for example, cat ears, they are easy to cut). Treat the edges with a heated soldering iron. Paint with colors in accordance with your ideas about this animal. Draw the eyes and face. Now transplant flowers. It turned out nice, right?

Next, we will consider how to make good flower pots with your own hands from plastic buckets in which you bought mayonnaise.

The second life of plastic buckets

To implement the idea you will need:

  • The bandage is plaster.
  • Water.
  • Glue for mosaic.
  • Tile grout.
  • And most importantly, a plastic container for ice cream or mayonnaise.
  • Decorating elements (rhinestones, pebbles, shells, beads, mosaic).


  1. In order to decorate the flower pot with your own hands, prepare a bucket, pre-pierce the drainage holes in it with a hot awl or nail.
  2. Remove the handle from the bucket. Soak a piece of plaster bandage in water for a few seconds, wrap it on a bucket directly under the ring, and also press it into the voids. This operation will help close unnecessary empty areas there and at the same time smooth out the upper part of our future pot. Let the workpiece dry.
  3. Now moisten the bandage and wrap it in a bucket in several layers. In the process of straightening the bandage, smooth and smooth it, giving a smooth and beautiful surface to your plastic bucket. Leave the workpiece now for a day to dry completely.
  4. After a day, you can proceed to the decor of the pot. Coat it with glue for mosaic, stick decorative elements. Do not be shy, there should be a lot of decorations in such a product.
  5. After tightly decorating the pot, wait until the glue dries, most likely about a day.
  6. Apply tile grout over shells and pebbles, it will take all the cracks and give the structure a fortress and nobility.
  7. After 10 minutes, rinse off the grout from the decorative elements with a damp sponge.
  8. And again, wait until the day passes. A day later, you can plant a flower in a pot.

In the same way, you can decorate any container, even a plastic cup can then become a decent pot for a green baby.

Canned flower, green and juicy

Tin cans can also turn into flower pots. With their own hands, they can be painted from a spray can on the outside or wound a jute cord on a surface previously coated with glue. Instead of a cord for winding, use also ribbons, ropes, braid - the result will still be excellent!

You can paint cans with a brush - apply peas of different colors, stripes, flowers. Draw everything your imagination offers you. Let the design of your tin cans be unique and striking in its beauty and unusualness.

By the way, take a look at tin cans for gift tea and coffee, as well as cans for candy and gift cookies. Their shapes are square, oval and round. Such jars can also be used to resettle your green pets. And you will not have to paint these cans. Typically, such tin gift wraps already have a beautiful pattern.

See how cute flower pots you can make from these cans with your own hands (see photo below).

tea pots

And certainly pots from slightly crumpled cans will not go unnoticed. Just please do not overdo it! The jar is crushed in two or three places - no more so that it looks picturesque, and not like containers from the trash.

Bucket - to the point!

You can create a flower pot with your own hands from a bucket by painting the outer surface of the container. It is better to paint with glossy acrylic paint, this will give the pot gloss and chic. Bright colors are appropriate for flowers with a similar color combination, and if you plan to plant a deciduous plant, then paint the bucket in more neutral colors: gray, light blue, white.

The container capacity is selected taking into account how large the plant will live in it. It’s not necessary to decorate such a bucket, but if you really want to make it β€œmore fun”, then you can draw large peas of one color or several.

How to decorate flower pots

When there are already enough flower pots of all shapes and sizes in the house and in the garden, it may happen that you just want to slightly refresh and modify the space. More than ever, here you will have the decor of flower pots. With your own hands you can make them unique. This is the place for the raging fantasy of the designer. You can update the design of the annoying type of pot in many unusual and inexpensive ways.

Floriculture textile

fabric decor

On your windowsill there are flowers in the same flower pots and you no longer like their style, do you want something fresh? Excellent!

  • Surely there are nice cuts of fabric left from sewing summer flower curtains or tablecloths in the household. Apply them in this case. Take a piece of fabric, mark the width, length, pre-measuring your pots. Coat the pots with PVA glue and wrap with a bright print fabric. Soon the glue will dry out, and now your flower has a new pot. Do you want to smear the original cache-pot with glue or is it a pity to spoil the matter? There is also a way out for this: just wrap the pot with material and tie it with ropes, plaits or ribbons.
  • In order to decorate flower pots with your own hands, you can use the ability to knit. Do you know how to knit? If you can, then this is just the point. And if you are not familiar with this type of needlework, then it's time to learn. Moreover, the models for which you will knit clothes are already waiting for this. Tie a canvas in the form of a scarf with any pattern (it depends on your skill level). Connect the edges of the canvas into a ring and pull on the planter. Warm knitted decor will give coziness to your decor. You can choose the color of yarn based on your preferences: bright, pastel, dark, neutral. Knit better with large knitting needles (or crochet) - so the design will turn out even more noticeable and attractive.

Coffee pot

You can also decorate flower pots with your own hands from improvised materials using coffee beans. Attach whole coffee beans to the flower pot using a glue gun. This work requires accuracy. To coffee beans lay evenly, the decor must be carried out in a relaxed atmosphere, without rushing. Finishing the coffee decoration, cover the planter with clear varnish in one or two layers.

There is no limit to fantasy

coiled pot

DIY flower pots can be made from the most ordinary saucepan, from an old watering can, from an unpaired boot or boot (this is an option for street pots). An old iron kettle is also suitable for this purpose.

Releasing your imagination on a free flight, it is not out of place to remember several rules:

  • The planter, invented by you, should take into account the needs of the plant for irrigation, depth of capacity and size.
  • Decorative elements should not "drown" the plant itself, growing in such a pot, with its brightness.


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