Pumilio mountain pine: planting and care, cultivation features

Pumilio mountain pine is a low overgrown shrub. This plant looks very beautiful in landscape design: in single gardens, groups, rock gardens. In this article we will analyze what constitutes a mountain pine. Description, propagation, care, planting of this shrub will be covered in this publication.

Plant description

Pumilio pine is a compact dwarf evergreen shrub with a dense crown. The needles are short, needle, sharp, 3-4 centimeters in length. The height of the bush varies from 1.2 to 1.5 meters. Cones are cone-shaped, brown, shoots are directed upwards and form a dome.

planting and caring for a mountain pine in the garden

Planting and caring for a mountain pine in the garden is not difficult, since the plant is quite unpretentious in care. Pine is sun-loving, but it is frost-resistant, tolerates periods of drought, can grow both on acidic and alkaline soils.

pine mountain pumilio planting and care

The natural habitat is the central and eastern mountainous part of Europe.

After 30 years, the plant reaches 1 meter in height, and annual growth is 5 centimeters in length and 12 centimeters in height.

Mountain pine Mugo Pumilio: planting and care

The plant does not tolerate dark places, so for planting it chooses a bright, well-lit area. You can plant a pine in almost any soil, it grows even on land that is poor in nutrients, or dunes. In addition, the bush is not afraid of the city's gassed air.

Before planting, it is recommended to slightly acidic soils, you can add slaked lime to the planting pit . In early spring, when the soil still remains frozen, the pine should be sprayed and watered with warm water, which contributes to its awakening after wintering. The rest of the time, care involves only moderate watering as necessary.

Fertilizers are applied during the first few years after planting. Use special fertilizer mixtures for conifers.

In some cases, an adult plant should be tied for the winter, as branches can break under the weight of the snow cover.

Mountain pine propagates by seeds, cuttings, or by grafting. The least popular is seed propagation, since in this case it is very difficult to maintain the varietal qualities of the mother plant.

Growing Features

So, if Pumilio mountain pine has appeared on your site, planting and caring for it are not difficult. However, to effectively grow shrubs, you need to know a number of features. Firstly, pine is watered only three times a season with a volume of 15-20 liters. Secondly, for the winter, young trees are protected with sawdust or spruce paws to avoid burns. Mineral fertilizers use the first two seasons.

On too heavy soils, pine need at least a little drainage.

Why else is the Pumilio mountain pine demanding? Planting and caring for it should also include mandatory shelter from winter and spring sunshine. The shrub is protected from the sun for the first 2-3 years, it can be covered with burlap or fir spruce branches.

It is best to buy Pumilio pine seedlings in specialized nurseries, since the plants from them are adapted to local climatic conditions and take root well in a particular area.

If the autumn turned out to be protracted and rainy, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of the bush against fungal diseases.


Mountain pine Pumilio is very diverse in use. Planting and caring for it are completely uncomplicated, therefore, it can be used as undergrowth and ground cover plants, as well as to create mixed groups. A well-established shrub in rocky kindergartens, on the banks of ponds, for fixing dry slopes. In addition, other tall bushes can be planted on them.

There are varieties of Pumilio pine that are suitable for growing in a pot. Thus, you can easily decorate balconies, roofs or a small city courtyard.

mountain pine description breeding care planting

Since pine has phytoncidal properties, it is recommended to plant it near children's and recreational facilities.

Benefits of Pumilio Pine

The undoubted advantages of mountain pine include its frost resistance, which allows you to grow shrubs in various regions. In addition, pine is undemanding to the quality of the soil, can grow even in urban climates and without loss carry gas pollution and industrial emissions. The extensive root system of the plant easily holds bulk soil. Pumilio pine is wind-resistant, tolerates haircuts and is an indispensable link in landscape design.

pine mountain mugo pumilio planting and care

So, the pine mountain Pumilio was considered in the article. Planting and plant care, cultivation features are now known to you. Given all the advantages of the bush, we can conclude that Pumilio pine is perfect for decorating the garden, and even a beginner gardener can cope with the care of it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21900/

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