Mobile wastewater treatment plants and other types of plants

Many industrial regions have very polluted environments. It affects the purity of water. If it is not cleaned, the liquid will be unsuitable for drinking or hygiene. In addition, water is used in many enterprises. Its purity can affect the quality of some products that are widely used in the home.

If you live in a highly polluted environment (in a large industrial region), then you could repeatedly observe one unique phenomenon. The water that flows from the tap can take on a greenish tint. There can be no question of drinking or washing, especially if the source of water is near a chemical plant or other enterprise that contains toxic waste.

In well-developed cities, this problem is rare, because before you get into someone’s house, the water undergoes special treatment. This function is performed by special cleaning stations. They can also be used to clean sewers.

In this article, we describe several types of treatment plants, as well as their functions and features.

Mobile Wastewater Treatment Plant

domestic wastewater treatment plants

Most often used in the northern latitudes, where there is rocky soil. It can be used in areas with unstable soil.

The advantage of mobile wastewater treatment plants is that they allow you to save energy during operation, switching to a special mode. In addition, the amount of garbage dumping is not limited, which allows the station to be used for a rather long time.

Mobile wastewater treatment plants may not be used everywhere. They show their best side when working on construction sites, as well as in special temporary villages in which the organization of the household unit is carried out.

An excellent choice will serve when holding mass city events. Also, mobile wastewater treatment plants are well used in various restaurants, cafes, pizzerias and so on.

But it is most effective to apply them in places with unstable soil. That is why such stations are most often used in northern latitudes in permafrost conditions. This is due to the fact that conventional water treatment plants are difficult to install in the ground.

Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant

biological treatment facilities

Such facilities include wastewater. They can be divided into 3 types: household, storm and production.

Domestic wastewater is used to create sewer systems in residential buildings or public organizations. They clean all sewer paths from the bathrooms.

Storm - surface or rain runoff. They are the most environmentally friendly and less dangerous. These types of drains are used to clean roofs, asphalt roads and other areas. They have several runoff levels through which water descends. In addition to cleaning the surface of water, storm drains clean the water itself. They remove various impurities from its composition.

Industrial effluents - are used in enterprises and are very toxic and chemically hazardous. This is due to the fact that many water plants have different amounts of hazardous impurities. Designs can vary in complexity and contain a different number of levels. It depends on the volume of various impurities in the water, as well as on its composition.

Biological treatment

cleaning facility

Biological wastewater treatment plants are often used in private homes or in summer cottages. If you have your own private house with a garden, especially if it is located in a small village, then you often thought about creating cesspools. This type of "yard" sewage is considered biological.

It also includes septic tanks and ready-made cleaning devices for summer cottages.


After reading this article, we can conclude that there is a huge amount of treatment facilities. They not only differ in their functions, but also in places of application.


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