Facade from profiled sheet: installation technology, advantages

The facade is one of the most demanding parts of the house in terms of decoration. A wide range of threats are affecting its surface, including mechanical and climatic ones. Facade of various kinds will help to cope with loads of various kinds, which can be performed in any configuration depending on the characteristics of the house.

Which profiled sheet is suitable?

For external decoration, cold-formed steel sheets with a trapezoidal corrugation are recommended. In addition to zinc coating, polymer processing is also required, which will protect the material from aggressive chemical influences. Especially for facade decoration, products with markings C8, C10, SP20, NS35, etc. are produced. As for the dimensional parameters, the length can vary from 50 to 120 cm, the width is 90-120 cm, and the height of the corrugation is about 8-15 cm. The average weight of the profiled sheet per 1 m 2 is 3.7-4.2 kg. The mass depends on the thickness of the sheet, which, in turn, varies from 4 to 6 mm. You should immediately calculate the aesthetic qualities of the material, since we are talking about the most visible part of the house. The design choice, in principle, is not rich in this segment, but you can give preference to the color scheme, which optimally fits into the overall composition of home ownership with a roof and garden and landscape objects.

How much is a professional sheet?

Profiled sheet for facade cladding

Material prices are calculated for each 1 m 2 . In this case, the specific amount will depend on the thickness of the product, the height of the corrugation, external processing and the nuances of production technology. The cheapest sheets are sold for 150-170 rubles / m 2 . This is the C8 brand in the budget segment, which is characterized by a small thickness of up to 4 mm and a modest corrugation height - up to 10 mm. Obviously, thicker products are more expensive. For facade decoration, for example, sheets up to 6-7 mm thick with a corrugation height of 35 mm can be used. How much does a professional sheet with such characteristics cost? On average, 300-400 rubles / m 2 , but, again, the fineness of processing - the quality of the polymer and zinc coatings - will matter.

Mounting technology

Facade from profiled sheet

By itself, a bare corrugated board to attach to the facade wall is pointless. Ventilated façade technology is used to give the structure sufficient protective ability . What is its meaning? A multilayer functional base is being executed, the completion of which will be the profiled sheet. As part of such a facade there are at least three technological levels:

  • Profile design - supporting frame.
  • Insulating materials (insulation, hydro-, steam- and sound insulation).
  • Protective covering.

Brackets, anchor hardware, self-tapping screws, guiding profiles, etc. are used for the power ligament and fastening of the elements of the ventilated facade from the profiled sheet. The formation of such a complex “pie” is required not only to support the insulation functions, but also to ventilate the cavity behind the metal sheathing. This is the most important condition for maintaining the integrity of the wall base, which due to air circulation is protected from mold and fungus.

Preparing for installation work

Before proceeding with the direct installation of basic fasteners, the following measures should be taken:

  • If it is planned to carry out insulation of the facade directly through the surface of the walls, then these works are completed first.
  • The measurement of the facade with drawings and diagrams is taken.
  • According to the measurement results, deviations in the plane of the target surface, the passage of parapets, ceilings, protrusions and drops, etc. are recorded. Taking into account the geometric features of the installation site will make it possible to better shape the facade from a profiled sheet, making the necessary structural accents.
  • If the facade is provided with elements of the drainage system, lighting equipment or other equipment, it must be vacated for future access to the surface.
  • A free approach to the workplace is provided. There should be enough space to work with large-format cladding sheets.

How and how to cut a professional sheet?

Profiled sheet cutting

Experts recommend two materials for such purposes - an angle grinder (grinder) and metal shears. Grinder cut easier, faster and more convenient. But there are significant disadvantages. Firstly, the risk of burning edges, and secondly, this operation in itself is extremely unsafe. Angle grinders are not designed for such work. This method will be justified only if you need to get a large amount of material without any special claims to quality. But this can hardly be attributed to the facade decoration with a professional sheet, which will have to become the “face” of the house.

As for scissors, working with them is more complicated and painstaking, but better and safer. Initially, it is recommended to tape over the cutting line with tape or construction tape so that the edges with a polymer coating are not damaged during the cutting process. After the operation is completed, it is necessary to polish the edges (this operation can be entrusted to a grinder with an abrasive nozzle), and then treat them with a paint and varnish protective coating. Otherwise, after a couple of years, it will be possible to notice traces of corrosion along the edges of the cut.

Marking the surface of the facade

Facing the house with a professional sheet

To calculate the volume of the required material and the specific parameters of individual segments, you must mark the working area. For convenience, scaffolding or scaffolding is prepared. In any case, the marking is carried out along the entire front of the work with fixing the control points of installation. On the surface of the walls, the marking is carried out by optical measuring instruments. It is advisable to use a circular laser level or at least a point level with two projecting beams - vertically and horizontally. Further along the contours of the facade cladding, profiled sheet is applied with indelible paint. The accuracy of the markup is extremely important, since not only the parameters of the coating segments will depend on it, but also the location of the fasteners.

Installation of fasteners

Holes are made at the marked fixation points of the supporting frame. Diameter and depth should be calculated by anchoring. At this stage, it is important to minimize the cold bridges that form due to the brackets in the wall. To do this, the installation of paronite gaskets is carried out in places where the fasteners adjoin the surface.

Direct drilling is carried out with an electric drill or hammer, depending on the material of the wall base. In this case, the installation of the brackets can be performed differently depending on the geometry of the wall in a particular area. Balancing in the levels of the crate position in the future will allow you to align the facade from the profiled sheet with respect to the red surface, which may have deviations in the plane in different areas. On average, the leveling effect can be 3-5 cm.

Insulation tab

Installation of facade from profiled sheet

After installing the brackets, you can proceed to insulation measures. At a minimum, a layer of insulation should be installed - in the form of a rolled material or plate. Installation is made in the direction from bottom to top. Segments of plates are fixed as tightly as possible to each other without large gaps. If, due to the structural features of the material, gaps still remain, then after installation, seal with sealant should be performed. Fastening of the facade cladding with profiled sheet with insulation is carried out by plate anchor dowels with struts. On average, 6-7 pcs are spent per 1 m2. For the convenience of work, drill plates in appropriate mounting points in advance. After the heat insulator, it is possible to lay the wind-moisture protective film. The sheets are overlapped and fixed with a mounting tape.

Installation of corrugated board

The sheets are fixed by self-tapping screws along the profile guides. It is advisable to perform the twisting with a screwdriver, but having previously set it to the “do not press” mode. If there is no such function, then it is necessary to visually determine the moment of stopping the twist without the risk of deformation of the sheet. Installation is carried out from left to right and from bottom to top. The first row is mounted and leveled for drainage, if present. The vertical position of each segment is checked by the level - you can use the same laser level.

An important question will follow - how to sheathe the facade of a house with a professional sheet with a vertical installation so that the corrugation is protected from moisture? At a basic level, in principle, the penetration of moisture, dirt and precipitation under the profiled sheet should be prevented by slopes, cornices and spotlights under the roof. But for insurance, you can also use special additional trims, installing them on profile segments on top of the ventilation facade according to the principle of mini-visors.

After installation

House with a facade of profiled sheet

Final sealing of joints, seams and holes at the junctions of metal sheets and the supporting structure with profiles to the wall is carried out. In the door and window openings, mounting elements forming the ducts are mounted. It is important to choose devices with a polymer coating for such purposes, which will protect the working mechanics of the valves from negative influences. Next, slopes, ebbs, platbands and other accessories with functional devices are installed.

Advantages of profiled sheeting

Considering the profiled sheet as a part of the ventilation façade, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • Universality. Thanks to protective coatings, this finish can be combined with various types of insulators and fixing materials.
  • Light weight. The modest weight of the profiled sheet of 4-5 kg ​​/ m 2 does not create the risks of overloading the structure, as is the case with porcelain and metal-plastic finishing materials.
  • Proper implementation of the main functions of the facade. Galvanized steel itself provides a wide range of protective properties for the walls of the house.


Facade of galvanized profiled sheet

Trends in the modern design of private houses and cottages are increasingly gravitating to the principles of environmental friendliness, naturalness and naturalness. This is due to the return of the traditional wooden cladding as a means of facade decoration in different variations. And against this background, the metal coating loses significantly, since it does not create the image of the natural texture and is environmentally little different from the same metal plastic. And yet, from the point of view of practicality, the technology of covering the facade with a profiled sheet is the most profitable. This design with the effect of ventilation and a layer of insulation contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house and protects the walls from major threats. In addition, at the price, the ventilation façade from the professional sheet is quite cheap.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21911/

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