The most common diseases of tomato seedlings

Tomato is an amazing vegetable. After all, it is possible to cook various salads, gravy, fries and much more from it. For this, tomato has become widespread throughout the world, and therefore its cultivation is carried out at an active pace both in the open air and in greenhouses. Although the process itself from sowing to harvesting is not so complicated, various diseases of tomato seedlings can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is important not to let them into the plants or destroy them at the first manifestation.

Diseases of tomato seedlings: late blight

This disease is the most insidious of all possible, because it spreads both through the seeds of the plant, and through infected soil or the fruits of tomatoes that were left in the beds, or even by airborne droplets. The latter type of transmission is difficult to control, but infection is still possible to a minimum.

Diseases of tomato seedlings

Late blight appears if the soil is not saturated with useful trace elements (iodine, manganese, copper, potassium) and various nitrogenous fertilizers. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus must be watered directly under the root of the plant, but microelements are best sprayed, since the bush will better accept them through the leaves. Biological protection will help prevent this disease from tomato seedlings, that is, planting plants such as garlic and onions next to tomato on both sides of the beds, and savory and basil can be planted around the edges. You should also beware of the location next to tomatoes, cucumbers, dill, peas, instead of them nearby it is better to plant cabbage, beans, lettuce or radish. It is also necessary to observe the correct distance between the individual bushes of the plant.

There is a good recipe for late blight protection for seedlings: the powder remedy Fitosporin-M (30 g) is diluted in 10 liters of water and poured into 200 ml wells, then the same preparation is sprayed every 7-10 days. If this does not help, then only the treatment with fungicides remains.

Diseases of tomato seedlings: fungi and viruses

Disease Tomato Photo

A tomato has many fungal enemies. The main ones are those that cause such diseases of the tomato (photo No. 2 and No. 3), such as the black leg, leaf spot of white and brown color, bacterial spot of black color. Among viruses, it is worth noting the streak and mosaic.

The black leg shows itself, a thinning stalk just above the root. If such signs are found, then you should sprinkle the beds with river sand (1-1.5 cm), and also monitor the level of temperature and moisture.

Such tomato diseases, in which leaves become stained, are also very dangerous. First of all, it is necessary to carry out disinfection measures for the entire inventory, but if a similar disease has got on the plant, then it is better to destroy it.

Tomato Disease Leaves

With white spotting, you can try to save the life of the bush if you use a Bordeaux 1% mixture. With black fungicide with copper can help. In the case of bacterial spotting, everything is also disinfected and treated with fungicidal solutions. It will not be lucky if the streak virus becomes the cause of the disease of tomato seedlings: the plant is usually destroyed, and if necessary, the entire crop, as the seeds and future bushes will already be infected. Mosaic is also an intractable disease. Spraying with urea (10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. Urea and 1 liter of skim milk) every 10 days can help here. However, severely diseased plants will have to be destroyed. In general, the best remedy for viral disease of tomato seedlings is to use only healthy seeds, well-cultivated soil, as well as decent care.


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