Installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST - quality guarantee!

It is hard to imagine a modern home without plastic windows. Having shifted a good dozen years ago of their wooden "brothers" from the podium, windows made of plastic are firmly rooted in our lives. And this is not surprising! Indeed, such windows have a lot of tangible advantages compared with other materials and structures that are used in glazing. Firstly, they create excellent noise and heat insulation, especially if PVC windows were installed in accordance with GOST. In this case, they perfectly protect the room from noise, restraining the sound level to 31-33 decibels, and retain heat. Secondly, plastic windows are resistant to temperature changes and constant exposure to moisture. Therefore, for a very long time they will be able to maintain their aesthetic appearance. Thirdly, such window constructions are durable. Their service life reaches 40 years! And finally, fourthly, the cost of PVC windows is quite affordable. Therefore, anyone can afford to install them.

installation of pvc windows according to guest

Many manufacturers offer excellent quality plastic windows. Nevertheless, the more important condition is the installation of PVC windows according to GOST. After all, only competent and proper installation of the entire structure can guarantee the preservation of all window properties. But there are often cases when unscrupulous companies reduce the cost of windows to attract customers, while neglecting the quality of the installation, violating its technological requirements.

So how is the installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST? At the first stage, the old structure is dismantled. The window is removed along with the window frame. The next step is to directly install the window itself. GOST contains all the technical requirements for this process. We list the basic installation rules:

installation of pvc windows according to the guest

- In order for the window construction contact to be closer with the insulation, the surface of the material of the window opening should be flawless.

- To fix the window block in the wall opening, special fasteners are used: mounting plates or frame anchors.

- The seam must be filled with polyurethane foam, which is applied up to three layers.

- Using special tapes or vapor-permeable mastic, mandatory waterproofing of the installation joint from the outside of the window is carried out.

- And from the inside, using the same materials, the vapor barrier of the installation joint is made.

- The window from the street must be protected from ultraviolet rays.

- Allowed deviations of the window block no more than 3 mm over the entire width or length of the structure.

installation of pvc windows in winter

Thus, the installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST is a very difficult but feasible task for real professionals. After all, the state standard defines any detail - from what tools should be used in the work, to the characteristics of all used self-tapping screws.

Many are also interested in whether it is possible to install PVC windows in winter. It would seem that low air temperature should be the reason for the refusal to install windows at this time of year. But when using special installation materials, high-quality tools and high professionalism of specialists, the winter season is not a hindrance. The main thing is that the temperature regime is observed (not lower than -15 Β° C) and PVC windows are installed in accordance with GOST.


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