What will happen if the traffic police fines are overdue? Size, statute of limitations, punishment and consequences

Many car owners are faced with the fact that they are charged significant fines for traffic violations. To encourage drivers who pay funds on time, an innovation was invented, based on which, when paying a fine within 20 days after receiving the decision, you can count on a 50% discount. But even under such conditions, many citizens do not want to be responsible in the performance of their duties, and therefore do not transfer funds in a timely manner. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of what will happen if the traffic police fines are overdue.

What are the reasons for the delay?

The delay may be due to various reasons. Most often it appears due to the following situations:

  • consciously, a citizen does not want to pay money, as he is convinced that fines are charged without good reason;
  • the driver does not have available funds that could be directed to him to pay off the debt;
  • the driver does not receive a notification from the traffic police, so he does not even know that he is charged a significant fine.

But even those drivers who knowingly do not pay money, think about what will happen if the traffic police fines are overdue. This is due to the fact that the traffic police may sue the non-payer, by the decision of which funds will be forcibly collected. This process will be handled by bailiffs, who have a huge number of levers of influence on debtors.

delayed traffic police penalty consequences

When is the penalty overdue?

Upon receipt of the decision, each driver can familiarize himself with how long he must transfer the funds to pay the fine. If there is no money in the allotted time, then the fine is considered overdue.

According to statistics, more than 50% of drivers simply ignore the sent orders, so they do not pay funds on time. As a standard, 70 days are provided for debt repayment, which is enough to repay the debt. During the first 10 days, it is possible to appeal the decision if there are good reasons for this. Next, 60 days are provided for debt repayment.

As soon as the set period has passed, an overdue traffic police fine appears at the driver. If the car owner simply does not agree with the decision, then one should not expect when the debt becomes overdue, since it is desirable to file a complaint within 10 days, since it is likely that the decision will be canceled. You can file a complaint not only with the traffic police, but also with the court.

Thus, the penalty becomes overdue 70 days after receiving the decision. What will happen if the traffic police fines are overdue? Under such conditions, the case will be automatically transferred to the bailiffs, who start the production on the basis of documents received from the traffic police. Further, they will be engaged in the recovery of funds.

what is the penalty for late fines

How to pay off a debt?

To avoid overdue debt, it is recommended to pay debts in a timely manner in different ways. If you manage to complete this process within 20 days after the preparation of the decision, the penalty is reduced by 50%.

But often, car owners recall the existence of a penalty after a long time, as a result of which a delay occurs. Can I pay an overdue traffic police fine? This process is considered simple, as this is the direct responsibility of the car owner.

You can pay it in various ways:

  • use the portal "State Services";
  • transfer funds through online banking;
  • if you have information about the details, you can contact the bank branch or by mail;
  • With the help of terminals, funds are easily deposited to the desired account, but it is important not to make a mistake when entering the details.

If the bailiffs have not yet contacted the driver, then only a direct fine is paid. If production is already ongoing, then additional penalties and interest will be charged. What is the fine for overdue traffic police fines charged by bailiffs? The amount of such punishment depends on what kind of debt a citizen should pay off. Recovery is calculated as a percentage of debt.

The nuances of using a car inspection site

You can quickly pay an overdue penalty directly on the official website of the traffic police. In this case, a receipt will be received, which can be easily printed out, after which it should be kept by the citizen as confirmation of the absence of debt.

A few days after depositing funds, it is recommended that you visit the official website of the STSI again to make sure that there are no remaining overdue fines. What will happen if the traffic police fines are overdue? The bailiffs will be involved in the recovery, but if you pay off the debt in a timely manner, you can avoid the many negative consequences for car owners.

If the bailiffs have already taken up this matter, then they will insist on the speedy repayment of the debt. How in such cases to pay off arrears if the traffic police fines are overdue? Bailiffs will have to provide evidence of the payment of funds. Typically, it is these specialists who personally transmit or mail receipts to quickly repay the debt. After depositing the funds, it is advisable to provide the bailiff for review.

overdue traffic police fine

What is the penalty charged?

Many car owners who do not want to pay funds on time are interested in the question of what kind of punishment for an overdue traffic police fine applies to citizens. The absence of transfers from the car owner is a serious offense, so he is prosecuted on the basis of Art. 20.25 Code of Administrative Offenses.

What is the penalty for late fines traffic police have to pay? The bailiffs will necessarily issue a resolution on the basis of which the penalty is doubled, but it cannot be less than 1 thousand rubles. Therefore, if it is required to pay funds in the amount of 500 rubles, then in the absence of these funds, the bailiffs can increase the recovery to 1.5 thousand rubles within the prescribed period.

Such a punishment is the most minimal, but often bailiffs are faced with the fact that motorists are required to pay really significant amounts, the amount of which can reach even 30 thousand rubles. Under such conditions, the total debt may increase to 90 thousand rubles.

Bailiffs can act on debtors by various methods. They may confiscate the property of car owners, which is then sold at auction, which allows you to pay off the debt.

Is it possible to pay an overdue traffic police fine

What other penalties apply?

The consequences of an overdue traffic police fine are presented not only by a large penalty, but also by other punishments. Such measures include:

  • arrest for 15 days;
  • performance of compulsory work within 50 hours.

The above measures of punishment are used solely as an alternative to recovery, therefore they cannot be used together with him.

What measures are used by bailiffs?

If funds are not available on time, the case will be transferred to the bailiffs who begin the proceedings. Under such conditions, the motorist will have to pay a performance fee. Additionally, bailiffs can take advantage of numerous other methods of exposure:

  • seizure of accounts of a citizen;
  • withdrawing money from bank accounts;
  • confiscation and sale of valuable property through bidding, after which the proceeds from this process are used to repay the debt;
  • a ban on crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

All these actions are unpleasant for each person, therefore it is advisable to responsibly approach their obligations. This will avoid negative consequences and increase the amount that you will eventually have to pay.

The case is transferred to the bailiffs 10 days after the expiration of the period during which it is required to pay off the debt.

The traffic police fine overdue

Can I not pay money?

Many car owners do not agree that they are charged significant fines, so they simply do not pay the funds. This leads to the fact that there are overdue fines of the traffic police. What threatens for such actions? The absence of a fee leads to an increase in penalties and the application to the motorist of various measures of influence by bailiffs.

Therefore, if the owner of the car simply does not agree that he was legally charged a fine, then it is advisable to try to appeal it. To do this, it is optimal to file a complaint within 10 days after receiving the decision.

Where is the complaint drawn up?

The claim may be directed to various organizations:

  • the management of the traffic police department, where the employee who made the decision works;
  • to the district court located at the location of this branch.

It is advisable to first send a complaint to the head of the traffic police. If a negative answer is received, then you can further send a lawsuit to the court. It is required to comply with a deadline of 10 days. Restoration of the statute of limitations is allowed only if there are good reasons. Under such conditions, a petition must be attached to the lawsuit, on the basis of which the missed period is restored.

overdue traffic fines that threaten

Reasons to restore the statute of limitations

A complaint about the actions of the traffic inspector is required within 10 days after the preparation of the decision. If this is not done, then the deadline for filing a complaint will pass, and after another 60 days an overdue traffic police fine will appear. The statute of limitations may be restored if there are good reasons. They must be proved by official documents.

Reasons to restore the statute of limitations

Their features

Serious illness

Most often, no lawsuit or complaint is filed by a motorist because of a serious illness. This is a valid circumstance for the court. In order for the court to initiate proceedings on a specific fine, it is required to attach a medical certificate confirming the presence of the disease to the lawsuit. In this case, treatment should only take place in a hospital

Being on a business trip

Such a reason for missing the deadline is also often considered valid for the court. But some judges consider a business trip an exceptional circumstance, therefore there are cases when the time limit is not restored for this reason. This is due to the fact that you can file a complaint not only with a personal visit to various institutions, but also by sending documents by mail. Often, citizens are attracted by lawyers who have the power to independently file complaints or lawsuits. When submitting an application, it is important to attach documentation to it confirming the citizen is on a business trip for a specific period of time

The need to care for a seriously ill relative

A medical certificate is attached to the lawsuit, and confirmation is also required that only the applicant could take care of another citizen

Force Majeure

These include various natural disasters or technological incidents. Under such conditions, a citizen cannot file a complaint or lawsuit. Therefore, the statute of limitations is restored by the court without any difficulties.

If there are no good reasons for missing the deadline, then the driver will have to pay a fine on the basis of the existing resolution. This must be done within 70 days after the formation of the document, otherwise the fine will be considered overdue. The consequences are not too pleasant for motorists, as they will have to deal with numerous methods of influence of bailiffs.

overdue traffic fines term


Overdue fines for traffic police are available to many citizens. They can lead to negative consequences, such as interest or penalties, seizure of accounts or confiscation of property. Therefore, it is advisable to take traffic rules seriously, and in case of violations, pay fines in a timely manner.

If funds are paid within 20 days, then it is possible to reduce the collection by 50%. It is allowed to appeal the decision within 10 days if there are good reasons.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21944/

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