Varieties of phalaenopsis: names, description, features of growing at home

The stunningly beautiful phalaenopsis flower (from the Latin Phalaenopsis) belongs to the genus of herbaceous epiphytic plants belonging to the orchid family. In nature, it is found in mountain forests and humid plains. Many representatives of this genus and their hybrids today are incredibly popular with flower growers who equally successfully breed them both at home and in greenhouses. The first flower (phalaenopsis) was discovered by the German naturalist and traveler Rumf in the Moluccas. After some time, another representative of the genus of grassy epiphytic in 1752 discovered the Swedish pastor Osbek on a small island near Ternate. He sent him to the herbarium of Karl Linnaeus, who described the find in his famous work describing many species of plants, calling it a lovely epidendrum. Epidendrum from ancient Greek is translated as “living on trees”. After almost seven decades, the director of the botanical garden of the city of Leiden, Karl Blume, discovered another beautiful flower in the Malay archipelago. Of course, they called him Phalaenopsis for a reason. Studying the jungle at dusk, Blume spotted a bright spot with field binoculars, which at first he mistook for a night butterfly. That is how the Greek name Phalania (“nocturnal butterfly”) and Opsis (“similarity”) appeared, under which we know this flower today. Species and varieties of phalaenopsis are numerous, and we will introduce you to some of them today.


Of all the existing orchids, Phalaenopsis is considered the most popular today. Not all beginner growers know that this species, in turn, is divided into several varieties that differ from each other. The most popular and common are: red phalaenopsis (cultivar Amolar) and pink. No less than the love of gardeners are used by Horse, Luddeman, Pleasant and Hybrid varieties. Despite the external differences of the flowers, the rules for growing them are basically the same. Phalaenopsis is easily recognizable by its thick, airy rhizomes, which are coated with a wax layer. They provide this orchid family with moisture and nutrients necessary for normal growth. Dense and leathery leaves of oblong-oval shape are opposite in the rosettes.


Phalaenopsis, the names of the varieties of which mainly depend on the color of the corolla, can produce from fifteen or more flowers. Pink is no exception, considered one of the smallest. Its flowers are up to three centimeters in diameter. And the peduncle itself is small: usually it is stretched to thirty centimeters. As a rule, the Pink variety gives up to fifteen flowers, not more. The leaves below have a reddish hue, and on top they are dark green. Usually their length does not exceed fifteen centimeters.

Phalaenopsis species and varieties


It is this sort of phalaenopsis that is considered the most suitable for obtaining hybrids. Its name is Pleasant, or Amabilis. He is considered the progenitor of many phalaenopsis. This plant produces large white flowers, reaching a diameter of ten centimeters. The aroma is pleasant, not very pronounced. Apparently, that's why the plant is called that way. This variety is good for indoor breeding in that it is the most unpretentious and feel good in an ordinary apartment.

Golden Olenerogy

The flower stalk of this variety can be of very different lengths: from ten to forty centimeters. Phalaenopsis Olenerogy got its name for its amazing appearance. The end of its peduncle is slightly flattened, and in the place where the flower buds are formed, crest-like outgrowths are visible. The plant gives up to fifteen flowers at once. Their diameter is five centimeters. Olenorogy phalaenopsis blooms in any season of the year. The color of the petals is golden yellow, on which there are a lot of brown spots.

Motley Schiller

It is most often found in stores. This variety of phalaenopsis differs from the rest in the color of its leaves. They are colorful. The hem of the leaves is painted in a reddish hue, the top combines dark green and silver-gray spots. Schiller's flowers are slightly smaller than, for example, Amabilis. They reach seven centimeters. In the homeland of this plant - the Philippines - it is called the "tiger". Apparently, this refers to the original color of the leaves. The numerous greenish-silver roots of the Schiller cultivar are flat, not roundish, as in other phalaenopsis. Peduncle red-brown. In section, it is round, grows from the stem and reaches one meter in length. Depending on the age of the plant, up to two hundred and fifty flowers can be on the peduncle.

Phalaenopsis variety

White phalaenopsis varieties Luddemann

These small monopoidal epiphytic plants came from the Philippines. In their homeland, they grow in tropical rainforests. The stalk of these phalaenopsis is short; the foliage completely hides it. The root system is well developed. The peduncle has a length of up to thirty-five centimeters. It appears at the base of the stem, has a drooping type and bears at the same time from five to seven small flowers. Corollas are fragrant, with a dense texture. They are painted in waxy white with transverse purplish-violet dots and brown tips.

Phalaenopsis Stuart

This very common variety is named after its breeder. The plant is characterized by its long peduncle reaching up to eight centimeters. It can simultaneously open up to sixty “butterflies”. This variety of phalaenopsis is yellow. Flowers are up to six centimeters in diameter. They are covered with dark red spots that stand out against the yellow background of the petals.

Phalaenopsis flower

Rare varieties of phalaenopsis

Among the huge variety of orchids of this species, amazing specimens are sometimes found. For example, a phalaenopsis variety with impressive dimensions is called Giant. It is in great demand among amateur gardeners. The fact is that the length of its sheet is sometimes capable of reaching one meter. In addition, this orchid is a good material for biologists, since it is very malleable when crossed and may well become the basis for the emergence of new varieties. Peduncle length reaches forty centimeters. The plant is capable of giving about thirty flowers that exude a citrus sweet aroma.

The rarest and most expensive is the Sander orchid. She is incredibly beautiful, therefore, of all types of phalaenopsis is valued above all. The plant is named after a well-known researcher and a big fan of epiphytic - Sander. Phalaenopsis leaves are green and variegated. The peduncle is long, on it in opposite rows there are about fifty small flowers, the color of which is varied.

Amban Phalaenopsis

The plant is capable of simultaneously producing several peduncles at once. Loves shade or partial shade. It does not have a dormant period, so the Amban Phalaenopsis blooms constantly. The largest number of corollas is released in the summer months. The color of the flowers is variegated: on a white and milk background, brick-colored stripes.

Phalaenopsis rare varieties

Phalaenopsis parishii

Another no less attractive milky-white variety of phalaenopsis called Parisha is a miniature one. Its peduncle usually reaches fourteen centimeters, and dark green leaves are slightly longer - up to eighteen centimeters. At the same time, the plant gives up to ten milky white flowers. Their structure is characterized by the fact that it consists of a very broad lip, the middle share of which is painted in purple or purple-lilac tone. This plant is miniature. His homeland is the Eastern Himalayas. It grows in lowland plains on mossy pillows and in the shade of trees. It has a well-developed root system. The stem of Phalaenopsis Parish is short and always completely covered by leaves. With proper care, this variety can bloom simultaneously with several peduncles. It publishes a fruity-candy aroma. Its flowers are long-lived.


Like the previous one, this variety represents miniature phalaenopsis species. Its value is that it is able to bloom almost all year round. The peak usually occurs in the spring and autumn seasons. The peduncle of this variety of phalaenopsis is purple in color, it reaches thirty centimeters in length. As they grow, new buds appear alternately at the end. They are pale pink or purple and have a diameter of two to three centimeters.

Orchid Jordan Amsterdam

Another rare phalaenopsis is bright pink speckled, Jordan variety. It is a hybrid bred in the last century. This variety gives incredibly beautiful pink flowers with petals in a dark speck. The lip is also painted in cherry color. Its basal rosette is formed by two-row growing fleshy leaves.

White Phalaenopsis varieties

Novelty Phalaenopsis

Among Taiwanese hybrids, they stand out because they are selected on the basis of clones of different breeding lines. These phalaenopsis are distinguished by the excessive compactness of the outlet. Their growing numerous peduncles are raised above the leaves. The flowers have a regular star shape with complex colors and a special texture of the petals. Among them are many that catch the eye with a pattern such as ripples from dots or dashes merging in blots, leopard or tiger colors. Prominent representatives of the novelty phalaenopsis are Prefection In Chen, Nobby's Pacific Sunset Red Pearl, Misty Pride CR.


Among phalaenopsis, there are varieties that differ in a mutation in the shape of a flower. In such plants, the zygomorphic (irregular) structure of the corolla results in the formation of abnormal, almost actinomorphic “butterflies”. They are called "pelorics." These phalaenopsis flowers appear in which the sepals or leaves have the shape or color of the lips. They look very unusual.

In nature, peloric flowers are the result of exposure to certain environmental factors. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of such varieties as Phalaenopsis Stuartiana or Phalaenopsis Schillehana.

Phalaenopsis yellow variety

Growing Features

When caring for these incredibly beautiful exotic plants, you should follow a number of simple rules. Phalaenopsis can be placed on eastern or western windows, in loggias or conservatories. In summer, the most optimal temperature for them is the range +25 ... + 30 ° C, in winter - above +5 ° C. By lowering night temperatures, breeders stimulate the formation of flower buds. During the growth period, especially in the summer months, phalaenopsis is recommended to be sprayed daily. This plant blooms only at relative humidity from fifty to eighty percent. Therefore, it is recommended to increase this environmental indicator both with a humidifier and by placing the plant in a pan with wet gravel.

Caring for Phalaenopsis orchids at home during flowering involves top dressing, which should be served two to three times a month. The plant needs fertilizer all year round, including in autumn and winter. However, unlike summer top dressing, in the cold season, the concentration of nutrients should be reduced.

When the container in which this flower grows becomes small, orchid growth slows down. This means that the plant is time to transplant. As a rule, transshipment of phalaenopsis is carried out no more than once every two years. This orchid representative is transplanted very carefully, acting carefully so as not to harm the airy roots. For the cultivation of phalaenopsis, experts recommend using transparent pots, for example, of plastic, in which you need to make a drainage hole. To remove salts, it is necessary to rinse the soil in which the culture grows once a month under a warm stream of water for 15-20 minutes.

Phalaenopsis blue

Today in some stores you can find blue phalaenopsis. He looks very original. However, when choosing monopoidal varieties, you need to be very careful. The fact is that blue phalaenopsis does not occur in nature. Most often, such wonderful flowers are a short-term result, which is achieved by an injection of paint both in the flower stalk and in the growth point.


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