Who is he the holder of the title "The Fattest Man in the World"?

If you carefully look at the photos of people suffering from anorexia or obesity, you really understand that these are not funny pictures. The fattest people in the world, like the thinnest, are sick and deeply unhappy. Uncontrolled weight is a key factor in their poor health, both physical and mental.

Fat men are champions

the fattest man in the world

The excessive amount of kilograms of some representatives of โ€œhomo sapiensโ€ is simply amazing, the question involuntarily arises: โ€œAre they really sapiens, if they allowed to bring their body to such a terrifying state?โ€ However, each of them has its own story.

The holder of the prestigious title "The Fattest Man in the World" in the entire history of the planet is officially recognized as US citizen John Brower Minnoch. Already at 22, John's weight reached 181 kg, and his maximum weight was recorded in 1979 and reached 635 kg with a growth of 1m 85cm. Minnoch throughout his life suffered from monstrous edema, the disease of all fat people. Experts claimed that at the time of extreme weight only water in his body was about 400 liters. In order to change the location in the bed of such an overweight body, at least 13 people had to resort to help. In 1981, during the hospitalization, John Brower, with the help of doctors and a low-calorie diet, lost 216 kg. A week after discharge, he again ended up in the hospital, plunging the doctors with the amount of kilograms shocked: in just one week, the American gained 91 kg. This lightning-fast set of enormous weight was the reason that Minnokh got into the Guinness Book of Records. The fattest man in the world left us at the age of 42 with a body weight of 363 kg, leaving behind two children and the widow Janet, whose weight, by the way, did not exceed 50 kg.

pictures of the fattest people in the world

Another hero of the Guinness Book of Records

The title "the fattest man in the world" of the living is owned by Manuel Uribe Garza, a Mexican by birth, born in 1956. With a height of 190 cm, his weight reached 597 kg, and only after five years of immobility he sounded the alarm and turned to specialists for help through television. Then, in 2007, he decided to undergo a stomach reduction and liposuction operation , as a result of which his subsequent diet, he lost a record of 381 kg.

the fattest man in the world photo

Garza became a real celebrity, for the first time he was able to go out without the help of outsiders. To this day, Manuel Uribe continues to adhere to the low-carb diet recommended by doctors and regularly does basic physical exercises. In total, thanks to the efforts of doctors, the fattest man in the world today has lost more than 300 kg and even found a life partner.

the fattest man in the world

Is such glory needed?

It is difficult to envy the fame of the fattest people, because the flip side of this coin is physical and mental suffering. The cause of death of many of them are diseases such as diabetes mellitus, renal and heart failure. Today, it is unlikely that anyone will want to try on the title "the fattest man in the world." Photos of such champions will surely make many of us think about the need for regular physical activity, proper nutrition and, in general, about a healthy lifestyle.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21948/

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