Bizarre Dieffenbachia flowers: what needs to be done to make them appear?

Like many home-grown flowers, Dieffenbachia hails from the rainforests. This is an attractive shrub. Its erect stem is crowned with beautiful leaves, which are covered with spots of various shapes.

dieffenbachia flowers
Dieffenbachia flowers seem inconspicuous to many. But their presence is an indicator of the well-being of the plant. Let's look in this article on how to take care of Dieffenbachia so that they still appear. We touch on all aspects of plant agricultural technology.

Dieffenbachia flower: how to care for it?

First of all, it is necessary to mention that this plant is poisonous, and the ingress of juice from leaves and stems on the oral mucosa leads to loss of voice and swelling. When caring for Dieffenbachia, remember to wear gloves and then wash your hands. Keep children and animals away from contact with it.

home flowers dieffenbachia
Variegated beautiful leaves appear in Dieffenbachia only in good light. In the shade, they become plain. But it is better to protect the plant from direct sunlight, so as not to provoke a burn. Dieffenbachia does not like sudden changes in temperature. This must be taken into account when choosing the place where it will be located, so that when ventilating it does not expose the plant to drafts. It should be watered abundantly enough when it grows actively and forms Dieffenbachia flowers. Lack of moisture will cause the buds to be weak. Dieffenbachia flowers in this case may not open. Once every thirty to forty days, the lump of earth in which the plant is located is recommended to be immersed in a container with soft, settled water. Then, after fifteen minutes, without making sudden movements (so that the soil does not fall apart), the flower is taken out and, after the water drains, placed in a stationary pot.
dieffenbachia flower how to care
Also spray with soft water. You can put the plant for some time in wet peat, arrange a shower for it. In winter, watering should be more moderate, otherwise the leaves will turn brown. The optimum temperature is about twenty degrees, it can be ten degrees higher, however, in this case, you need to maintain a high level of humidity stably, otherwise the flowers may not appear. If the room has less than fifteen degrees of heat, then flowering may not start.

Feeding and transplanting

Flowering depletes the plant, therefore, in order to make up for the lack of nutrients, during this period it is fed every ten days with liquid mineral fertilizers. In winter, this is not required at all. Transplant Dieffenbachia should be annually. Of course, not during the flowering period. The soil must be loosened regularly so that aeration of the roots is sufficient.

Dieffenbachia flowers: when do they appear?

These plants can be called quite unpretentious. Nevertheless, Dieffenbachia blooms extremely rarely in a room. The flower stalk is a yellowish cob, which is surrounded by a green bract. It differs from the mass of leaves with a beautiful shine and a juicy shade of greenery. Peduncle develops within two weeks. The bract slowly bends, and a whitish cob appears. The first peduncle that has arisen on the plant is best removed. Otherwise, it will drain Dieffenbachia and impede its further development.


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