Turmeric long: benefits and contraindications. Growing turmeric at home

In this article we will talk about long turmeric, consider all its most useful properties, as well as contraindications for use. The process of growing this spice at home will also be described.

long turmeric

general information

Long Turmeric is a stunningly beautiful plant in the ginger family. It grows about a meter high. The exotic look of turmeric is given by the combination of simple oval leaves and beautiful colored stipules, in the sinuses of which yellow flowers develop. But the main popularity of the plant was not due to the flowers. All useful properties are contained in the rhizomes of long turmeric.

The tuberous rhizome develops to a size of not more than five centimeters in diameter, has a yellowish-gray color and a burning taste. There are several names for this plant: domestic long turmeric, turmeric, Indian saffron and yellow ginger. Indochina is considered the birthplace of this herbaceous plant, from which it gradually began to be cultivated in India, China and Greece. And closer to the XVIII century, long turmeric came to the countries of Europe.

The benefits of turmeric

turmeric long homemade
You can list all the beneficial properties of this fragrant spice indefinitely, but we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common. Not the first thousand years, long turmeric is one of the main components of Ayurvedic medicine. In India, this spice is actively used for skin fungus, hemorrhoids and various intestinal diseases. Thais with the help of powder from the roots of turmeric skillfully cope with an ulcer of the stomach and intestines, as well as with diseases of the urinary system. Traditional medicine recipes are passed down from generation to generation.

To date, the benefits of turmeric have been proven in inflammation of the muscles and joints, bacterial and viral infections. It also helps with gastrointestinal diseases and skin diseases.


rhizomes of long turmeric
Despite the incredible amount of useful properties, long turmeric has its contraindications, in which its use is extremely undesirable. These include:

  • blockage of the biliary tract;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • predisposition to thrombosis (because turmeric thickens blood).

During the period of treatment with strong chemicals, the use of spices should be avoided, because it significantly enhances their effect.

Use in cosmetology

what is turmeric long
Since ancient times, the peoples of Asia have used the beneficial properties of long turmeric for cosmetic purposes. Fragrant spice possesses not only amazing taste and aromatic qualities, but also antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. That is why it is most often used for skin diseases such as acne, chickenpox, eczema, pustular rash, etc.

Long turmeric juice has an excellent ability to stimulate skin regeneration, which speeds up the healing process of small wounds and scars. Excellent pore cleansing can be achieved using a paste made from fresh plant roots. Turmeric should be in the arsenal of every girl who uses natural products to care for face and body skin.

Growing plants at home

turmeric growing plants at home
Turmeric is a rather whimsical plant, so it’s worth considering some of the most important points for growing it at home. To get started, take care of adequate lighting. Long turmeric loves both saturated and diffused light. It is best to place a pot of plants on the east or west side of the room. Indeed, too bright sun rays in the south simply burn soft leaves. And on the north side of the sunlight will not be enough, because of which the leaves quickly lose their saturated color.

The temperature in a room with turmeric in the warm season should not exceed 22-24 Β° C. With the onset of autumn, it is necessary to gradually reduce this figure to 10-15 Β° C. It is this temperature that will allow the plant to winter without much difficulty.

Long turmeric is a moisture-loving plant. An indispensable condition for the cultivation of this spice is high humidity, which is achieved by saturated watering and spraying the leaves. But this must be done with great care. If excess moisture gets on the flowers, then they can become covered with brown spots from interaction with water. Watering is done every 2-3 days in spring and summer. As soon as you notice the drying of the top of the soil. In the autumn and winter periods of time, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced. It is very important to prevent stagnation of water in the turmeric pot during the resting period of the rhizome.

It is advisable to produce soil fertilizer during the growing season, which lasts from April to September. Enough 1-2 feeding per month. Mineral and organic fertilizers must be alternated with each other.

Once the turmeric has completely faded, cut the branches, leaving no more than 10 centimeters in length. Do not be afraid of the dying of leaves, which begins in late autumn. So the plant is preparing for a state of prolonged dormancy.

Powder preparation

Surely you rarely saw turmeric in the form of roots. And this is not surprising. Indeed, before you get to the trading shelves, spice goes through several stages of preparation. To begin with, freshly dug rhizomes are well washed and boiled. Mostly the long roots of the lateral parts of the plant are selected. To give the spice a characteristic yellow color, use special natural dyes. The boiled roots are carefully dried, peeled and ground into powder.

Now you know what turmeric is long, how it is useful, where it is used.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21960/

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