Fungicide "Skor": instructions for use

Today, agriculture is already hard to imagine without the use of modern drugs that protect against various diseases, fungi and viruses, as well as pests. One of the main roles is given to fungicides, which every year can save many tons of crops. These are drugs for fungi. They are used to process trees during the flowering period. One of these drugs is Skor. Instructions for use indicate the exceptional reliability of this fungicide.

soon instructions for use

general description

A panacea for all diseases does not exist, in any case, in the world of human diseases. With plants, things are a little different. A vivid example is the โ€œSkorโ€. The instructions for use emphasize that this is a systemic fungicide designed to protect field and horticultural crops from a whole range of diseases. Moreover, it can be used for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases. Proper and timely use of it makes it possible to reduce risks and protect the crop from losses.

The properties

Before starting treatment, read the instructions for use. โ€œSkorโ€ is a three-in-one remedy, protective, immunizing, healing action. The properties of the drug have long been studied and highly appreciated by gardeners. This is the most reliable fungicide among triazoles. The active ingredient is diphenoconazole. It is available in the form of a water-soluble concentrate. Subject to safety precautions, it will not cause harm.

skor fungicide instructions for use

Release form

You can buy the drug today in any store for gardeners. Each bottle has an attached instruction for use. "Skor" is released in liquid form. Most often in stores it can be found in one-time ampoules. But large farms have the opportunity to purchase bottles. When diluted, it forms a solution of a turbid-white color, and after 20-30 minutes its intensity decreases. Used for the treatment of garden and indoor plants against fungal diseases.

Summer residents highly appreciate the fungicide "Skor". Instructions for use emphasize its low toxicity and effectiveness. There was no case that a plant treated with this drug on time showed signs of fungal infection. And even a spreading disease can almost always be stopped by applying the Scor. Only in the most severe cases, when the fungus has managed to destroy the vital organs of the plant, the drug is powerless.

drug scor instructions for use

Mechanism of action

The active substance has a systemic effect. Letโ€™s explain a bit. There are contact-action preparations that form a film on the surface of the sheet, and when a spore of a fungus or insect comes into contact with it, a fatal effect occurs. But rain or watering will easily wash off the product, and the plant will again be defenseless.

There is a different mechanism. The drug penetrates the tissues of the plant. Inhibition of the mycelium occurs, and as a result, it dies. This can easily explain that the drug also helps as a therapeutic agent.

scor instructions for use reviews

How fast will the effect come?

This question worries summer residents first of all, especially if emergency measures are required. When does the drug โ€œSkorโ€ start to work? Instructions for use are encouraging: approximately 2 hours after treatment, the drug will completely penetrate the tissues and have the maximum effect. The protective period lasts 7-21 days. That is, about three treatments will be required over the summer to completely eliminate the likelihood of fungal infection. According to the recommendations, the maximum processing ratio is four times.

quick for grapes instructions for use

The main advantages of the drug

Let's highlight once again why it is worth using the Skor. Instructions for use, reviews and real examples that you can recall from your gardening experience converge. This drug quickly penetrates the tissues of the plant, so it does not depend on the weather. The exception is heavy rain at the time of processing.

Biological activity allows you to save green foliage until late autumn. This means that the plant is well prepared for winter and does not suffer from cold weather. The drug treats, and therefore provides an additional number of fruit formations, which will allow to collect a larger crop next year. And finally, the drug is completely non-toxic, not only for humans, but also for the environment.

Skor fungicide instructions for use on grapes

What crops can be used?

Initially, it is aimed at combating scab on fruit trees. It is used for apple and pear, apricot and cherry, plum and mulberry, peach and cherry plum. Practically everywhere Skor โ€™is used for grapes. Instructions for use indicate its activity against diseases such as:

  • Scab.
  • Cancer of the branches.
  • Coccomycosis.
  • Phonopsis wilting.
  • Kleastreosporiosis.

Of course, the sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be. However, the drug shows excellent results even with severe epidemics.

Recommendations for use

The drug is diluted in water according to the attached instructions. For each culture, the concentration will be slightly different. Today, the experience of using this tool has been adopted by specialists in the cultivation of vines. This tool showed fantastic results, allowing you to increase the yield by two, or even four times. And this is at a low cost, which differs the fungicide "Skor". Instructions for use on grapes recommends using it for protection and treatment against oidium, black spotting, rubella, black rot. These are the main ailments that led to a partial or complete loss of the crop. The rate of application of the drug is 0.3-0.4 ml, the waiting time for the result is up to 10 days. Usually, three treatments per season are sufficient. Manual processing of the bush is allowed every other day, and mechanized after three days.

Processing time

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, grapes and apple trees, pears and other crops are sprayed during the growing season. Starting with the pink bud phase, repeating every 7-10 days. Multiplicity of processing up to 4 times. The consumption rate of the drug is 2 ml per 10 liters of water. One tree takes from 2 to 10 liters of solution. The last month before harvesting is not processed.

Currants and gooseberries are processed in accordance with the following recommendations. The first spraying during the budding period, the second - immediately after flowering. If necessary, you can perform a third treatment, but no later than two months before harvesting.

Recommendations for use

Best of all, the drug shows itself in the early stages of the development of the disease. Processing is carried out in the morning, with a minimum wind. To prevent resistance, it is recommended to alternate the use of fungicides from various chemical groups that differ in the mechanism of action. Particularly attracted to the safety of this drug. It is allowed to be used in the sanitary zone of fisheries, but the product should be avoided in water.

Instead of a conclusion

Gardening is a whole science that can be understood throughout life. But even a beginner can harvest a wonderful crop every year if he uses fungicides. This will protect the plants from the most serious ailments, preserve the entire ovary and create the prerequisites for repeating this scenario for the next year. In particular, the drug will prevent damage to the branches, which eliminates the need to cut them, and therefore, reduce the number of ovaries.


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