"Ataman" - grapes for gourmets and leaders

It is believed that one of the first crops that an ancient man consciously began to cultivate was grapes. A reverent attitude towards its berries has been preserved to this day.

chieftain grape

People have developed the so-called gutter (seedless), technical (intended for the manufacture of juices and wine) and dessert (table) varieties of this plant.

One of the latest selection novelties is the mid-late Ataman grape variety.

Ataman grapes. Grade description

“Ataman” variety was obtained by crossing a pink table-raisin variety “Rizamat” and a green table variety “Talisman”. As a result of selection, grapes of red-violet color with a characteristic oval-elongated form of berries were obtained. As it ripens, the berry darkens and acquires a rich purple hue. The size of the berries is quite large. Their weight on average is 12-16 g, the weight of the brush is up to 1 kg. The pulp is juicy, moderately acidic and quite harmonious in taste. The peel of the berries is dense, slightly covered with a waxy coating.

“Ataman” - grapes with a ripening period of berries up to 145 days. The final maturity of the bunch falls on September 15-20.

Bushes of this variety are powerful, give many shoots, most of which bear fruit. The hybrid is frost-resistant, but requires shelter.

Ataman grapes description

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

“Ataman” - grapes with an attractive presentation. Berries are transportable. They can be stored for quite a long time, without being exposed to fermentation and fungal diseases.

The main drawback of the Ataman variety is that grapes need shelter for the winter and grow poorly in shaded areas. It cannot be planted near trees, which creates difficulties for owners of small land plots.

The grape name "ataman" grapes received as a symbol of leadership in comparison with other grape varieties for marketable and taste.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21962/

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