Collective versus loner? Why are sharks afraid of dolphins?

To understand why sharks are afraid of dolphins, let's take a closer look at the characters. Is the nature of the kind mammal so simple, is the toothy fish mouth so terrible? Let's figure out if sharks are afraid of dolphins.

The first character is evil

why sharks are afraid of dolphins

The shark is called the perfect killer. Her whole body is designed to attack.
Swiftness and maneuverability not to occupy it. And the mouth simply horrifies with several rows of sharpest teeth. Interestingly, the fish uses only the first, the rest - spare. But these are only external signs. In addition, the sensitivity of the shark is truly amazing. A person perceives the world with five organs or systems. And the shark has as many as thirteen! Among them there is a feeling akin to extrasensory perception. She, as a magician, foresees danger, maybe something that is beyond the power of man. How and why are sharks afraid of dolphins with such “intuition” and power? It turns out that this murderous “machine” has flaws. Sharks are single. They rarely gather in "society." An exception is the time when courtship games take place. This dislike of the companies is their problem.

The second character is good

sharks are afraid of dolphins

Dolphins are very friendly. This property applies to everyone who does not attack them. They are happy to pack. Single animals are rare. Even a dolphin is characterized by a feeling defined in humans as "justice." These animals, without hesitation, will rush to defend a relative. In addition, the ingenuity of these wonderful creatures is known. They are used to constantly interacting. Very characteristic is their hunting. A flock of dolphins surrounds a school of fish. Then he drives together to the shore. Dolphins dine in turn. One rushes inside the jamb, the others hold the ring. This happens until all the animals are full. In case of danger, dolphins also repel the attack together. Therefore, it is clear why sharks are afraid of dolphins. A friendly, harmonious team is stronger than a cruel, selfish loner!

How the shark attacks

Although the predator tries to avoid the dolphin society, attacks still occur. A single animal is at risk. The shark, not smelling its relatives, can dare to try to enjoy delicious meat. Relatives of the prey “immediately fly” to help. They attack the offender with their keys with all their might. They beat

are sharks afraid of dolphins
for sure - in the gill slots. This place is the most defenseless among the fish. That is why sharks are afraid of dolphins and stay away. It is quite difficult to resist several rivals at once, and even with great intelligence. The shark most often dies. Something like this happens when a predator attacks a person. Friendly marine life surrounds angry fish and drives them off with painful blows. In this case, the murder does not reach.

Masters of the deep sea

Dolphins live in groups, dive deep, can remain without air for up to ten minutes. They are strong enough creatures. But they never attack first. Such cases have never been recorded. These are kind and even funny animals. But sharks are afraid of dolphins! There is plenty of evidence for this. There are descriptions and videos of episodes when a terrible predator retreated only after seeing a flock of dolphins. Most likely, the matter is shark hypersensitivity. Somewhere in the depths of her ancient brain, she well understands that strengths are not equal. She will not succeed in frightening, killing a group of animals strong with her friendship. So the bloodthirsty fish runs to look for a more “accommodating” victim!

In fact, this fear is not entirely clear. A shark does not have a brain capable of analysis. Rather, the matter is in her thirteen feelings, which are not yet fully understood. When this gap in science is filled, the world will recognize many more miracles hidden from the human eye!


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