What a boring person?

A boring person is always easy to distinguish from others. If, for example, to come to a birthday celebration, where among the invitees will be boring, the most fun company will try to stop talking with him. By what signs can you distinguish a boring person?

boring person is

The main symptoms

Firstly, a boring person is one who has serious communication problems. He does not feel (and in some cases does not want to understand this) that his interlocutor is bored and uninteresting, that he annoys the interlocutor. It is worth noting that this concept is quite subjective. For example, for a young womanizer, a tedious person is anyone who does not adhere to a rampant lifestyle, and in this regard he will consider 99% of the population as such. However, several criteria can be distinguished by which real nerds differ from others:

  • They are trying to find hidden logic in everything and everywhere.
  • They are constantly fixated on some subject and can talk about it for hours.
  • In his conversation, a bore gives an infinite number of different details, he goes into details all the time.
  • He is also inclined to correct his interlocutor, and often does this in the presence of other people.
  • He does not notice that his interlocutor has long been bored by the conversation and would like to stop him or at least somehow revive him.
  • The bore madly loves to teach another how, in his opinion, he needs to live.
  • Often uses in the conversation the phrases "but here we have ...", "here in my time ...".
  • She loves to shock her unfortunate interlocutor with some foreign word or scientific term, and when she sees a misunderstanding in his eyes, she starts into detailed explanations.
  • Even during a romantic date, he does not disdain to get a calculating machine and, to the nearest penny, divide the amount into two.
  • If the interlocutor had the imprudence to joke or in some way show irony, the bore will still seek to convey the truth to him.
  • Any tedious person, even the most innocent question, tries to give a negative connotation. For example, in response to a compliment “you look great today”, he or she will answer: “Did I look awful yesterday?”

the most boring person

Can lifestyle be a sign of tediousness

Some people who are too correct, in their opinion, lifestyle, mistakenly consider themselves boring. For example, they do not smoke or drink, attend fitness clubs, and eat only healthy foods. They also carefully filter out information for themselves - for example, they do not watch tiring television shows for them, preferring this pastime to visit a theater or a concert of classical music. They do not start reading modern literature without first reading the classics.

Can they be classified as boring? In most cases, no. A boring person is not the one who leads the right lifestyle, but the one who constantly condemns others for smoking, drinking, or not forcing themselves to exercise. If someone leads a healthy lifestyle, but does not blame others for their choice, this is a sign that a person is not a bore.

the most boring gum man

Disappointed Man Syndrome

Sometimes it seems that such behavior is simply a property of character, a personality’s specificity. On the one hand, this cannot be denied, but on the other, tediousness is a symptom of an interesting psychological mechanism. It is a signal that a person has experienced the collapse of illusions in one or more vital areas and is now psychologically stuck with this regret. A boring person is, first of all, the one who for some reason has become disillusioned with his life.

He is constantly in a state of deepest disappointment and all he can do is constantly whine. After all, he can’t change anything. For those who are wondering: “What kind of boring person is this?” - You can offer a rather original version of the explanation for this phenomenon. This is primarily one who does not want to take responsibility for his condition and life in general. He is literally bursting with a feeling of disappointment around the world, and therefore he expresses his condition in nagging and boring.

Relationships and Tediousness

Often whining and complaints are a unifying factor for people. On this they can live for many years in a marriage or be friends for decades. But as soon as one of them ceases to be a bore, then the relationship ceases. This may seem strange, but many families exist precisely because the partners are real nerds and complainers.

what does a boring person mean

Additional categories

What does a boring person mean and are there additional types of bores inside this category? All whiners are united by the main feature - they are constantly fixated on one thought, and in communication do not know how to compromise. They practically do not lend themselves to re-education, but scientists believe that it is quite possible to get along with them. Psychologists distinguish the following types of bores:

  • Rigid-aggressive - they are too stubborn, prone to manifestations of aggression. If you want to watch the series, and the bore is football, all attempts to switch the channel for several minutes will be doomed to failure. However, this stubbornness gives them significant advantages in the career field.
  • Melancholy - anxiety lies at the heart of their tediousness. He requires attention to himself in order to be reassured. If, for example, you are going on vacation and there’s another five hours before departure, he will already be worried about being late for the airport, asking questions along the way if you forgot to take medicine, a razor or other items. The positive quality of such nerds is loyalty. They are so preoccupied with anxiety that they simply will not notice that someone is flirting with them.
  • Hidden bores - they are not inclined to express the problem directly. They are dissatisfied with their whole lives - the state, salary, weather, and take out this state on close people. The positive quality of such a bore is attention to detail.

boring person is what

What a real bore looks like

Those who would like to see how this behavior looks will enjoy watching the video about the most boring person “Comedy Club” - “In the office” (“Fired for nudity”). In this scene, Garik Kharlamov plays the head of the enterprise, and Demis Karibidis - the most boring subordinate. The video will appeal to all lovers of humor, but at the same time it will help to get an idea of ​​what a real whiner looks like. Sometimes you can find another name - "The most boring person in the enterprise." After watching this video, it is not difficult to find out the bore from your environment. However, even remembering the described signs of tediousness, you can easily calculate the representatives of this category of the population.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21975/

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