Gas boilers "Ishma": a description of the models

Using a variety of heating sources at the moment requires manufacturers to constantly improve their products so that their products are in demand. Gas boilers "Ishma" are good enough and in demand. The manufacturer has a wide selection of goods.

50 U boiler

It is worth starting the consideration of models with one of the most common variations - 50 U (SABK). The power of this device is 48 kW, and it operates on natural gas. The main purpose of gas boilers "Ishma" 50 U is space heating, whose area is not more than 500 square meters. The gas flow rate of this device is 5.6 cubic meters. m / hour. As for the efficiency or efficiency, it is 90%.

The Ishma gas boiler of this type is a floor-standing water boiler with the presence of a forced circulation system for the coolant. If we talk about the design features, then you need to pay attention to the heat exchanger made of steel, as well as an atmospheric burner made of stainless steel.

boiler "Ishma" 50

Model Features

One of the key features of Ishma gas boilers of this line is precisely the design of the burner. Pre-mixing of gas and air allows for complete combustion of these products. This ensures stable combustion. Stainless steel is used here in order to increase the life of both the burner itself and the boiler as a whole. The heat exchanger of gas boilers "Ishma", made of steel, provides high reliability and acts as a guarantee of a long service life. The water volume of this boiler model is 42.8 liters.

Another nice feature is the ability to use Ishma aggregates in conjunction when, for some reason, one installation is not enough to heat a certain building or structure. 50 U boilers are also quite simple in terms of installation and further maintenance. They are easily repairable, which will allow you to quickly fix problems if they arise.

Additionally, it is worth noting the polymer coating of the floor gas boiler Ishma. The entire metal surface of the unit is coated with a special polymer substance. This increases the life of the metal itself, improves its aesthetic qualities and, most importantly, protects it from external aggressive influences.

boiler "Ishma"


To ensure the safe operation of such a boiler, SABK automation is installed on it. It is volatile, and consists of a universal integrated device with small dimensions. This device operates in automatic mode with a predetermined coolant temperature in the system. The automation weight is only 1.6 kg, and its main feature is the provision of multi-level protection in the event of any emergency. SABK automation has a number of advantages that distinguish it from others:

  • the presence of a device that allows you to adjust the gas pressure;
  • when you click on a special button, the gas supply instantly stops;
  • You can control the device using the remote control;
  • simplicity in operation.
Gas boiler "Ishma" 63

Installation 31.5

In this case, we are talking about another model from this manufacturer. This is a single-circuit, hot-water, floor-mounted gas boiler "Ishma" 31.5 U. It has the same steel heat exchanger, as well as automation to ensure operation. The main purpose of such a unit is to use industrial and / or residential premises in heating systems.

Of the features it is worth highlighting that it can be operated both with forced and natural circulation of the coolant. In addition, Olga can be used as a coolant. The maximum heated area of โ€‹โ€‹the premises is 315 square meters. m. The heating capacity of the boiler or power is 31.5 kW.

installation of gas boilers

Model 80

Gas boiler "Ishma" 80 with the same type of heat exchanger as other models, is intended for heating cottages, offices, as well as residential, office or industrial premises with forced circulation of the coolant. The power of this model is 80 kW. If there is a need for heating huge areas, then it is allowed to connect different units in parallel. For example, โ€œIshmaโ€ 80 and โ€œIshmaโ€ 40 can be connected in parallel to get 120 kW of power at the output.

The equipment has a removable panel, which makes it possible to get to the temperature and overheating sensors. It is mounted in the upper part of the water cavity of the heat exchanger. In addition, access to the traction sensor will also be open. It is installed in the control hole of the boiler flue manifold.

ready-made equipment for heating

As for the gas burner device, it is made in the form of a frame with burner tubes of stainless steel microflare type.


In the end, it is worth noting the main points. Firstly, Ishma boilers have a high level of protection due to high-quality automation. Secondly, a wide selection of models will allow you to choose the right unit to meet individual needs. Thirdly, for heating especially large rooms, several boilers of different types can be connected in parallel.

The listed advantages are quite significant, and therefore the products are in demand. However, you have to pay for everything, and the cost, for example, of the Ishma 80 boiler is approximately 67,500 rubles. This is in the presence of SABK-M automation. If you install the 810 ElecttroSit automation, then the cost will increase to 77,500 rubles.


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