Cheats for StarCraft 2, for which you "will not be banned"

StarCraft 2 developers did their best and came up with a really great storyline for this strategy. True, in order to get to know him, you will have to complete missions in a single player campaign, and this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Fortunately, there are cheats for StarCraft 2, which greatly simplify the gameplay and give you certain advantages over a computer opponent. It is about such secret codes that will be discussed in this article.

How to enter codes?

In order to use this or that cheat, you need to do the following:

  • Press Enter. This will allow you to get to the console, which in combination is also a chat for multi-user mode.
  • Enter the cheat code you are interested in for StarCraft 2.
  • Press Enter again.

If everything is done correctly, the code is activated instantly. By the way, you can use the console and, accordingly, cheats at any time in the game.


Now about the codes themselves. This section presents cheats for StarCraft 2, giving you an advantage in the form of various resources:

  • SpectralTiger - instantly add you 5000 minerals.
  • RealMenDrillDeep - You will receive five thousand Vespen.
Cheats for StarCraft 2
  • MoreDotsMoreDots - building buildings and units does not require resources.
  • WhoRunBartertown - gives 5000 of all resources.

Each of these cheats can be entered an unlimited number of times. Simply put, you can add resources to yourself at any time as needed.


Here are the codes that affect the gameplay:

  • ImADoctorNotARoachJim - the health of all your units will begin to regenerate quickly.
  • WhatIsBestInLife - You will instantly win the battle.
  • LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven - you will lose after using this code.
  • HanShotFirst - cancels the cooldown on the abilities of your units and heroes.
  • TerribleTerribleDamage - invulnerability.
  • Bunker55AliveInside - The supply limit is no longer valid.
  • CatFoodForPrawnGuns - rapid construction and research.
  • SoSayWeAll - opens access to all units.
  • TookTheRedPill - removes the fog of war.
  • IAmIronMan - unlocks all the improvements.

As you can see, there are a lot of cheats, but it is recommended to use them only in case of emergency.

For the company

Now consider the codes that work only in the company:

  • HoradricCube - opens all research.
  • LeaveYourSleep - gives you the opportunity to choose any mission.
  • StayClassyMarSara - you can watch all UNN news clips.
  • WhySoSerious - gives 5 million credits.
  • EyeOfSauron - opens all cinematics.

In principle, these cheats are quite enough to get acquainted with the plot of the game without completing complex missions.


Finally, codes that are difficult to attribute to any particular category:

  • Jaynestown - only works on custom maps. Adds 5 thousand terrazine.
  • TyuHasLeftTheGame - you will continue to play after winning the mission.
  • NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender - the mission will not end after the defeat.
  • OverEngineeredCodPiece is the so-called Easter Egg. The code will open you a secret song.

By the way, the use of Easter eggs does not affect the gameplay, so I won’t count you as a cheater.


There are several important points related to cheats in StarCraft 2. For example, using any code other than the Easter Egg will result in you not being able to receive achievements. To fix this, you will either have to start the game again, or boot from a save made before using the cheats.

Cheats for StarCraft 2

Also keep in mind that all codes presented in this article are official, which means developers will not block your account for their use. But all kinds of third-party programs that give an advantage in the game may well lead to a ban.


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