Voltage stabilizer "Energy": general characteristics, an overview of models and reviews

Power surges in the countryside outside the city (in towns and villages) happen quite often in Russia. And such instability, unfortunately, can be quite dangerous for all kinds of household appliances. Because of power surges, they can easily burn out, for example, a refrigerator, a microwave or an expensive computer. In this case, it is not difficult to correct the situation by installing a stabilizer.

Devices of this type are able to maintain the voltage in the home network at the level of the required 220 V, even with very large differences in the external. When choosing such devices, it is recommended first of all to pay attention to such important factors as power, dimensions and noiseless operation. But besides this, when buying, you should definitely look at the brand of the device manufacturer.

voltage regulator energy

Today, many companies are engaged in the production of voltage stabilizers. If desired, in our time it is possible to purchase not only foreign, but also high-quality domestic equipment of this type. For example, very good performance deserved Russian voltage regulators "Energy".

Who is producing?

Instruments of this brand of the same name by a domestic company are produced. The head office of Energia is located in Moscow. This company was founded in 2000, and its experience in the production of various kinds of powerful electrical appliances for domestic and industrial use is currently quite large. If necessary, consumers can purchase both single- and three-phase voltage stabilizers “Energy I”.

In addition to devices designed to maintain the required voltage level in the network, the company also manufactures such popular devices as, for example, welding inverters, certified equipment for the oil industry, RCDs, etc.

Design features

In the modern market, there are all four main types of voltage stabilizers:

  • relay;

  • electromechanical;

  • ferromagnetic;

  • electronic.

voltage regulator energy asn

The advantage of relay models is, first of all, speed. That is, the ability to almost instantly correct the situation at the jump. The advantages of electromechanical models are: a wide range of voltages, the absence of distortion and low sensitivity to interference.

When developing voltage stabilizers "Energy", the designers paid great attention to both the speed of the devices and their sensitivity. Models of this brand combine the advantages of devices of these two groups. Such hybrid stabilizers "Energy" are very popular in the market. However, this manufacturer also produces conventional relay models.

Devices of this brand, among other things, are equipped with new microprocessor power control units and multi-stage protection modules.


Unlike many other not too expensive devices of this type available on the market today, Energy stabilizers boast quite rich functionality. For example, during their development, the manufacturer provided for the presence of:

  1. Soft start and delay start functions. Due to this, Energy devices provide reliable protection, including various kinds of equipment equipped with engines, from fluctuations during power outages and power outages. This type of equipment includes, for example, refrigerators and all kinds of domestic and industrial pumps.

  2. Current cross control technologies and arc absorption functions. The stabilizers "Energy", among other things, are distinguished by the complete absence of distortion in the sinusoid of alternating voltage.

voltage regulator energy 5000


In addition to speed and relatively low sensitivity to interference, devices of the Energy brand have the following advantages:

  1. The ability to operate in the most severe environmental conditions. The range of operating temperatures of devices from this manufacturer is -25 +40 . That is, if desired , voltage regulators "Energy" can be installed including in unheated rooms. At the same time, they are not required to be heated before operation.

  2. Small size and ease of use. It will be easy to operate these devices even to a person who has absolutely no knowledge in electrical engineering. It is possible to use the Energy stabilizers without problems even in small premises.

The quality of the assembly of these devices, judging by the reviews of consumers, are very good. And it is explained quite simply. At the final stage of production , Energia voltage stabilizers undergo a mandatory test of operability and safety.

Where can appliances be used?

As already mentioned, Energia supplies both single and three phase stabilizer options to the market. Therefore, the scope of application of devices of this brand is quite wide. Used devices manufactured by Energia can, for example:

  • in private homes to ensure uninterrupted operation and long service of boilers, water and centrifugal pumps, household appliances;

  • in industries for protection against power surges of various kinds of complex electrical equipment.

Also, such stabilizers are often installed in garages and in warehouses. Sometimes they can be seen even in city apartments.

The best models

The range of Energia voltage stabilizers supplied to the Russian market is quite wide. And almost all the devices from this manufacturer on the Web have good reviews. However, the most popular stabilizer models of this brand are:

  • " Energy 10000 ASN";

  • Voltron HP 10000;

  • SNVT-6000/3 Hybrid;

  • Voltron POH 5000.

voltage regulator energy 10000

Voltage stabilizer "Energy ASN 10000"

This single-phase model has the most popular power of 10 kilowatts. It can be used at air temperatures from -25 C. Also, this stabilizer is equipped with a modern effective cooling system. It is believed that the best model of "Energy ASN 10000" is suitable for use in a suburban private house. What specific technical characteristics of this stabilizer is different can be found in the table below.

"Energy ASN 10000"




10 kV



Maximum current

45 A

Permissible overload for a short time

Up to 50 A

Input / Output Voltage Limit

120-180 / 140-260

Switching speed

20 ms

Output voltage

220 V

Cooling type




Dimensions / Weight

250x225x360 / 13.3

Operation Noise Level

No more than 30 dB

The stabilizer " Energy ASN 10000" belongs to the group of devices of the relay step type. This model is mounted indoors or outdoors on a special terminal strip.

Voltron HP 10000 Stabilizers

This model is also a single-phase device with 98% efficiency. In the design of the voltage regulator "Energy 10000 HP", among other things, provides functions such as protection against overheating, short circuit and high voltage.

The table shows the technical characteristics of the Voltron 10000 HP stabilizer.

Voltron 10000 HP


Its meaning




10 kVA

Input / Output Voltage Maximum

105-265 / 95-280

Stabilization accuracy


Noise level

No more than 20 dB

Protection class voltage regulator “Energy Voltron 10000 HP” has IP 20 according to GOST.

voltage stabilizer energy voltron

Model SNVT-6000/3 Hybrid

Like most other devices from the company "Energy", this device can be mounted on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. Technical characteristics of the voltage regulator "Energy SNVT-6000/3 Hybrid" has such as shown in the table.

SNVT-600/3 Hybrid




6000 VA

Maximum current

10 A



Input / output voltage

260-430 / 144-256

A type


Output voltage

380 volt

Noise level

Up to 30 dB

voltage regulator

Model Voltron PCH 5000

The voltage stabilizer single-phase " Voltron PCH 5000 Energy " differs in the increased reliability and a wide range of voltages. Its main feature is that it is protected against too low voltage by an additional fuse. Technical Specifications The Voltron PCH 5000 has the following features.

Voltron PCH 5000




5 kVA

Input / output voltage

105-265 / 190-256 V



Noise level

Up to 30 dB

single-phase voltage regulator

Consumer Reviews

The opinion of these stabilizers from the owners of houses and manufacturers was very good. Energy devices are considered reliable and convenient to use. Consumers also relate to the pluses of stabilizers of this brand uninterrupted operation at subzero temperatures and their adaptability specifically to Russian electric networks.

Of course, many attribute the advantages of these devices to the speed of response to voltage surges. These stabilizers in most cases are quite consistent with their characteristics indicated in the technical data sheet. Many owners of suburban areas also note the fact that devices of this brand are able to withstand voltage drops for a very long time.

The disadvantages of the stabilizers "Energy" consumers include, first of all, not too low noise level. Installing these appliances is recommended outside the living area. They click at voltage surges rather loudly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21981/

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