What do pensions consist of and how are pension payments formed?

Every citizen, whose age is close to that at which it is difficult to fulfill his duties as an employee, claims to receive an old-age pension. During this period, people begin to worry about the question of what pensions consist of, how they are calculated and on what conditions the accruals are made. And this is not all the issues that interest future retirees.

Who is assigned an old-age pension

To retire, two conditions must be met:

  • Seniority at which a pension will be assigned.
  • The age after which a person can qualify for payouts.

what pensions consist of
Despite these conditions, there are a number of exceptions to the rules. They relate not only to the gender of the future pensioner, but also to the working conditions in which the person worked the time necessary for retirement. Moreover, some areas of activity allow people to go on a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule. In other cases, the pension is accrued according to the general rules.

Types of Pension

With pension reforms, these payments were shared. Now it is more difficult for citizens to understand what types of social security should be assigned to them, as well as what pensions the old-age pension consists of. There are three types of old-age benefits:

  • social;
  • labor;
  • insurance.

A pensioner is entitled to receive any of these types of benefits. Moreover, as planned by the government, the labor type will gradually be replaced by insurance so that there is no confusion.


A retirement pension consists of parts. There was a time when accruals were carried out according to general schemes. Now, for each person, the allowance is calculated individually. Therefore, it is important for future retirees to know what pensions consist of.

What pensions do old-age pensions consist of?

According to new standards, this type of payment consists of the following parts:

  • Experience. It should be at least seven years old in 2017, and one year will be added every year. So, by 2025, the experience should be 15 years.
  • Individual estimated coefficient.
  • Work experience during which deductions to the PFRF were made.
  • The total amount of contributions made by the employer.

According to new calculations, pensioners are assigned a payment that is proportional to the length of service and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund.

Individual ratio

Knowing what parts a pension consists of, people ask themselves a question regarding the coefficient. Since 2015, the calculation of pensions takes into account the number of points accrued according to the amount of salary and the period of work that is included in the length of service. For mothers, periods of care for children under the age of one and a half years will be included in the length of service. The total amount of pension points will be calculated monthly. Twice a year, points will be converted into monetary units. This year 1 point is equal to 78 rubles.

pension consists of parts

By 2025, the government plans to increase the number of points to 30. Moreover, this figure will be minimal. In 2025, a pension will be awarded if a citizen has a minimum of 15 years of service and 30 points. If points or seniority is not enough to the minimum, then the pension will be assigned social, old age. This year it amounts to almost 5,000 rubles. Since the pension cannot be lower than the subsistence level, accruals will be made to it that will allow the pensioner to receive a benefit in the amount of the minimum subsistence level in his region.

Old age pension

For those who comply with the standards for calculating old-age pension, an appropriate calculation will be made. And what are the parts of an old-age pension? Under the new legislation, this type of allowance consists of insurance and funded parts.

The insurance represents the guaranteed payment amount that is assigned to each pensioner. For her appointment, it is quite enough to have a minimum experience, correspond to age and score the corresponding number of points. Also, the minimum amount threshold can be increased. This is influenced by such factors:

  • age over 80;
  • disability;
  • reaching retirement age and having dependents.

labor pension consists of
Under the new legislation, women include the period of caring for children in the seniority period, and men in the army.

Benefits of certain categories of citizens

Military men, astronauts, and pilots are singled out in a separate category. What do pensions of these categories of citizens consist of? The military accrual of benefits is calculated from the following payments:

  • allowances for length of service;
  • title payment;
  • pay for the post.

Knowing what military pensions consist of is not enough. It is necessary to follow all the innovations regarding the calculations. It should be understood what pensions an old-age pension consists of. To date, the calculated part of the salary is paid to military pensioners, but since 2025 the government plans to bring the pension payments of this category of citizens to an indicator of 100% of the salary.

Working pensioners

Pensioners who are still engaged in labor activities at the time of retirement are not advised by PF employees to rush to retire on a well-deserved rest. An incentive system has been developed for such citizens. With the voluntary refusal of early or timely retirement, the amount of future benefits increases. Moreover, not only contributions are increasing, but also points. For such people, a special accrual system is provided.

what are the parts of a pension

For those who decide to continue to work, restrictions have been developed. Previously, upon reaching a certain age, benefits were assigned, but a citizen could continue to work without losing a salary. Now he will have to choose: he continues to work and receives wages or is sent on a well-deserved rest. According to statistics, few draw up benefits if in the last job he received a fairly high salary. Such people continue to work for a long time and retire only in cases of health problems.

If the citizen continues to work, he will be able to increase the size of his future pension by three times. But for this, it will have to be postponed for five years. In order for a decent allowance to be paid in old age, you must work for at least fifteen years and have at least thirty points. In this case, the amount of monthly payments will be more than fifteen thousand rubles, but only on condition that a โ€œtransparentโ€ salary was obtained, without envelopes or other unaccounted income.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21985/

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