Indoor flowers Anthurium

Indoor flowers anthurium are very beautiful evergreens. There is another name for anthurium - “flamingo flower”. There was a time when this culture was grown solely because of the beautiful flowers from which it would be possible to make elegant bouquets. Nowadays, anthurium is usually grown as a decorative foliage plant. At first glance, its flowers may seem plastic due to their unusual structure.

These plants belong to the aroid family, which also includes Dieffenbachia, Monstera, Alocasia, etc. In the wild, there are about 800 plant species belonging to the genus Anthurium. True, in natural conditions, as a rule, they prefer to grow in the forks of trees, on fallen trunks, old stumps and other moist loose substrates. Epiphytic species have roots descending almost to the ground. These features of the natural environment should be considered by everyone who grows these indoor flowers.

Anthurium has many decorative forms that can be divided into the following groups:

- Plants cultivated exclusively to create bouquets of cut flowers. This group of anthuriums has bright green leaves with a large and pointed veil.

- Plants whose leaves have an unusually beautiful pattern.

- Plants with bright green leaves of medium length and tall or medium stem. These include the most common types of anthurium: A. Andre and A. Scherzer.

It’s easy to care for this culture, but you still have to adhere to certain rules. For example, indoor flowers anthurium need very good lighting. In some cases, light penumbra will go. But directly under direct sunlight, you can not put a plant, otherwise it will die. In addition, anthurium is considered a heat-loving plant, so the temperature of the air during its cultivation should not be below +16 degrees, even in winter. It follows that the pot with anthurium should be installed in a bright, warm place. In addition, the plant needs constant access to fresh air. However, drafts should be avoided.

Equally important is the high humidity so that the anthurium begins to develop well and bloom. It is easy to achieve increased humidity in the room. It is enough to wipe the leaves with a clean and damp cloth and sometimes spray the air around the crown. And about once a month you can arrange a shower of plants, trying to prevent water from falling on the flowers. This procedure allows you to refresh the plant and clean its leaves from dust. However, after such a “bath”, anthurium should not be exposed to sunlight, otherwise ugly yellow spots of sunburn will form in place of water droplets.

Watering should be carried out with soft, previously settled water. This should be done regularly, but you can not overmoisten the soil. In order to prevent stagnation of water at the roots, it is necessary to take care of good drainage when transplanting the plant.

Despite the fact that indoor flowers bloom regularly, in some cases, the plant may one day stop flowering. Florists usually don’t immediately understand what’s the matter, so often at the "flower" forums you can find the question: "why doesn’t anthurium bloom?" As a rule, there can be several reasons. One of them is the depletion of soil, in which anthurium grows. In this case, the plant needs a transplant in fresh soil or in a more spacious pot. After transplanting, the flowerpot with anthurium should be put in a bright place and do not forget to periodically spray and fertilize it.

A healthy flowering anthurium will become a real decoration of any room. It looks spectacular both as a tapeworm and in group flower arrangements. Its juicy green foliage will be favorably shaded by a variegated syngonium, as well as a philodendron or other indoor flowers with red leaves.


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