Circus as a childhood memory

Circus ... this word is associated with childhood. They are inseparable. Only during this period of our life are we ready to be surprised and rejoice to such an extent. Only in childhood, not yet knowing cruelty, we do not understand how difficult it is for animals to live in a cage, to work from under a stick. We donโ€™t realize that it can hurt them from lashes, that acrobatic stunts are dangerous and much more.

Children want to watch how beautiful gymnasts fly in the sky, and animals jump into burning rings. All this is interesting and fascinating for them. Therefore, circus tickets can be a wonderful gift for children.

Moreover, not only the presentation itself will give a lot of impressions, but also the atmosphere prevailing there. Itโ€™s good if you come a little earlier to walk around the circus building a bit, sit quietly in the hall, look at the preparations for the performance, and simply breathe in the atmosphere of that life.

Many people ask the question: why is it worth going to the circus? But really, why? And is it worth it? Let's try to answer.

So, as for the children, then for them it is new positive emotions (at best). And also, the opportunity to look at the work of people and animals, who devoted their whole life to the circus.

For adults who usually accompany their children or grandchildren, this is a great opportunity to remember their childhood, to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the holiday when there were no problems and worries. A circus for adults is a great opportunity to escape from business and worries, relax after a hard working week, and get rid of stress. And simply, the opportunity to get a lot of new experiences.

The only thing is that you need to take care of the purchase of tickets in advance, as they may not be available a few days before the presentation. You can buy them both in the circus itself, and in specialized stalls. In addition, recently, an excellent opportunity has appeared to order tickets on the Internet, which is convenient, fast, and often cheaper. To do this, you can type in a search engine, for example: " tickets to the circus on Tsvetnoy ". As a result, several options and addresses will appear, among which you can choose the most suitable for you both in price and method of payment, as well as in the availability of seats.

Of course, going to the circus performance can be a real celebration, both for children and adults. It all depends on how to organize the process itself and the whole day. Whether it will be just a routine visit to the circus, or, you can arrange everything so that a holiday is felt. To be bright all day, dressed smartly, you can inflate balloons, eat ice cream in the buffet with the children. And after that, go to the circus.

In any case, after the presentation, you must definitely share your impressions, listen to the children. Moreover, their emotions will probably be over the top. And this is wonderful! That's why itโ€™s childhood, to be surprised and be delighted with the circus.

Do I need to go to the circus? Of course, yes. It unites, helps to look at the world differently, and gives pleasure to children. And is this not the main thing?


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